Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports

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This archive contains a collection of reports generated by the faculty and students of the Institute for Systems Research (ISR), a permanent, interdisciplinary research unit in the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland. ISR-based projects are conducted through partnerships with industry and government, bringing together faculty and students from multiple academic departments and colleges across the university.


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    Synchronization and Parameter Estimation in Wireless Communications
    (2000) Jiang, Yimin; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    This dissertation is devoted to the design and analysis of synchronization and channel parameter estimation schemes in wireless communications. Intrigued by the observation that the information is conveyed through wireless channels by uniformly spaced pulses that are some kind of "distorted" convolution of data symbols and a shaping pulse, we try to set up a framework to study synchronization and channel parameter estimation problems in the frequency domain.

    The dissertation consists of four major parts. Many issues in digital communications and signal processing involve the analysis of the inverse of Toeplitz matrices. In the first part, the convergence of the inverse of Toeplitz matrices and its application are presented. Under the condition that the $z$-transform of the sequence with which the Toeplitz matrices are associated has no zero on the unit circle, we show that the inverse converges to a circular matrix in the weak sense. Furthermore, for the finite boundary quadratic form, a sufficient condition under which the convergence can be strengthened into the strong sense and an upper bound of the approximation residue error are derived. It is well known that a circular matrix can be eigendecomposed by the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) which provides the desired frequency domain approach.

    In practical systems, synchronization parameters such as timing and carrier phase offsets, and channel response in fading channels are acquired with the help of a training sequence (TS) that is known to the receiver, which is called the data-aided (DA) estimation. In the second part, the performance limit that is the Cramer-Rao lower Bound (CRB) for the DA joint carrier phase and timing offsets estimation with an arbitrary TS is derived using the properties of Toeplitz matrices. Unlike the CRB derived in the literature, the bound derived in this dissertation reveals the close relation between a TS and its resultant performance limit, therefore it provides a quantitative approach to design TS for the acquisition of synchronization parameters.

    Following the estimation theorem, we derive a maximum likelihood (ML) slow frequency-selective fading channel estimator using the frequency domain approach introduced by the properties of Toeplitz matrices in the third part. In the fourth part, a carrier frequency offset estimator and a joint carrier phase and timing offset estimators with moderate complexities are proposed. Their systolic VLSI implementations are also presented. The performance of the proposed estimators approaches their corresponding performance limits.

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    On the True Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for the DA Joint Estimation of Carrier Phase and Timing Offsets
    (2000) Jiang, Yimin; Sun, F. W.; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    The Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) plays a pivotal role in parameter estimation theory, such as timing, frequency and phase synchronization. Therefore, it receives considerable attention in the literature. This paper concerns the CRLB for data-aided (DA) timing and/or phase recovery, i.e. the parameter synchronization is aided by a training sequence known to the receiver. For DA parameter synchronization, the CRLB typically varies with the training sequence. This indicates that different training sequences offer fundamental different performance. Therefore, it is very important to be able to compute the CRLB for any particular training sequence to understand the fundamental limit that a particular training sequence has. However, in the literature, the closed-form CRLB for an arbitrary training sequence is not available. In principle, it is possible to use brute-force numerical approach to compute CRLB for any given training sequence. Such brute-force computation involves evaluation of derivatives numerically and matrix inversion. Besides the computational complexity, brute-force approach does not provide any insight on the interaction between training sequence and the resultant CRLB. In the literature, the widely cited close-form data-aided CRLB for timing and phase recovering was derived under the assumption that the training sequence is independently identical distributed (i.i.d.) and the length of the training sequence is sufficiently long. We found that the CRLB for a particular training sequence can be significantly lower than that with the long i.i.d. assumption. Therefore, the widely cited data-aided CRLB actually does not give the fundamental limit for a particular training sequence. In this manuscript, we derive a closed-form formula for data-aided CRLB for timing and phase synchronization with respect to arbitrary training sequence. The bound illustrates the close relation between the training sequence and the fundamental limit on timing and phase synchronization. This bound provides additional insights on the sequence design. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Communications
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    VLSI Implemented ML Joint Carrier Phase and Timing Offsets Joint Estimator for QPSK/QQPSK Burst Modems
    (1999) Jiang, Yimin; Verahrami, F.B.; Richmond, R.L.; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    A high performance ASIC supporting multiple modulation, error correction, and frame formats is under development at Hughes Network Systems, Inc. Powerful and generic data-aided (DA) estimators are needed to accommodate operation in the required modes. In this paper, a simplified DA maximum likelihood (ML) joint estimator for carrier phase and symbol timing offset for QPSK/OQPSK burst modems and a sample systolic VLSI implementation for the estimator are presented.

    Furthermore, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for DA case is investigated. The performance of the estimator is shown through simulation to meet the CRLB even at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). Compared with theoretical solutions, the proposed estimator is less computationally intensive and is therefore easier to implement using current VLSI technology. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference: WCNC'99

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    Data-Aided ML Parameter Estimators of PSK Burst Modems and Their Systolic VLSI Implementations
    (1999) Jiang, Yimin; Ting, W-C.; Verahrami, F.B.; Richmond, R.L.; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    A high performance Universal Modem ASIC that supports several modulation types and burst mode frame formats is under development. Powerful and generic data-aided (DA) parameter estimators are necessary to accommodate many modes.

    In this paper we present an approximated maximum likelihood (ML) carrier frequency offset estimator, ML joint carrier phase and timing offsets estimator and their systolic VLSI implementations for PSK burst modems. The performances are close to the Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLB) at low SNRs.

    Compared with theoretical solutions, the estimators proposed here are much simpler and easier to implement by the current VLSI technology. The CRLB for DA estimations is discussed in some depth, some issues on training sequence design is also addressed in this work.


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    A Video Transmission System Based on a Human Visual Model
    (1999) Jiang, Yimin; Gu, Junfeng; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    This paper presents a joint source-channel coding scheme of digital video broadcasting over satellite channels. The video compression is based on a human visual model. A perceptual distortion model, the just-noticeable-distortion (JND), is applied to improve the subjective quality of compressed videos.

    3-D wavelet decomposition can remove spatial and temporal redundancy and provide scalability of video quality. In order to conceal the errors occurring under bad channel conditions, a novel slicing method and a joint source channel coding scenario that combines RCPC with CRC and utilizes the distortion information to allocate convolutional coding rates are presented. A new performance index based on JND is proposed and used to evaluate the overall performance at different signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). Our system uses the OQPSK modulation scheme.

    VTC 1999

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    VLSI Implemented Data-Aided ML Parameter Estimators of PSK Burst Modems
    (1999) Jiang, Yimin; Ting, W.C.; Verahrami, F.B.; Richmond, R.L.; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    A high performance Universal Modem ASIC that supports several modulation types and burst mode frame formats is under development. The ASIC is designed to work under stringent conditions such as large carrier frequency offset (up to 13 percent symbol rate) and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Powerful and generic data-aided (DA) parameter estimators are necessary to accommodate many modes.

    In this paper we present an approximated maximum likelihood (ML) carrier frequency offset estimator, ML joint carrier phase and timing offsets estimator and their systolic VLSI implementations for PSK burst modems. The performances are close to the Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLB) at low SNRs. Compared with theoretical solutions the estimators proposed here are much simpler and easier to implement by the current VLSI technology.


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    A Video Transmission System Based on Human Visual Model for Satellite Channel
    (1999) Gu, Junfeng; Jiang, Yimin; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    This paper presents a practical architecture for joint source-channel coding of human visual model-based video transmission over satellite channel. Perceptual distortion model just-noticeable-distortion (JND) is applied to improve the subjective quality of compressed videos. 3-D wavelet decomposition can remove spatial and temporal redundancy and provide scalability of video quality.

    In order to conceal errors occurring under bad channel conditions, a novel slicing method and a joint source channel coding scenario that combines RCPC with CRC and utilizes the distortion information to allocate convolutional coding rates are proposed. A new performance index based on JND is proposed and used to evaluate the overall performance at different signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). Our system uses OQPSK modulation scheme.

    This paper has been submitted to Globecomm99, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 5-9, 1999.

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    A Practical Transmission System Based on the Human Visual Model for Satellite Channels
    (1999) Gu, Junfeng; Jiang, Yimin; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    This paper presents a practical architecture for joint source-channel coding of human visual model-based video transmission over a satellite channel. Perceptual distortion model just-noticeable-distortion (JND) is applied to improve the subjective quality of compressed videos. 3-D wavelet decomposition can remove spatial and temporal redundancy and provide the scalability of video quality.

    In order to conceal errors occurring under bad channel conditions, a novel slicing method and a joint source channel coding scenario that combines RCPC with CRC and utilizes the distortion information to allocate convolutional coding rates are proposed. A new performance index based on JND is proposed and used to evaluate the overall performance at different signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). Our system uses OQPSK modulation scheme.

    The research and scientific content in this material has been submitted to Globecom'99.
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    A Carrier Frequency Estimation Method of MPSK Signals and Its Systolic VLSI Implementation
    (1999) Jiang, Yimin; Ting, Wen-Chun; Verahrami, Farhad B.; Richmond, Robert L.; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    In this paper we present an autocorrelation-based method for estimating the carrier frequency offset of an MPSK signal with random data modulation. Although autocorrelation-based techniques imply heavy usage of hardware resources, this technique is scalable and lends itself well to systolic VLSI implementations. The performance of the open-loop estimator presented is close to the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for the frequency estimation from a block of random PSK symbols at low signal-to-noise (SNR) ratios. The estimator can be used in frequency acquisition of burst and continuous modems operating under low SNR and large frequency offset conditions.

    This paper has been submitted to 33rd Annual Conference on InformationSciences and Systems, March 17-19, 1999, John Hopkins University,Baltimore, Md.
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    Carrier Frequency Estimation of MPSK Modulated Signals
    (1999) Jiang, Yimin; Richmond, Robert L.; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    In this paper we concentrate on MPSK carrier frequency estmation based on random data modulation. We present a fast, open-loop frequency estimation and tracking techinque, which combines a feedforward estimator stuctureand a recursive least square (RLS) predictor. It is suitable for the frequency estimation and large frequency acquisition and tracking required of burst mode satellite modems operating under the condition of low SNR and large burst-to-burst frequency offset. The performance of the estimator is analyzed in detail and simulation results are shown. Finally, the non-linear impact of data modulation removal methods is discussed. The estimator we derived is easily implemented with digital hardware.

    This paper has been submitted to the 1999 International Conferenceon Communications, June 6-10, 1999, Vancouver, Canada