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    Proximity Awareness and Ad Hoc Network Establishment in Bluetooth
    (2001) Salonidis, Theodoros; Bhagwat, Pravin; Tassiulas, Leandros; LaMaire, Richard; ISR
    In recent years, wireless ad hoc networks have been a growing area of research. While there has been considerable research on the topic of routing in such networks, the topic of topology creation has not received due attention. This is because almost all ad hoc networks to date have been built on top of a single channel, broadcast-based wireless media, suchas 802.11 or IR LANs. For such networks the distance relationship between the nodes implicitly (and uniquely) determines the topology of the ad hoc network.

    Bluetooth is a promising new wireless technology that enables portable devices to form short-range wireless ad hoc networks and is based on a frequency hopping physical layer. This fact implies that hosts are not able to communicate unless they have previously discovered each other by synchronizing their frequency hopping patterns. Thus, even if all nodes are within direct communication range of each other, only those nodes which are synchronized with the transmitter can hear the transmission.

    To support any-to-any communication, nodes must be synchronized so that the pairs of nodes (which can communicate with each other) together form a connected graph.

    Using Bluetooth as an example, this paper first provides deeper insights into the issue to link establishment in frequency hopping wireless systems. It then introduces the Bluetooth Topology Costruction Protocol (BTCP), an asynchronous distributed protocol for constructing scatternets which starts with nodes that have no knowledge of their surroundings and terminates with the formation of a connected network satisfying all connectivity constraints posed by the Bluetooth technology.

    To the best of our knowledge, the work presented in this paper is the first attempt at building Bluetooth scatternets using distributed logic and is quite "practical" in the sense that it can be implemented using the communication primitives offered by the Bluetooth 1.0 specifications.

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    The Intelligent Process Planner and Scheduler
    (2000) Thompson, Carl P.; Herrmann, Jeffrey W.; Lin, Edward; Fleischer, Mark; Mathur, Vidit; ISR
    This report is an account of an undergraduate student participating for two months in the research and development of a web-based, planning and scheduling application. The content contains details of web-application architecture, analysis of development environments, and aspects of a scheduling application's components. Also discussed is a student's perspective on the use of web-based technology in the information age.
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    Approximate Matrix Diagonalization for Use in Distributed Control Networks
    (1999) Kantor, George A.; Krishnaprasad, P.S.; ISR; CDCSS
    Distributed control networks are rapidly emerging as aviable and important alternative to centralized control. In a typical distributed control network, a number of spatially distributed nodescomposed of "smart" sensors and actuators are used to take measurements and apply control inputs to some physical plant. The nodes have local processing power and the ability to communicate with the other nodes via a network. The challenge is to compute and implement a feedback law for the resulting MIMO system in a distributed manner on the network.

    Our approach to this problem is based on plant diagonalization.To do this, we search for basis transformations for the vector of outputs coming from the sensors and the vector of inputs applied to the actuators so that, in the new bases, the MIMOsystem becomes a collection of decoupled SISO systems.This formulation provides a number of advantages for the synthesis and implementation of a feedback control law,particularly for systems where the number of inputs and outputs is large.

    Of course, in order for this idea to be feasible,the required basis transformations must have properties which allow them to be implemented on a distributed control network. Namely, they must be computed in a distributed manner which respects the spatial distribution of the data(to reduce communication overhead) and takes advantage of the massive parallel processing capability of the network (to reduce computation time).

    In this thesis, we present some tools which can be used to find suitable transforms which achieve "approximate"plant diagonalization. We begin by showing how to search the large collection of orthogonal transforms which are contained in the wavelet packet to find the one which most nearly, or approximately, diagonalizes a given real valued matrix.Wavelet packet transforms admit a natural distributed implementation,making them suitable for use on a control network.We then introduce a class of linear operators called recursive orthogonal transforms (ROTs) which we have developed specifically for the purpose of signal processing on distributed control networks.

    We show how to use ROTs to approximately diagonalize fixed real and complex matricesas well as transfer function matrices which exhibit a spatial invariance property. Numerical examples of allproposed diagonalization methods are presented and discussed.

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    REU Report: A Simulated Study of Temperature as a Function of Gas Flow Rate in a Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor
    (1999) Wilson, Erin A.; Adomaitis, Raymond A.; ISR
    A study to further simulation research of a commercial chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactor is presented. A simulation is created using the computational fluid dynamics software package, Fluent (version 4). The variation of gas temperature inside the reactor system, as a function of gas flow rate, is examined. Data is collected for trials of several initial flow rates and iterations. Results from Fluent are to be compared to data from other simulation techniques to test accuracy and reliability.
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    Distributed Algorithms for Computation of Fair Rates in Multirate Multicast Trees
    (1999) Sarkar, Saswati; Tassiulas, Leandros; Tassiulas, Leandros; ISR
    We study fairness in arbitrary networks with multicast capabilities.Multicast traffic in internet and ATM provides a motivationfor studying these networks. A study of fairness in multicastnetworks poses several interesting problems e.g., the issueof {it intra-session} fairness in addition to thatof {it inter-session} fairness in unicastnetworks. We develop a mathematical frameworkto model the fair allocation of bandwidth in multicast networkswith minimum and maximum rate constraints. We presentdistributed algorithms for computation of maxmin fair ratesallocated to various source-destination pairs.
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    Architecture, Design, Simulation and Performance Evaluation for Implementing ALAX -- The ATM LAN Access Switch Integrating the IEEE 1355 Serial Bus
    (1997) Charleston, Giles C.; Makowski, A.; ISR; CSHCN
    IEEE 1355 is a serial bus standard for Heterogeneous Inter Connect (HIC) developed for "enabling high-performance, scalable, modular and parallel systems to be built with low system integration cost." However to date, few systems have been built around this standard specification. In this thesis, we propose ALAX -- an internetworking switching device based on IEEE 1355. The aim of the thesis is two-fold. First, we discuss and summarize research works leading to the architecture, design and simulation development for ALAX; we synthesize and analyze relevant data collected from the simulation experiments of the 4- port model of ALAX (i.e., 4-by-4 with four input and output queues) -- these activities were conducted during the 2-year length of the project. Secondly, we expand the original 4-by-4 size of the ALAX simulation model into 8-, 12- and 16-port models and present and interpret the outcomes. Thus, overall we establish a performance assessment of the ALAX switch, and also identify several critical design measurements to support the ALAX prototype implementation. We review progresses made in Local Area Networks (LANs) where traditional software-enabled bridges or routers are being replaced in many instances by hardware-enabled switches to enhance network performance. Within that context, ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) technology emerges as an alternative for the next generation of high-speed LANs. Hence, ALAX incarnates our effective approach to build an ATM-LAN interface using a suitable switching platform. ALAX currently provides the capability to conveniently interconnect legacy Ethernet and ATM- based networks. Its distributed architecture features a multi- processor environment of T9000 transputers with parallel processing capability, a 32-by-32 way non-blocking crossbar fabric (C104 chipset) partitioned into Transport (i.e., Data) and Control planes, and many other modules interlaced with IEEE 1355- based connectors. It also employs existing and emerging protocols such as LANE (LAN Emulation), IEEE 802.3 and SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). We provide the component breakdown of the ALAX simulation model based on Optimized Network Engineering Tools (OPNET). The critical parameters for the study are acceptable processor speeds and queuing sizes of shared memory buffer at each switch port. The performance metric used is the end-to-end packet delay. Finally, we end the thesis with conclusive recommendations pertaining to performance and design measurement, and a brief summary of areas for further research study.
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    IP Multicasting in Hybrid Networks
    (1997) Secka, Isatou; Baras, Dr. John; ISR; CSHCN
    The asymmetric nature of traffic in most networks, as evident in the Internet, is shifting current networking technology trends more towards the development of hybrid networks. Multimedia traffic with its inherent variability in Quality of Service (QoS) requirements further reinforces this trend. Technologies such as DirecPC which allow users to send traffic terrestrially and receive traffic through satellite have demonstrated the efficiency of the broadcast nature of satellite communications as a means of delivering high bandwidth traffic to end users. Even though the majority of Internet applications rely on point-to- point transmission (unicast), emerging applications such as teleconferencing and information distribution have necessitated the development of an overlay multicast backbone network in the Internet (MBONE) for point/multipoint-to-multipoint data transmission. A major hurdle in multicasting over the Internet is the potential for high bandwidth traffic to cause congestion in the terrestrial backbone. Introducing hybrid terminals within corporate LANs for incoming multicast streams thus would provide an effective means of preserving gateway bandwidth for other outgoing traffic.
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    An Integrated Rapid Prototyping and Vacuum Casting System for Medical Applications
    (1997) Surana, Rena; ISR
    Evaluation of products in the design stage has played a critical role in product development. Methods to build functional prototypes have been a deciding factor for designverification. As an emerging technology, rapid prototyping is revolutionizingthe process of building prototypes. However, material limitations and highcosts call for further expansion of this technology focusing on batch productionof prototypes with material options.

    Recognizing the challenge to produce multiple prototypes, this thesisresearch aims to integrate three state-of-the-art technologies: 3D solid modeling, rapid prototyping, and vacuum casting. A system architecture combining hardwareand computer software is designed and implemented.

    The system utilizes computergraphics to construct a 3D model of an object through visualitzion. A softwaresystem, Maestro, processes a CAD file, generates support structures, and creates slice data to build prototypes by a stereolithography process. Thebuilt part serves as a master pattern for creation of a silicone rubber mold in a vacuum environment. This vacuum environment creates a material flow ratethat ensures replicas with superior quality in regards to surface finish anddimensional accuracy. This mold is then used to cast multiple replicas ofthe master pattern.

    The unique contribution of this research is the application of thedeveloped system to meet a specific need in medical research - an effort torestore sight in blind individuals by implanting electordes in the visualcortex. Six replcas of a monkey skull are produced for surgeions to practicesurgical procedures. Image data obtained from CT scans of a mondkey head are successfully used to contruct a 3D solid model to fabricate a batch of six functional prototypes. The superior quality of these replicas hasoffered a unique opportunity for exploratory surgery in efforts to restoresight.

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    The Placement of File Sub-system Data Streams
    (1996) Gupta, Sandeep; Baras, John S.; Roussopoulos, N.; ISR; CSHCN
    An abstraction called Cues was implemented [1] for providing data streams over the file sub-system in the Unix kernel. The data stream of a Cue can be used for transfer of data as well as for control of the data stream by composing such structures. The algorithm for scheduling the compound Cue sequences read and write operations for data and control Cues in the kernel and retains other properties of user process driven read-write. This is possible for the data stream as this abstraction is over the file sub-system and the data stream is run in the context of the user process that created the Cue. This report reconsiders the architectural placement of the Cues, based on the experience with design and text of implementations. The underlying theme is to try to keep the control and flexibility as it is with user processes and keep from tying it in the kernel or user space unless specifically required, in effect re-evaluating the placement of the implementation in the kernel.
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    Managing File Subsystem Data Streams for Databases on Networked Systems
    (1996) Gupta, Sandeep K.; Baras, John S.; Kelley, Stephen; Roussopoulos, Nick; ISR; CSHCN
    One important activity for networked database systems that distribute data across several workstations is moving data between the file and network subsystems. It is possible to create data streams in the operating system kernel. If provided on a system, they allow user level processes to request transfer of data without having t copy it into the user space. This is particularly useful for data whose content or format is not modified during the transfer. In this paper we present a conservative criterion for access and control for the management of such data streams for databases in a networked environment, and define the implementation requirements for achieving the criterion. The approach is to maintain at least the current level of access management. We define the specific implementation semantics that this criterion entails.