Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports

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This archive contains a collection of reports generated by the faculty and students of the Institute for Systems Research (ISR), a permanent, interdisciplinary research unit in the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland. ISR-based projects are conducted through partnerships with industry and government, bringing together faculty and students from multiple academic departments and colleges across the university.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 37
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    Predicting the Performance of Teams of Bounded Rational Decision-makers Using a Markov Chain Model
    (2013-08) Herrmann, Jeffrey
    In practice, when faced with a complex optimization problem, teams of human decision-makers often separate it into subproblems and then solve each subproblem instead of tackling the complete problem. It would be useful to know the conditions in which separating the problem is the superior approach and how the subproblems should be assigned to members of the teams. This paper describes a mathematical model of a search that represents a bounded rational decision-maker (“agent”) solving a generic optimization problem. The agent’s search can be modeled as a discrete-time Markov chain, which allows one to calculate the probability distribution of the value of the solution that the agent will find. We compared the distributions generated by the model to the distribution of results from searches of solutions to traveling salesman problems. Using this model, we evaluated the performance of two- and three-agent teams who used different solution approaches to solve generic optimization problems. In the “all-at-once” approach, the agents collaborate to search the entire set of solutions in a sequential manner: the next agent begins where the previous agent stopped. In the “separation” approach, the agents separate the problem into two subproblems: (1) find the best set of solutions, and (2) find the best solution in that set. The results show that teams found better solutions using separation when high-value solutions are less likely. Using the all-at-once approach yielded better results when the values were uniformly distributed. The optimal assignment of subproblems to teams also depended upon the distribution of values in the solution space.
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    Separating the Searches of Bounded Rational Decision-Makers
    (2013-06) Herrmann, Jeffrey
    In practice, when faced with a complex optimization problem, human decision-makers often separate it into subproblems and then solve each subproblem instead of tackling the complete problem. This paper describes a study that simulated small teams of bounded rational decision-makers (“agents”) who try different approaches to solve optimization problems. In the “all-at-once” approaches, the agents collaborate to search the entire set of solutions in a sequential manner: each agent begins where the previous agent stopped. In other approaches, the agents separate the problem into subproblems, and each agent solves a different subproblem. Finally, in the hybrid approaches, the agents separate the problem but two agents will collaborate to solve one subproblem while another agent solves a different subproblem. In some cases, the subproblems are solved in parallel; in others, the subproblems are solved sequentially. The results show that the teams generally found better solutions when they separated the problem.
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    Producing Reliable Full-System Simulation Results: A Case Study of CMP with Very Large Caches
    (2012-01-01) Chang, Mu-Tien; Bhati, Ishwar; Stevens, Jim; Tschirhart, Paul; Enns, Peter; Gerzhoy, Daniel; Chishti, Zeshan; Greensky, James; Lu, Shih-Lien; Jacob, Bruce
    The greater detail and improved realism of full-system architecture simulation makes it a valuable computer architecture design tool. However, its unique characteristics introduce new sources of simulation variability which could make the results of such simulations less reliable. Meanwhile, the demand for more levels of cache and larger caches has increased to improve the system power and performance. This paper presents techniques to produce reliable results in full-system simulation of CMP computer systems with large caches. Specifically, we propose the detailed emulation replay warmup technique to deal with cold or incompletely warmed up large caches. We also propose the region of interest synchronization technique to prevent simulating non-representative phase when running multi-program workloads. Furthermore, we quantify the variation reduction one can achieve when using processor affinity and checkpointing. Finally, we show that by applying all four of these simulation techniques, the simulation variability is limited to less than 1% and the simulation results are therefore more reliable.
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    WaterSim: A Computer Simulator and Integrated Educational Module for Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems
    (2000) Weisman, Eric; Rubloff, Gary W.; ISR
    The WaterSim program is an easy-to-use graphical user interface, a unique simulation module and an integrated educational module that was developed at the Institute for Systems Research at the University of Maryland.

    WaterSim simplifies the process of semiconductor manufacturing while teaching students engineering principles and the importance of recycling. The module was created to eliminate esoteric simulation codesand hard-to-understand models which have made it difficult to teachengineering principles to students.

    As a participant in the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)program, my role in the WaterSim project was a three-fold process. My firstrole was to create integrated html educational material for the simulator.

    My second role was to learn about the simulation techniques that are being developed at ISR and integrate them with the Center for Environmentally-Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing (CEBSN) at the University of Arizona. This process involved creating simulation-basedlearning models with DELPHI and Vissim-based software.

    My third role was to research the effects of recycling in ultra pure water (UPW)systems and its effects on a semiconductor manufacturing system. Theresults of this 8-week research include:

    -- A beta version of an easy-to-use graphical user intervace called WaterSim

    -- An integrated educational manual with written material

    -- The formulation of web-based tutorials that exploit WaterSim's majorfeatures

    -- An installation program specific to WaterSim that simplifies thedistribution of the product

    -- Knowledge ofVissim and Delphi software to create simulations

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    A Tool Optimization Interface for a Semiconductor Manufacturing System
    (2000) Thomas, Ryan; Herrmann, Jeffrey W.; ISR
    This paper will serve as the documentation for the Tool Optimization codeof the HSE software. The purpose of the software is, simply, to enable auser to optimize a factory's tool selection. This will be added to theexisting Factory Administrator which enables users to understand theeffects of changes in many parts of the manufacturing process (i.e. Temperatures, Pressures, etc.).

    To accomplish this an interface was designed via the DELPHI programminglanguage that can take inputs from a user as well as factory details froman Excel spreadsheet, run simulations, determine an optimal toolconfiguration, and output this data as easily as possible to the user.

    The Interface will guide the Simulation as many times as needed to performits gradient analysis. After the program is complete, it determines a bestcase tool configuration that meets the user's throughput while maintainingto his budget. The interface will output how many of each tool to purchaseas well the best possible tool allocation (usage) for each tool.

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    An Object-Oriented Programming Approach to Implement Global Spectral Methods: Application to Dynamic Simulation of a Chemical Infiltration Process
    (2000) Huang, Jiefei; Adomaitis, Raymond A.; ISR
    Boundary-value problems (BVPs) in relatively simple geometriescan be solved using global spectral methods. These discretizationmethods are applicable to a wide range of problems and are suitablefor a "rapid prototyping" approach to simulator development forcomplex systems.

    Object-Oriented Programming techniques for solvingBVPs are introduced in this work. Object classes are created toencapsulate trial function sequences, discretized differential andquadrature operators, and other data structures used for spectraldiscretization and projection operations. Operator/functionoverloading subsequently is used to numerically implement theGalerkin projection method. Emphasis is placed on developingnumerical methods suitable for discretizing 2- and 3-dimensionalproblems, integrating the resulting ODE/AE systems in time, andreconstructing the solutions in the physical space. A detailed model of anisothermal carbon-carbon chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) systemwas studied as a true test of the ability of the numerical methods.

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    Modeling and Simulation of a Tungsten Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor
    (2000) Chang, Hsiao-Yung; Adomaitis, Raymond A.; ISR
    Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes are widely used in semiconductor device fabrication to deposit thin films of electronic materials. Physically based CVD modeling and simulation methods have been adopted for reactor design and process optimization applications to satisfy the increasingly strigent processing requirements.

    In this research, an ULVAC ERA-1000 selective tungsten chemical vapor deposition system located at the University of Maryland was studied where a temperature difference as large as 120 oC between the system wafer temperature reading and the thermocoupled instrumented wafer measurement was found during the manual processing mode.

    The goal of this research was to develop a simplified, but accurate, three-dimensional transport model that is capable of describing the observed reactor behavior.

    A hybrid approach combining experimental and simulation studies was used for model development. Several sets of experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of process parameters on wafer temperature.

    A three-dimensional gas flow and temperature model was developed and used to compute the energy transferred across the gas/wafer interface. System dependent heat transfer parameters were formulated as a nonlinear parameter estimation problem and identified using experimental measurements.

    Good agreement was found between the steady-state wafer temperature predictions and experimental data at various gas compositions, and the wafer temperature dynamics were successfully predicted using a temperature model considering the energy exchanges between the thermocouple, wafer, and showerhead.

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    From Detailed Simulation to Model Reduction: Development of Numerical Tools for a Plasma Processing Application
    (2000) Lin, Yi-hung; Adomaitis, Raymond A.; ISR
    Low pressure plasma processing is a key step in manufacturing integrated circuits, used both for etching and for enhancing thin film deposition. The plasma discharge reactor systems are characterized by a large number of adjustable parameters and poorly understood transport and reaction mechanisms. This has motivated the vigorous development of models and full scale simulators in the past decade to study various aspects of plasma processing.

    To increase the utility of existing simulators, model reduction methods must be used to extract the dominant spatial characteristics of the discharge; numerically efficient spectral projection methods are then used to generated the reduced model. These practical needs motivated the development of a set of simulation tools that provide a framework for process simulation, model reduction, and analysis of simulator predictions.

    The goals of this thesis were to build this framework by identifying the computationally common elements of semiconductor device manufacturing process simulation, model reduction, and analysis methods, and to test these tools on the difficult problem of RF plasma simulation. The simulation tools were developed as a library of MATLAB functions; the library and demonstration scripts have been distributed through the MWRtools project website.

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    Randomized Difference Two-Timescale Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Algorithms for Simulation Optimization of Hidden Markov Models
    (2000) Bhatnagar, Shalabh; Fu, Michael C.; Marcus, Steven I.; Bhatnagar, Shashank; Marcus, Steven I.; Fu, Michael C.; ISR
    We proposetwo finite difference two-timescale simultaneous perturbationstochastic approximation (SPSA)algorithmsfor simulation optimization ofhidden Markov models. Stability and convergence of both thealgorithms is proved.

    Numericalexperiments on a queueing model with high-dimensional parameter vectorsdemonstrate orders of magnitude faster convergence using thesealgorithms over related $(N+1)$-Simulation finite difference analoguesand another two-simulation finite difference algorithm that updates incycles.

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    Modeling and Optimization for Epitaxial Growth: Transport and Growth Studies
    (1999) Newman, Andrew J.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; ISR; CDCSS
    This report details the objectives, methodologies, and results for Phase II ofthe project, "Modeling and Optimization for Epitaxial Growth"(see~cite{NKPB98} for Phase I report). This project is a joint effort betweenthe Institute for Systems Research (ISR) and Northrop Grumman'sElectronic Sensors and Systems Sector (ESSS), Baltimore, MD.

    The overallobjective is to improve manufacturing effectiveness for epitaxial growth ofsilicon and silicon-germanium (Si-Ge) thin films on a silicon wafer. Growthtakes place in the ASM Epsilon-1 chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactor, aproduction tool currently in use at ESSS. Phase II project results includedevelopment of a new comprehensive process-equipment model capable ofpredicting gas flow, heat transfer, species transport, and chemical mechanismsin the reactor under a variety of process conditions and equipment settings.

    Applications of the model include prediction and control of deposition rate andthickness uniformity; studying sensitivity of deposition rate to processsettings such as temperature, pressure, and flow rates; and reducing the use ofconsumables via purge flow optimization. The implications of varioussimulation results are discussed in terms of how they can be used to reducecosts and improve product quality, e.g., thickness uniformity of thin films. We demonstrate that achieving deposition uniformity requires some degree oftemperature non-uniformity to compensate for the effects of other phenomenasuch as reactant depletion, gas heating and gas phase reactions, thermaldiffusion of species, and flow patterns.