A Tool Optimization Interface for a Semiconductor Manufacturing System
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This paper will serve as the documentation for the Tool Optimization codeof the HSE software. The purpose of the software is, simply, to enable auser to optimize a factory's tool selection. This will be added to theexisting Factory Administrator which enables users to understand theeffects of changes in many parts of the manufacturing process (i.e. Temperatures, Pressures, etc.).
To accomplish this an interface was designed via the DELPHI programminglanguage that can take inputs from a user as well as factory details froman Excel spreadsheet, run simulations, determine an optimal toolconfiguration, and output this data as easily as possible to the user.
The Interface will guide the Simulation as many times as needed to performits gradient analysis. After the program is complete, it determines a bestcase tool configuration that meets the user's throughput while maintainingto his budget. The interface will output how many of each tool to purchaseas well the best possible tool allocation (usage) for each tool.