MARAC 2017 Spring - Newark, NJ 20-22 April

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    Personal Digital Archiving at the Public Library
    (2017-04-21) Wickner, Amy
    Public library programs and services increasingly bring personal digital archiving and do-it-yourself digital conversion into public spaces. What are the values and impacts of such resources? What role, if any, does public memory play in these personal practices? This poster reports on findings from interviews with District of Columbia Public Library patrons and staff about their experiences with these emerging spaces and resources.
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    Learning, Teaching, and the Archives
    (2017-04-21) Alghandoor, Erin; Hyde, Elizabeth; DiFranco, Jessica
    The Kean University Archives and Special Collections works closely with the Kean University Department of History and Honors History students. Our poster will highlight how we collaborate together to come up with projects, design classes, and introduce students to archival resources. A Women in History class was created to highlight the Congressional Papers of Florence P. Dwyer, which finished the semester with a display of student work at the State House. In addition to undergraduate classes, an Honors Program was established by the Department of History to work especially close with the archivist, professors, and a pre-selected collection. The first collection selected was the Nancy Thompson WWII Scrapbook Letter Collection. To date, 19 students have assisted the archivist to scan, transcribe, and research letter writers. Content from the letters were used to create lesson plans for middle and high school students. Interdisciplinary collaboration with design and computer classes helped in the construction of a website to host the collection online. The students have also attended various off-site conferences on the East Coast, including the prestigious Posters on the Hill in Washington, D.C. and curated an exhibit, a portion of which was on display at the reception on Friday evening.
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    Off the Page: Reconstructing/Re-imagining a Dance Score
    (2017-04-27) Wiesner, Susan L
    The idea for Schrifftanz Zwei, a collaboration between two choreographers, an archivist, a composer, and an animator, began at the Digital Humanities conference where four DHers decided to collaborate to re-imagine a dance score housed in the Irmgard Bartenieff Papers at the University of Maryland. Created in 1927 by Irmgard Bartenieff, founder of the Laban/Bartenieff Institute for Movement Studies, the score was discovered during processing of her papers, along with 3 other scores of original works. Fairly fluent in Schrifttanz, Laban’s initial label for his notation system, Bartenieff began composing dances while studying with him in 1926-1929, yet she wasn’t yet an expert in his notation system. Instead, she used her own hybrid system consisting of symbols, word descriptions, and colour to describe the dance movement and space. Fascinated by the imagery in words and image, the four collaborators are creating a filmed work with both analog and digital components: Schrifttanz Zwei. The proposed poster will show the score, translations, and images of the reconstruction.
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    Dressing the Past, An Interactive Activity Protocol for Digital Collections
    (2017-04-21) Pakstis, Julianna; DalBello, Marija
    Dressing the Past is an activity protocol that uses the sticker function on the commonly available Snapchat app to integrate the New York Public Library's The History of the Feminine Costume, From the Year 5318 B.C. to Our Century Collection into historical fact finding or storytelling sessions at libraries across the country. The project aims to introduce technology and creative/critical thinking to the traditional paper doll model. The activity is focused primarily but not exclusively on children ages 6-12, a non-traditional target audience for archival materials.
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    Undergraduates in the Archives: The UM Experience “Let’s Break Some Rules” - Social Justice in Archival Instruction
    (2017-04-21) Cleary, Laura
    The presentation demonstrated how librarians at University of Maryland integrated social justice issues into a semester of library instruction and the way students were engaged in critical discussions of social justice issues in archives and special collections.
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    Managing Archival Metadata Migration (is Maddening)
    (2017-04-21) Parker, Bria
    ArchivesSpace is quickly becoming the preferred software for managing archival collections. As such, institutions are grappling with the challenges that come from migrating years of legacy collection metadata into ArchivesSpace as well as from integrating ArchivesSpace with other software systems. While pathways exist to migrate data between ArchivesSpace and a small number of other systems, working archivists use a much broader set of tools to manage and provide access to their collections. In this panel, archivists of all experience levels will describe ways they implemented and integrated ArchivesSpace with other tools and developed work-arounds when the tools were not a natural fit.
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    Undergraduates in the Archives: The UM Experience. Let's Break Some Rules.
    (2017-04-21) McElrath, Douglas
    Overview of changing attitudes toward undergraduate exposure to primary materials and the need for archival repositories to rethink whether it is more important to teach the process of research, or to establish conditions that facilitate undergraduate learning.
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    Celebrating 85 Years of Diversity at Old Dominion Univeristy Poster
    (2017-04-21) Bookman, Steven
    This poster documents the research process and results of a project pertaining to the history of diversity at Old Dominion University from its founding to the present. Photographs, university records and publications, and secondary sources were used to piece together a timeline of important events. The project involved documenting topics related to gender, race and ethnicity, sexuality, distance learning, and military affiliations that make up the diverse population of Old Dominion University. The results of the research were put into an Omeka digital exhibit that can be found at
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    Finding Common Ground: Introducing Early Career Librarians to Archival Work
    (2017-04-22) Lydon, Jessica M.; Chiu, Anastasia
    Presentation from the MARAC conference in Newark, NJ on April 20–22, 2017, S16. Speaking the Same Language: Approaches to Training Non-Archivists and Archivists-in-Training.
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    MARAC Poster Session Descriptions, Spring 2017
    (2017-04-21) Knies, Jennie Levine
    Program with descriptions for the posters presented during the Spring 2017 meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC)