Technical Reports from UMIACS

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    A Stochastic Approach to Uncertainty in the Equations of MHD Kinematics
    (2014-07-10) Phillips, Edward G.; Elman, Howard C.
    The magnetohydodynamic (MHD) kinematics model describes the electromagnetic behavior of an electrically conducting fluid when its hydrodynamic properties are assumed to be known. In particular, the MHD kinematics equations can be used to simulate the magnetic field induced by a given velocity field. While prescribing the velocity field leads to a simpler model than the fully coupled MHD system, this may introduce some epistemic uncertainty into the model. If the velocity of a physical system is not known with certainty, the magnetic field obtained from the model may not be reflective of the magnetic field seen in experiments. Additionally, uncertainty in physical parameters such as the magnetic resistivity may affect the reliability of predictions obtained from this model. By modeling the velocity and the resistivity as random variables in the MHD kinematics model, we seek to quantify the effects of uncertainty in these fields on the induced magnetic field. We develop stochastic expressions for these quantities and investigate their impact within a finite element discretization of the kinematics equations. We obtain mean and variance data through Monte-Carlo simulation for several test problems. Toward this end, we develop and test an efficient block preconditioner for the linear systems arising from the discretized equations.
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    Preconditioning Techniques for Reduced Basis Methods for Parameterized Partial Differential Equations
    (2014-05-27) Elman, Howard C.; Forstall, Virginia
    The reduced basis methodology is an efficient approach to solve parameterized discrete partial differential equations when the solution is needed at many parameter values. An offline step approximates the solution space and an online step utilizes this approximation, the reduced basis, to solve a smaller reduced problem, which provides an accurate estimate of the solution. Traditionally, the reduced problem is solved using direct methods. However, the size of the reduced system needed to produce solutions of a given accuracy depends on the characteristics of the problem, and it may happen that the size is significantly smaller than that of the original discrete problem but large enough to make direct solution costly. In this scenario, it may be more effective to use iterative methods to solve the reduced problem. We construct preconditioners for reduced iterative methods which are derived from preconditioners for the full problem. This approach permits reduced basis methods to be practical for larger bases than direct methods allow. We illustrate the effectiveness of iterative methods for solving reduced problems by considering two examples, the steady-state diffusion and convection-diffusion-reaction equations.
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    A Block Preconditioner for an Exact Penalty Formulation for Stationary MHD
    (2014-02-04) Phillips, Edward G.; Elman, Howard C.; Cyr, Eric C.; Shadid, John N.; Pawlowski, Roger P.
    The magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations are used to model the flow of electrically conducting fluids in such applications as liquid metals and plasmas. This system of non-self adjoint, nonlinear PDEs couples the Navier-Stokes equations for fluids and Maxwell's equations for electromagnetics. There has been recent interest in fully coupled solvers for the MHD system because they allow for fast steady-state solutions that do not require pseudo-time stepping. When the fully coupled system is discretized, the strong coupling can make the resulting algebraic systems difficult to solve, requiring effective preconditioning of iterative methods for efficiency. In this work, we consider a finite element discretization of an exact penalty formulation for the stationary MHD equations. This formulation has the benefit of implicitly enforcing the divergence free condition on the magnetic field without requiring a Lagrange multiplier. We consider extending block preconditioning techniques developed for the Navier-Stokes equations to the full MHD system. We analyze operators arising in block decompositions from a continuous perspective and apply arguments based on the existence of approximate commutators to develop new preconditioners that account for the physical coupling. This results in a family of parameterized block preconditioners for both Picard and Newton linearizations. We develop an automated method for choosing the relevant parameters and demonstrate the robustness of these preconditioners for a range of the physical non-dimensional parameters and with respect to mesh refinement.
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    Efficient Iterative Algorithms for Linear Stability Analysis of Incompressible Flows
    (2013-11-07) Elman, Howard C.; Rostami, Minghao W.
    Linear stability analysis of a dynamical system entails finding the rightmost eigenvalue for a series of eigenvalue problems. For large-scale systems, it is known that conventional iterative eigenvalue solvers are not reliable for computing this eigenvalue. A more robust method recently developed in Elman & Wu (2012) and Meerbergen & Spence (2010), Lyapunov inverse iteration, involves solving large-scale Lyapunov equations, which in turn requires the solution of large, sparse linear systems analogous to those arising from solving the underlying partial differential equations. This study explores the efficient implementation of Lyapunov inverse iteration when it is used for linear stability analysis of incompressible flows. Efficiencies are obtained from effective solution strategies for the Lyapunov equations and for the underlying partial differential equations. Existing solution strategies are tested and compared, and a modified version of a Lyapunov solver is proposed that achieves significant savings in computational cost.
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    Reduced Basis Collocation Methods for Partial Differential Equations with Random Coefficients
    (2012-06-18) Elman, Howard C.; Liao, Qifeng
    The sparse grid stochastic collocation method is a new method for solving partial differential equations with random coefficients. However, when the probability space has high dimensionality, the number of points required for accurate collocation solutions can be large, and it may be costly to construct the solution. We show that this process can be made more efficient by combining collocation with reduced-basis methods, in which a greedy algorithm is used to identify a reduced problem to which the collocation method can be applied. Because the reduced model is much smaller, costs are reduced significantly. We demonstrate with numerical experiments that this is achieved with essentially no loss of accuracy.
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    Lyapunov Inverse Iteration for Computing a few Rightmost Eigenvalues of Large Generalized Eigenvalue Problems
    (2012-04-20) Elman, Howard C.; Wu, Minghao
    In linear stability analysis of a large-scale dynamical system, we need to compute the rightmost eigenvalue(s) for a series of large generalized eigenvalue problems. Existing iterative eigenvalue solvers are not robust when no estimate of the rightmost eigenvalue(s) is available. In this study, we show that such an estimate can be obtained from Lyapunov inverse iteration applied to a special eigenvalue problem of Lyapunov structure. We also show that Lyapunov inverse iteration will always converge in only two steps if the Lyapunov equation in the first step is solved accurately enough. Furthermore, we generalize the analysis to a deflated version of this Lyapunov eigenvalue problem and propose an algorithm that computes a few rightmost eigenvalues for the eigenvalue problems arising from linear stability analysis. Numerical experiments demonstrate the robustness of the algorithm.
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    Stochastic Collocation With Kernel Density Estimation
    (2011-09-06) Elman, Howard C.; Miller, Christopher W.
    The stochastic collocation method has recently received much attention for solving partial differential equations posed with uncertainty, i.e., where coefficients in the differential operator, boundary terms or right-hand sides are random fields. Recent work has led to the formulation of an adaptive collocation method that is capable of accurately approximating functions with discontinuities and steep gradients. These methods, however, usually depend on an assumption that the random variables involved in expressing the uncertainty are independent with marginal probability distributions that are known explicitly. In this work we combine the adaptive collocation technique with kernel density estimation to approximate the statistics of the solution when the joint distribution of the random variables is unknown.
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    Efficient Iterative Solvers for Stochastic Galerkin Discretizations of Log-Transformed Random Diffusion Problems
    (2011-06-22) Ullmann, Elisabeth; Elman, Howard C.; Ernst, Oliver G.
    We consider the numerical solution of a steady-state diffusion problem where the diffusion coefficient is the exponent of a random field. The standard stochastic Galerkin formulation of this problem is computationally demanding because of the nonlinear structure of the uncertain component of it. We consider a reformulated version of this problem as a stochastic convection-diffusion problem with random convective velocity that depends linearly on a fixed number of independent truncated Gaussian random variables. The associated Galerkin matrix is nonsymmetric but sparse and allows for fast matrix-vector multiplications with optimal complexity. We construct and analyze two block-diagonal preconditioners for this Galerkin matrix for use with Krylov subspace methods such as the generalized minimal residual method. We test the efficiency of the proposed preconditioning approaches and compare the iterative solver performance for a model problem posed in both diffusion and convection-diffusion formulations.
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    Lyapunov Inverse Iteration for Identifying Hopf Bifurcations in Models of Incompressible Flow
    (2011-03-07) Elman, Howard C.; Meerbergen, Karl; Spence, Alastair; Wu, Minghao
    The identification of instability in large-scale dynamical systems caused by Hopf bifurcation is difficult because of the problem of identifying the rightmost pair of complex eigenvalues of large sparse generalized eigenvalue problems. A new method developed in [Meerbergen and Spence, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 31 (2010), pp. 1982- 1999] avoids this computation, instead performing an inverse iteration for a certain set of real eigenvalues and that requires the solution of a large-scale Lyapunov equation at each iteration. In this study, we refine the Lyapunov inverse iteration method to make it more robust and efficient, and we examine its performance on challenging test problems arising from fluid dynamics. Various implementation issues are discussed, including the use of inexact inner iterations and the impact of the choice of iterative solution for the Lyapunov equations, and the effect of eigenvalue distribution on performance. Numerical experiments demonstrate the robustness of the algorithm.