Technical Reports from UMIACS
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Item Thinking takes time: a modal active-logic for reasoning in time(1998-10-15) Nirkhe, Madhura; Kraus, Sarit; Perlis, DonMost common sense reasoning formalisms do not account for the passage of time a s the reasoning occurs, and hence are inadequate from the point of view of modeling an agent's {\em ongoing} process of reasoning. We present a modal active-logic that treats time as a valuable resource that is consumed in each step of the agent's reasoning. We provide a sound and complete characterization for this logic and examine how it addresses the problem of logical omniscience. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-39)Item Load Balancing for Parallel Loops in Workstation Clusters(1998-10-15) Kim, Tae-Hyung; Purtilo, James M.Load imbalance is a serious impediment to achieving good performance in parallel processing. Global load balancing schemes are not adequately manage to balance parallel tasks generated from a single application. Dynamic loop scheduling methods are known to be useful in balancing parallel loops on shared-memory multiprocessor machines. However, their centralized nature causes a bottleneck for the relatively small number of processors in workstation clusters because of order-of-magnitude differences in communications overheads. Moreover, improvements of basic loop scheduling methods have not dealt effectively with irregularly distributed workloads in parallel loops, which commonly occur in applications for workstation clusters. In this paper, we present a new decentralized balancing method for parallel loops on workstation clusters. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-6)Item Verifying Systems with Integer Constraints and Boolean Predicates: A Composite Approach(1998-10-15) Bultan, Tevfik; Gerber, Richard; League, ChristopherSymbolic model checking has proved highly successful for large finite-state systems, in which states can be compactly encoded using binary decision diagrams (BDDs) or their variants. The inherent limitation of this approach is that it cannot be applied to systems with an infinite number of states -- even those with a single unbounded integer. Alternatively, we recently proposed a model checker for integer-based systems that uses Presburger constraints as the underlying state representation. While this approach easily verified some subtle, infinite-state concurrency problems, it proved inefficient in its treatment of Boolean and (unordered) enumerated types -- which possess no natural mapping to the Euclidean coordinate space. In this paper we describe a model checker which combines the strengths of both approaches. We use a composite model, in which a formula's valuations are encoded in a mixed BDD-Presburger form, depending on the variables used. We demonstrate our technique's effectiveness on a nontrivial requirements specification, which includes a mixture of Booleans, integers and enumerated types. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-97-62)Item On the Perturbation of Schur Complements in Positive Semidefinite Matrices(1998-10-15) Stewart, G. W.This note gives perturbation bounds for the Schur complement of a positive definite matrix in a positive semidefinite matrix. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-38)Item Logic for a lifetime(1998-10-15) Perlis, DonThere has been an explosion of formal work in commonsense reasoning in the past fifteen years, but almost no significant connection with work in building commonsense reasoning systems (cognitive or otherwise). We explore the reasons, and especially the ideal formal assumption of omniscience, reviewing and extending arguments that this is irreparably out of line with the needs of any real reasoning agent. On the other hand, this exploration reveals some desiderata that might still be given useful formal treatment, but with a somewhat altered set of aims from what has motivated most formal work. The discussion is motivated by several examples of commonsense reasoning, involving change of belief in addition to the more usual arguments concerning resource limitations. Key to the entire discussion is the notion that real reasoners do not usually have the luxury of isolated problems with well-defined beginnings and endings, but rather must deal with evolving and ongoing problems and situations. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-62)Item Signal Stability based Adaptive Routing (SSA) for Ad-Hoc Mobile Networks(1998-10-15) Dube, Rohit; Rais, Cynthia D.; Wang, Kuang-Yeh; Tripathi, Satish K.Unlike static networks, ad-hoc networks have no spatial hierarchy and suffer from frequent link failures which prevent mobile hosts from using traditional routing schemes. Under these conditions, mobile hosts must find routes to destinations without the use of designated routers and also must dynamically adapt the routes to the current link conditions. This paper proposes a distributed adaptive routing protocol for finding and maintaining stable routes based on signal strength and location stability in an ad-hoc network and presents an architecture for its implementation. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-34)Item Neural Learning of Chaotic Dynamics: The Error Propagation Algorithm(1998-10-15) Bakker, Rembrandt; Schouten, Jaap C.; Bleek, Cor M. van den; Giles, C. LeeAn algorithm is introduced that trains a neural network to identify chaotic dynamics from a single measured time-series. The algorithm has four special features: 1. The state of the system is extracted from the time-series using delays, followed by weighted Principal Component Analysis (PCA) data reduction. 2. The prediction model consists of both a linear model and a Multi- Layer-Perceptron (MLP). 3. The effective prediction horizon during training is user-adjustable due to error propagation: prediction errors are partially propagated to the next time step. 4. A criterion is monitored during training to select the model that as a chaotic attractor is most similar to the real system attractor. The algorithm is applied to laser data from the Santa Fe time-series competition (set A). The resulting model is not only useful for short-term predictions but it also generates time-series with similar chaotic characteristics as the measured data. _Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-97-77)Item A New Deterministic Parallel Sorting Algorithm With an Experimental Evaluation(1998-10-15) Helman, David R.; JaJa, Joseph; Bader, David A.We introduce a new deterministic parallel sorting algorithm based on the regular sampling approach. The algorithm uses only two rounds of regular all-to-all personalized communication in a scheme that yields very good load balancing with virtually no overhead. Moreover, unlike previous variations, our algorithm efficiently handles the presence of duplicate values without the overhead of tagging each element with a unique identifier. This algorithm was implemented in Split C, the IBM SP-2-WN, and the Cray Research T3D. We ran our code using widely different benchmarks to examine the dependence of our algorithm on the input distribution. Our experimental results illustrate the efficiency and scalability of our algorithm across different platforms. In fact, the performance compares closely to that of our random sample sort algorithm, which seems to outperform all similar algorithms known to the authors on these platforms. Together, their performance is nearly invariant over the set of input distributions, unlike previous efficient algorithms. However, unlike our randomized sorting algorithm, the performance and memory requirements of our regular sorting algorithm can be deterministically guaranteed. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-54)Item A Randomized Parallel Sorting Algorithm with an Experimental Study(1998-10-15) Helman, David R.; Bader, David A.; JaJa, JosephPrevious achemes for sorting on general-purpose parallel machines have had to choose betwen poor load balancing and irregular communication or multiple rounds of all-to-all personalized communication. In this paper, we introduce a novel variation on sample sort which uses only two rounds of regular all-to-all personalized communication in a scheme that yields very good load balancing with virtually no overhard. Moeover, unlike precious variations, our algorithm efficiently handles the presence of duplicate values without the overhead of tagging each element with a unique identifier. The algorithm was implemented in SPLIT-C and run on a variety of platforms, including the Thinking Machines CM-5, the IBM SP-2, and the Cray Research T3D. We ran our code useing widely different benchmarks to examine the dependence of our algorithm on the input distribution. Our experimental results illustrate the efficiency and scalability of our algorithm across different platforms. In fact, it seems to outperform all similar algorithms known to the authors on these platforms, and its performance is invariant over the set of input distributions unlike previous efficient algorithms. Our results also compare facorably with those reported for the simpler ranking problem posed by the NAS Integer Sorting (IS) Benchmark. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-53)Item Compiler Support for Real-Time Programs(1998-10-15) Gerber, Richard; Hong, SeongsooWe present a compiler-based approach to automatically assist in constructing real-time systems. In this approach, source programs are written in TCEL (or Time Constrained Event Language) which possesses high-level timing constructs, and whose semantics characterizes time-constrained relationships between observable events. A TCEL program infers only those timing constraints necessary to achieve real-time correctness, without over-constraining the system. We exploit this looser semantics to help transform programs to automatically achieve schedulability. In this article we present two such transformations. The first is trace-scheduling, which we use to achieve consistency between a program's worst-case execution time and its real-time requirements. The second is program-slicing, which we use to automatically tune application programs driven by rate-monotonic scheduling. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-94-15)Item A Parallel Sorting Algorithm With an Experimental Study(1998-10-15) Helman, David R.; Bader, David A.; JaJa, JosephPrevious schemes for sorting on general-purpose parallel machines have had to choose between poor load balancing and irregular communication or multiple rounds of all-to-all personalized communication. In this paper, we introduce a novel variation on sample sort which uses only two rounds of regular all-to-all personalized communication in a scheme that yields very good load balancing with virtually no overhead. This algorithm was implemented in Split-C and run on a variety of platforms, including the Thinking Machines CM-5, the IBM SP-2, and the Cray Research T3D. We ran our code using widely different benchmarks to examine the dependence of our algorithm on the input distribution. Our experimental results are consistent with the theoretical analysis and illustrate the efficiency and scalability of our algorithm across different platforms. In fact, it seems to outperform all similar algorithms known to the authors on these platforms, and its performance is invariant over the set of input distributions unlike previous efficient algorithms. Our results also compare favorably with those reported for the simpler ranking problem posed by the NAS Integer Sorting (IS) Benchmark. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-102)Item Stepwise Assertional Design of Distance-Vector Routing Algorithms(1998-10-15) Alaettinoglu, Cengiz; Shankar, A. UdayaThere are many kinds of distance-vector algorithms for adaptive routing in wide-area computer networks, ranging from the classical Distributed Bellman-Ford to several recent algorithms that have better performance. However, these algorithms have very complicated behaviors and their analyses in the literature has been incomplete (and operational). In this paper, we present a stepwise assertional design of a recently proposed distance-vector algorithm. Our design starts with the Distributed Bellman-Ford and goes through two intermediate algorithms. The properties established for each algorithm hold for the succeeding algorithms. The algorithms analyzed here are representative of various internetwork routing protocols. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-92-39.1)Item Digital Dynamic Telepathology -- the Virtual Microscope(1998-10-15) Afework, Asmara; Beynon, Michael D.; Bustamante, Fabian; Demarzo, Angelo, M.D.; Ferreira, Renato; Miller, Robert, M.D.; Silberman, Mark, M.D.; Saltz, Joel, M.D., Ph.D.; Sussman, Alan, Ph.D.; Tsang, HubertThe Virtual Microscope is being designed as an integrated computer hardware and software system that generates a highly realistic digital simulation of analog, mechanical light microscopy. We present our work over the past year in meeting the challenges in building such a system. The enhancements we made are discussed, as well as the planned future improvements. Performance results are provided that show that the system scales well, so that many clients can be adequately serviced by an appropriately configured data server. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-98-23)Item Understanding the Sources of Variation in Software Inspections(1998-10-15) Porter, Adam A.; Siy, Harvey; Mockus, Audris; Votta, Lawrence G.In a previous experiment, we determined how various changes in three structural elements of the software inspection process (team size, and number and sequencing of session), altered effectiveness and interval. our results showed that such changes did not significantly influence the defect detection reate, but that certain combinations of changes dramatically increased the inspection interval. We also observed a large amount of unexplained variance in the data, indicating that other factors much be affecting inspection performance. The nature and extent of these other factos now have to be determined to ensure that they had not biased our earlier results. Also, identifying these other factors might suggest additional ways to improve the efficiency of inspection. Acting on the hypothesis that the "inputs" into the inspection process (reviewers, authors, and code units) were significant sources of variation, we modeled their effects on inspection performance. We found that they were responsible for much more variation in defect detection than was process structure. This leads us to conclude that better defect detection techniques, not better process structures, at the key to improving inspection effectiveness. The combined effects of process inputs and process structure on the inspection interval accounted for only a small percentage of the variance in inspection interval. Therefore, there still remain other factors which need to be identified. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-97-22)Item A Study of Query Execution Strategies for Client-Server Database Systems(1998-10-15) Kossmann, Donald; Franklin, Michael J.Query processing in a client-server database system raises the question of where to execute queries to minimize the communication costs and response time of a query, and to load-balance the system. This paper evaluates the two common query execution strategies, data shipping and query shipping, and a policy referred to as hybrid shipping. Data shipping determines that queries be executed at clients; query shipping determines that queries be executed at servers; and hybrid shipping provides the flexibility to execute queries at clients and servers. The experiments with a client-server model confirm that the query execution policy is critical for the performance of a system. Neither data nor query shipping are optimal in all situations, and the performance penalities can be substantial. Hybrid shipping at least matches the best performance of data and query shipping and shows better performance than both in many cases. The performance of hybrid shipping plans, however, is shown to be sensitive to changes in the state of the system (e.g., the load of machines and the contents of caches). Initial experiments indicate that an extended version of a 2-step optimization may be an effective strategy for adjusting plans according to the state of the system at runtime. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-85)Item Using Content-Derived Names for Caching and Software Distribution(1998-10-15) Hollingsworth, Jeffrey K.; Miller, Ethan L.Maintaining replicated data in wide area information services such as the World Wide Web is a difficult problem. Ensuring that the correct versions of libraries and images are installed for application programs presents similar challenges. In this paper, we present a simple scheme to facilitate both of these tasks using content-derived names (CDNs). Content-based naming uses digital signatures to compute a name for an object based only on its content. CDNs can be applied to several common problems of modern computer systems. Caching on the World Wide Web is simplified by allowing references to an object by its content rather than just its location. In a similar fashion, applications can request library objects by their content without having to rely on the presence of a file system hierarchy that the application recognizes. Further, applications that require different versions of an object can coexist peacefully on the same machine. While this idea is still in its early stages, we present experimental evidence from a study of World Wide Web objects that indicates that CDNs could reduce network traffic by allowing requests to be satisfied by differently-named duplicates with the same contents. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-55)Item A Review of Software Inspections(1998-10-15) Porter, Adam A.; Siy, Harvey; Votta, Lawrence G.For two decades, software inspections have proven effective for detecting defects in software. We have reviewed the different ways software inspections are done, created a taxonomy of inspection methods, and examined claims about the cost-effectiveness of different methods. We detect a disturbing pattern in the evaluation of inspection methods. Although there is universal agreement on the effectiveness of software inspection, their economics are uncertain. Our examination of several empirical studies leads us to conclude that the benefits of inspections are often overstated and the costs (especially for large software developments) are understated. Furthermore, some of the most influential studies establishing these costs and benefits are 20 years old now, which leads us to question their relevance to today's software development processes. Extensive work is needed to determine exactly how, why, and when software inspections work, and whether some defect detection techniques might be more cost-effective than others. In this article we ask some questions about measuring effectiveness of software inspections and determining how much they really cost when their effect on the rest of the development process is considered. Finding answers to these questions will enable us to improve the efficiency of software development. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-104)Item Scrambling Query Plans to Cope With Unexpected Delays(1998-10-15) Amsaleg, Laurent; Franklin, Michael J.; Tomasic, A.; Urhan., T.Accessing numerous widely-distributed data sources poses significant new challenges for query optimization and execution. Congestion or failure in the network introduce highly-variable response times for wide-area data access. This paper is an initial exploration of solutions to this variability. We investigate a class of dynamic, run-time query plan modification techniques that we call query plan scrambling. We present an algorithm which modifies execution plans on-the-fly in response to unexpected delays in data access. The algorithm both reschedules operators and introduces new operators into the plan. We present simulation results that show how our technique effectively hides delays in receiving the initial requested tuples from remote data sources. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-35)Item Minimizing Communication while Preserving Parallelism(1998-10-15) Kelly, Wayne; Pugh, WilliamTo compile programs for message passing architectures and to obtain good performance on NUMA architectures it is necessary to control how computations and data are mapped to processors. Languages such as High-Performance Fortran use data distributions supplied by the programmer and the owner computes rule to specify this. However, the best data and computation decomposition may differ from machine to machine and require substantial expertise to determine. Therefore, automated decomposition is desirable. All existing methods for automated data/computation decomposition share a common failing: they are very sensitive to the original loop structure of the program. While they find a good decomposition for that loop structure, it may be possible to apply transformations (such as loop interchange and distribution) so that a different decomposition gives even better results. We have developed automatic data/computation decomposition methods that are not sensitive to the original program structure. We can model static and dynamic data decompositions as well as computation decompositions that cannot be represented by data decompositions and the owner computes rule. We make use of both parallel loops and doacross/pipelined loops to exploit parallelism. We describe an automated translation of the decomposition problem into a weighted graph that incorporates estimates of both parallelism and communication for various candidate computation decompositions. We solve the resulting search problem exactly in a very short time using a new algorithm that has shown to be able to prune away a majority of the vast search space. We assume that the selection of the computation decomposition is followed by a transformation phase that reorders the iterations to best match the selected computation decomposition. Our graph includes constraints to ensure that a reordering transformation giving the predicted parallelism exists. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-118)Item A Validation of Object-Oriented Design Metrics as Quality Indicators(1998-10-15) Basili, Victor R.; Briand, Lionel; Melo, Walcelio L.This paper presents the results of a study conducted at the University of Maryland in which we experimentally investigated the suite of Object-Oriented (OO) design metrics introduced by [Chidamber&Kemerer, 1994]. In order to do this, we assessed these metrics as predictors of fault-prone classes. This study is complementary to [Li&Henry, 1993] where the same suite of metrics had been used to assess frequencies of maintenance changes to classes. To perform our validation accurately, we collected data on the development of eight medium-sized information management systems based on identical requirements. All eight projects were developed using a sequential life cycle model, a well-known OO analysis/design method and the C++ programming language. Based on experimental results, the advantages and drawbacks of these OO metrics are discussed. Several of Chidamber&Kemerer's OO metrics appear to be useful to predict class fault-proneness during the early phases of the life-cycle. We also showed that they are, on our data set, better predictors than "traditional" code metrics, which can only be collected at a later phase of the software development processes. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-40)