Revenue Insurance Now Available For Dairy Producers

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USDA recently approved a financial risk management program for farmers who are vulnerable to dairy price fluctuations. The Dairy Revenue Protection program is buy-in insurance that covers a percentage of a producer’s expected quarterly revenue. Coverage is quarterly and the price depends on either the class or component of the milk products and the desired percentage of coverage. More information on the program, eligibility, limitations, pricing, where and how to buy can be found in this publication.


USDA recently approved a financial risk management program for farmers who are vulnerable to dairy price fluctuations. The Dairy Revenue Protection program is buy-in insurance that covers a percentage of a producer’s expected quarterly revenue. Coverage is quarterly and the price depends on either the class or component of the milk products and the desired percentage of coverage. More information on the program, eligibility, limitations, pricing, where and how to buy can be found in this publication.
