Mental Workload Assessment During Upper Limb Prosthetic Training and Task Performance

dc.contributor.advisorGentili, Rodolphe Jen_US
dc.contributor.authorGaskins, Peter Christopheren_US
dc.contributor.departmentNeuroscience and Cognitive Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.publisherDigital Repository at the University of Marylanden_US
dc.contributor.publisherUniversity of Maryland (College Park, Md.)en_US
dc.description.abstractMental workload, defined as the recruitment and allocation of cortical resources in response to task demands, is an integral underlying mechanism of cognitive-motor learning and performance. Although widely examined in individuals without motor impairment, the study of mental workload in a clinical context of motor rehabilitation is limited. In particular, it is not well understood how the cortical processes underlying mental workload adapt over time as individuals learn to operate upper-limb prosthetic devices. In this work, mental workload assessment using electroencephalography (EEG) along with other ancillary measurement tools were employed to examine the recruitment of cognitive-motor processes as individuals learned to operate either a body-powered (BP) or myoelectric (MYO) bypass prosthesis during a ten session upper limb prosthetic training program. The first two studies examined changes in mental workload and cognitive-motor performance as prosthesis users executed tasks requiring transport of objects with the same or different shape/size during a prosthetic training program. Then, these newly trained prosthesis users engaged in activities which manipulated contextual demands to examine how real-world scenarios affect mental workload and cognitive-motor performance. Finally, a preliminary validation of a novel mental workload self-report measure aimed to address the paucity of mental workload measurement tools in upper-limb rehabilitation was implemented. Although these four studies offer a rich and complex pattern of results, the main findings suggested that i) while both prosthetic groups experienced similar levels of cognitive-motor performance by the end of training, the BP group exhibited more refined cortical dynamics and better cognitive-motor efficiency when compared to the MYO group, thus indicating a more advanced progression of learning; ii) contextual demands degrade mental workload and cognitive-motor performance similarly in both prosthetic groups and; iv) the preliminary assessment of reliability and validity of the novel mental workload self-report measure shows promise for capturing changes in mental workload during cognitive-motor performance in a rehabilitation context. Although more research is warranted to confirm and extend the findings of this work to clinical upper-limb prosthesis users, this work has the potential to inform the cognitive-motor processes in this population and inform prescriptive decisions for patient device selection, prosthetic device design and rehabilitation program development.en_US
dc.subject.pquncontrolledcognitive-motor neuroscienceen_US
dc.subject.pquncontrolledmental workloaden_US
dc.subject.pquncontrolledmotor learningen_US
dc.subject.pquncontrolledupper limb prosthesisen_US
dc.titleMental Workload Assessment During Upper Limb Prosthetic Training and Task Performanceen_US


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