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This thesis is divided into four parts. Part I, Introduction and Notation, describes the results contained in the thesis and their background. Part II, Wiener Amalgam Spaces, is an expository introduction to Feichtinger's general amalgam space theory, which is used in the remainder of the thesis to formulate and prove results. Part III, Generalized Harmonic Analysis, presents new results in that area. Part IV, Wavelet Theory, contains exposition and miscellaneous results on Gabor ( also known as Weyl-Heisenberg) wavelets. Amalgam, or mixed-norm, spaces are Banach spaces of functions determined by a norm which distinguishes between local and global properties of functions. Specific cases were introduced by Wiener. Feichtinger has developed a far-reaching generalization of amalgam spaces, which allows general function spaces norms as local or global components. We use Feichtinger's amalgam theory, on d-dimensional Euclidean space under componentwise multiplication, to prove that the Wiener transform (introduced by Wiener to analyze the spectra of infinite-energy signals) is an invertible mapping of the amalgam space with local L2 and global Lq. components onto an appropriate space defined in terms of the variation of functions, for each q between one and infinity. As corollaries, we obtain results of Beurling on the Fourier transform and results of Lau and Chen on the Wiener transform. Moreover, our results are carried out in higher dimensions. In addition, we prove that the higher-dimensional variation spaces are complete by using Masani's helices; this generalizes a one-dimensional result of Lau and Chen. In wavelet theory, we present a survey of frames in Hilbert and Banach spaces and the use of the Zak transform in analyzing Gabor wavelets. Frames are an alternative to unconditional bases in these spaces; like bases, they Provide representations of each element of the space in terms of the frame elements, and do so in a way in which the scalars in the representation are explicitly known. However, unlike bases, the representations need not be unique. We then discuss the specific case of Gabor frames in the space of square-integrable functions, concentrating on the role of the Zak transform in the analysis of such frames.

