Minority Health and Health Equity Archive

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    Unequal treatment: racial and ethnic disparities in alcoholism treatment services.
    (2006) Schmidt, Laura; Greenfield, Thomas; Mulia, Nina
    Racial and ethnic disparities in alcoholism treatment may exist with respect to treatment need as well as access to, appropriateness, and quality of care. For any given level of alcohol consumption, ethnic minority populations experience more negative consequences of drinking than Whites and therefore have greater treatment needs. Whether access to treatment is more compromised for minority clients than for Whites is a matter of debate. It is clear, however, that ethnic disparities in the quality and appropriateness of alcohol services are ubiquitous. Despite these disparities, treatment often appears to be as successful for minority patients as for Whites. More in-depth investigations are needed to understand why outcomes often are similar despite disparities in treatment.
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    Disparities in Alcohol-Related Problems Among White, Black, and Hispanic Americans
    (2009) Mulia, Nina; Ye, Yu; Greenfield, Thomas K.; Zemore, Sarah E.
    Abstract available at publisher's website.
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    Health risk and inequitable distribution of liquor stores in African American neighborhood
    (2000) LaVeist, Thomas A; Wallace, John M
    Abstract available at publisher's web site.
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    State-specific prevalence of selected chronic disease-related characteristics--Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2001.
    (2003) Ahluwalia, Indu B; Mack, Karin A; Murphy, Wilmon; Mokdad, Ali H; Bales, Virginia S
    PROBLEM: High-risk behaviors and lack of preventive care are associated with higher rates of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Without continued monitoring of these factors, state health departments would have difficulty tracking and evaluating progress toward Healthy People 2010 and their own state objectives. Monitoring chronic disease-related behaviors is also key to developing targeted education and intervention programs at the national, state, and local levels to improve the health of the public. REPORTING PERIOD COVERED: Data collected in 2001 are compared with data from 1991 and 2000, and progress toward Healthy People 2010 targets is assessed. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an ongoing, state-based, telephone survey of persons aged > or =18 years. State health departments collect the data in collaboration with CDC. In 2001, participants in data collection included all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. BRFSS data are used to track the prevalence of chronic disease-related characteristics and monitor progress toward national health objectives related to 1) decreasing high-risk behaviors, 2) increasing awareness of medical conditions, and 3) increasing use of preventive health services. For certain national objectives, BRFSS is the only source of data. RESULTS: BRFSS data indicate changes in certain high-risk behaviors from 1991 to 2001. Among the findings are substantial increases in the prevalence of obesity among adults aged > or =20 years. Among states, prevalence of persons classified as obese in 2001 ranged from 15.5% in Colorado to 27.1% in Mississippi. From 1991 to 2001, the median prevalence for all participating states and territories increased from 12.9% to 21.6%. In 1991, no state had an obesity prevalence of > or =20%; in 2001, 37 states had a prevalence of > or =20%. Percentage increases in prevalence of obesity, from 1991 to 2001, ranged from 24.9% in the District of Columbia to 140.2% in New Mexico. In 2001, substantial variations also existed among states and territories regarding prevalence of other high-risk behaviors and awareness of medical conditions. Ranges included, for no leisure-time physical activity, 16.5% (Utah) to 49.2% (Puerto Rico); cigarette smoking, 9.6% (Virgin Islands) to 31.2% (Guam); binge drinking, 6.8% (Tennessee) to 25.7% (Wisconsin); heavy drinking, 2.5% (Tennessee) to 8.7% (Wisconsin); persons ever told they had diabetes, 4% (Alaska) to 9.8% (Puerto Rico); persons ever told they had high blood pressure, 20% (New Mexico) to 32.5% (West Virginia); and persons ever told they had high blood cholesterol, 24.8% (New Mexico) to 37.7% (West Virginia). Substantial variations also existed among states regarding prevalence of using preventive health services. Ranges included, for persons aged > or =50 years ever screened for colorectal cancer by use of sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, 30.5% (Virgin Islands) to 62% (Minnesota); persons aged > or =65 years who received an influenza vaccination in the past year, 36.8% (Puerto Rico) to 79% (Hawaii); persons aged > or =65 years who ever received a pneumococcal vaccination, 24.1% (Puerto Rico) to 70.9% (Oregon). In 2001, 13 states, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands used the women's health module. Ranges included, for women aged > or =18 years who had a Papanicolaou (Pap) smear test in the past 3 years, 79.8% (Virgin Islands) to 89.6% (Wisconsin); women aged > or =40 years who ever had a mammogram, 71.9% (Virgin Islands) to 93% (Rhode Island); and women aged > or =40 years who had a mammogram in the past 2 years, 57.2% (Virgin Islands) to 85.1% (Rhode Island). BRFSS data in 2001 also indicated variations by sex, race or ethnicity, and age group. Greater percentages of men than women reported cigarette smoking, binge drinking, heavy drinking, and were classified as overweight; greater percentages of women reported no leisure-time physical activity. Among racial or ethnic groups, greater percentages of black non-Hispanics than other groups reported being told by a health professional they had high blood pressure and diabetes, and were classified as obese; greater percentages of white non-Hispanics than other groups reported being told they had high cholesterol. Among age groups, greater percentages of persons aged 18-24 years than those in older groups reported smoking cigarettes, binge drinking and heavy drinking; greater percentages of persons in older age groups than younger age groups reported being told they had diabetes, high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol. Also, comparison of 2001 BRFSS data with 12 targets from Healthy People 2010 indicates that, in 2001, no state had met the targets for obesity, cigarette smoking, binge drinking, receiving a fecal occult blood test within the past 2 years, receiving annual influenza vaccinations, receiving pneumococcal vaccinations, and receiving Pap tests. Certain states had already met targets for no leisure-time activity, receiving a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, having blood cholesterol checked within the past 5 years, and receiving a mammogram within the past 2 years. INTERPRETATION: BRFSS data in this report indicate that despite certain improvements, persons in a high proportion of U.S. states and territories continue to engage in high-risk behaviors and do not report making sufficient use of preventive health practices. Substantial variations (i.e., by state, sex, age group, and race/ethnicity) in prevalence of behaviors, awareness of medical conditions, and use of preventive services indicate a continued need to monitor these factors at state and local levels and assess progress toward reducing morbidity and mortality. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIONS: BRFSS data can be used to guide public health actions at local, state, and national levels. For certain states, BRFSS is the only reliable source of chronic-disease-related, risk-behavioral data. BRFSS data enable states to design, implement, evaluate, and monitor health-promotion strategies, targeting specific high-risk behaviors among populations experiencing high burdens of disease. BRFSS data continue to be key sources for assessing progress toward both national Healthy People 2010 objectives and state health objectives.
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    State-specific prevalence of selected health behaviors, by race and ethnicity--Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1997.
    (2000) Bolen, J C; Rhodes, L; Powell-Griner, E E; Bland, S D; Holtzman, D
    PROBLEM/CONDITION: In the United States, disparities in risks for chronic disease (e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer) and injury exist among racial and ethnic groups. This report summarizes findings from the 1997 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) of the distribution of access to health care, health-status indicators, health-risk behaviors, and use of clinical preventive services across five racial and ethnic groups (i.e., whites, blacks, Hispanics, American Indians or Alaska Natives, and Asians or Pacific Islanders) and by state. REPORTING PERIOD COVERED: 1997. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The BRFSS is a state-based telephone survey of the civilian, noninstitutionalized, adult (i.e., persons aged > or = 18 years) population. In 1997, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico participated in the BRFSS. RESULTS: Variations in risk for chronic disease and injury among racial and ethnic groups exist both within states and across states. For example, in Arizona, 11.0% of whites, 26.2% of Hispanics, and 50.5% of American Indians or Alaska Natives reported having no health insurance. Across states, the median percentage of adults who reported not having this insurance ranged from 10.8% for whites to 24.5% for American Indians or Alaska Natives. Other findings are as follows. Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians or Alaska Natives, and Asians or Pacific Islanders were more likely than whites to report poor access to health care (i.e., no health-care coverage and cost as a barrier to obtaining health care). Blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians or Alaska Natives were more likely than whites and Asians or Pacific Islanders to report fair or poor health status, obesity, diabetes, and no leisure-time physical activity. Blacks were substantially more likely than other racial or ethnic groups to report high blood pressure. Among all groups, American Indians or Alaska Natives were the most likely to report cigarette smoking. Except for Asians or Pacific Islanders, the median percentage of adults who reported not always wearing a safety belt while driving or riding in a car was > or = 30%. The Papanicolaou test was the most commonly reported screening measure: > or = 81% of white, black, and Hispanic women with an intact uterine cervix reported having had one in the past 3 years. Among white, black, and Hispanic women aged > or = 50 years, > or = 63% reported having had a mammogram in the past 2 years. Approximately two thirds of white, black, and Hispanic women aged > or = 50 years reported having had both a mammogram and a clinical breast examination in the past 2 years; this behavior was least common among Hispanics and most common among blacks. Screening for colorectal cancer was low among whites, blacks, and Hispanics aged > or = 50 years: in each racial or ethnic group, < or = 20% reported having used a home-kit blood stool test in the past year, and < or = 30% reported having had a sigmoidoscopy within the last 5 years. INTERPRETATION: Differences in median percentages between racial and ethnic groups, as well as between states within each racial and ethnic group, are likely mediated by various factors. According to published literature, socioeconomic factors (e.g., age distribution, educational attainment, employment status, and poverty), lifestyle behaviors (e.g., lack of physical activity, alcohol intake, and cigarette smoking), aspects of the social environment (e.g., educational and economic opportunities, neighborhood and work conditions, and state and local laws enacted to discourage high-risk behaviors), and factors affecting the health-care system (e.g., access to health care, and cost and availability of screening for diseases and health-risk factors) may be associated with these differences. ACTION TAKEN: States will continue to use the BRFSS to collect information about health-risk behaviors among various racial and ethnic groups.
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    Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Black and Minority Health: a summary and a presentation of health data with regard to blacks.
    (1986) Nickens, H
    The Task Force on Black and Minority Health was created in early 1984 by Margaret Heckler, then Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The summary volume of the report was released by Secretary Heckler at a press conference on October 16, 1985.1 As described by her at the press conference, the impetus for the creation of the Task Force was her dismay at the persistent black and minority health disparities when compared with the white population. These disparities had been most recently reflected in DHHS's annual health statistical summary, Health USA for 1983.
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    Report of the Secretary’s Task Force Report on Black and Minority Health Volume I: Executive Summary
    (Gvernment Printing Office, 1985) Heckler, Margaret M.
    In January 1984--ten months after becoming Secretary of Health and Human Services--I sent Health, United States, 1983 to the Congress. It was the annual report card on the health status of the American people. That report--like its predecessors--documented significant progress: Americans were living longer, infant mortality had continued to decline--the overall American health picture showed almost uniform improvement. But, and that "but" signaled a sad and significant fact; there was a continuing disparity in the burden of death and illness experienced by Blacks and other minority Americans as compared with our nation's population as a whole
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    Changing Numbers, Changing Needs: American Indian Demography and Public Health
    (National Academies Press, 1996) Sandefur, Gary D.; Rindfuss, Ronald R.; Cohen, Barney
    The reported population of American Indians and Alaska Natives has grown rapidly over the past 20 years. These changes raise questions for the Indian Health Service and other agencies responsible for serving the American Indian population. How big is the population? What are its health care and insurance needs? This volume presents an up-to-date summary of what is known about the demography of American Indian and Alaska Native population--their age and geographic distributions, household structure, employment, and disability and disease patterns. This information is critical for health care planners who must determine the eligible population for Indian health services and the costs of providing them. The volume will also be of interest to researchers and policymakers concerned about the future characteristics and needs of the American Indian population.
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    Alcohol, tobacco, and drug use and the onset of type 2 diabetes among inner-city minority patients.
    (2001) Johnson, K H; Bazargan, M; Cherpitel, C J
    BACKGROUND: We examined the prevalence of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use and their relation to the age of onset of type 2 diabetes among inner-city minority diabetic patients who sought routine care at medical clinics in south central Los Angeles. METHODS: A cross-sectional study design was used to sample 392 diabetic patients. Consecutive patients from seven different primary care clinics were interviewed to determine their alcohol, tobacco, and drug use histories and the age of onset of diabetes. RESULTS: The study sample was 61% Hispanic and 64% female and had a mean age of 53 years. Seventy-one diabetic patients (18%) reported that they recently consumed alcohol. Sixty-nine patients (17%) reported smoking within 30 days of their interview. Thirty-eight diabetic patients reported a history of regular illicit drug use. Multiple regression analysis showed that diabetic patients who used alcohol, illicit drugs, or combined substances (alcohol and illicit drugs), but not tobacco alone, reported an earlier onset of type 2 diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: This hypothesis-generating study suggests that alcohol and illicit drugs, when used alone or in combination, might be associated with an earlier onset of type 2 diabetes. Additional research, however, is required to evaluate further these preliminary findings.