Institute for Systems Research Technical Reports

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This archive contains a collection of reports generated by the faculty and students of the Institute for Systems Research (ISR), a permanent, interdisciplinary research unit in the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland. ISR-based projects are conducted through partnerships with industry and government, bringing together faculty and students from multiple academic departments and colleges across the university.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 45
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    Dynamics of TCP Congestion Avoidance with Random Drop and Random Marking Queues
    (2000) Misra, Archan; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    Development and deployment of newer congestion feedback measures such as RED and ECN provide us a significant opportunity for modifying TCP response to congestion. Effective utilization of such opportunities requires detailed analysis of the behavior of congestion avoidance schemes with such randomized feedback mechanisms.

    In this dissertation, we consider the behavior of generalized TCP congestion avoidance when subject to randomized congestion feedback, such as RED and ECN. The window distribution of individual flows under a variable packet loss/marking probability is established and studied to demonstrate the desirability of specifying a less drastic reduction in the window size in response to ECN-based congestion feedback.

    A fixed-point based analysis is also presented to derive the mean TCP window sizes (and throughputs) and the mean queue occupancy when multiple such generalized TCP flows interact with a single bottleneck queue performing randomized congestion feedback.

    Recommendations on the use of memory (use of weighted averages of the past queue occupancy) and on the use of "drop biasing" (minimum separation between consecutive drops) are provided to reduce the variability of the queue occupancy.

    Finally, the interaction of TCP congestion avoidance with randomized feedback is related to a framework for global optimization of network costs. Such a relation is used to provide the theory behind the shape of the marking (dropping) functions used in a randomized feedback buffer.

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    Traffic Models for Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Networks
    (2000) Barrett, Bradley A.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    While Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Networks (HSTNs) have become a popular method of providing Internet connectivity, network dimensioning and performance prediction problems in these networkss in their terrestrial counterpartsave remain largely unsolved. A key hindrance to the resolution of these issues has been accurate, tractable traffic models. While a number of rather complex models have been proposed for terrestrial network traffic, these have not been evaluated against HSTN traffic. And further, recent studies have questioned whether these more complex models, while statistically better fits, really provide significantly better performance prediction.

    We examine the question of how to model HSTN traffic for network dimensioning and performance prediction, and in particular, how far ahead into the future a traffic model can be expected to accurately function. We investigate these issues by directly comparing four of the most likely candidate statistical distributionshe exponential, log-normal, Weibull and Pareto. These distributions are fit to two key traffic parameters from real HSTN traffic traces (connection interarrival times and downloaded bytes), and their relative fits are compared using statistical techniques. We further compare traffic models built using these distributions in a simulated environment; comparing performance predictions (over a number of metrics) obtained from these models to the actual results from our real-world traffic traces.

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    Fair Bandwidth Allocation and Buffer Management in Hybrid Network Gateways
    (2000) Srinivasan, Roshni; Vaidyanathan, Ravichander; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    In this paper, we present an efficient and fair resource allocationscheme for scheduling and buffer management in a bottleneck hybridsatellite-terrestrial network gateway with per-flow TCP queues.

    Ourfirst contribution is the use of Fair Queueing in conjunction withProbabilistic Fair Drop, a new buffer management policy to allocatebandwidth and buffer space in the gateway, to ensure that all TCPflows threading the gateway achieve high end-to-end throughput andfair service.

    Our second contribution is to introduce the concept ofbuffer dimensioning to alleviate the inherent bias of the TCPalgorithm towards connections with large Round Trip Time.

    In supportof each of these contributions, we report on extensive simulationresults. Our scheme outperforms other resource allocation schemesreported in the literature and in particular, demonstrates significantimprovements in fairness to long RTT connections in the hybrid networkframework.

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    Optimal Risk Sensitive Control of Semi-Markov Decision Processes
    (2000) Chawla, Jay P.; Marcus, Steven I.; Shayman, Mark A.; ISR
    In this thesis, we study risk-sensitive cost minimization in semi-Markov decision processes. The main thrust of the thesis concerns the minimization of average risk sensitive costs over the infinite horizon.

    Existing theory is expanded intwo directions: the semi-Markov case is considered, and non-irreduciblechains are considered. In particular, the analysis of the non-irreduciblecase is a significant addition to the literature, since many real-worldsystems do not exhibit irreducibility under all stationary Markov policies. Extension of existing results to the semi-Markovcase is significant because it requires the definition of a newdynamic programming equation and a technically challenging adaptation of the Perron-Frobeniuseigenvalue from the discrete time case.

    In order to determine an optimal policy, new concepts in the classificationof Markov chains need to be introduced. This is because in thenon-irreducible case, the average risk sensitive cost objective function permits extremely unlikely events to exert a controlling influence on costs. We define equivalence classes of statescalled `strongly communicating classes' and formulate in terms of thema new characterization of the underlying structureof Markov Decision Problems and Markov chains.

    In the risk sensitive case, the expected cost incurred prior to a stopping time with finite expected valuecan be infinite. For this reason, we introduce an assumption: reachability with finite cost. This is the fundamental assumptionrequired to achieve the major results of this thesis.

    We explore existence conditions for an optimal policy, optimality equations,and behavior for large and small risk sensitivity parameter. (Onlynon-negative risk parameters are discussed in this thesis -- i.e. the risk averse and risk neutral cases, not the risk seeking case.) Ramificationsfor the risk neutral objective function are also analyzed.Furthermore, a simple solution technique we call `recursive computation'to find an optimal policy that isapplicable to small state spaces is described through examples.

    The countable state space case is explored, and results that hold only for a finite state space are also presented. Other, relatedobjective functions such as sample path cost are analyzed and discussed.

    We also explore finite time horizon semi-Markov problems, and present a general technique for solving them.We define a new objective function, the minimization of which is calledthe `deadline problem'. This is a problem in which the probability of reaching the goal state in a set period of time is maximized. We transform thedeadline problem objective function into an equivalent finite-horizonrisk sensitive objective function.

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    Stochastic Approximation and Optimization for Markov Chains
    (2000) Bartusek, John D.; Makowski, Armand M.; ISR
    We study the convergence properties of the projected stochasticapproximation (SA) algorithm which may be used to find the root of an unknown steady state function of a parameterized family of Markov chains. The analysis is based on the ODE Method and we develop a set of application-oriented conditions which imply almost sure convergence and are verifiable in terms of typically available model data. Specific results are obtained for geometrically ergodic Markov chains satisfying a uniform Foster-Lyapunov drift inequality.

    Stochastic optimization is a direct application of the above root finding problem if the SA is driven by a gradient estimate of steady state performance. We study the convergence properties of an SA driven by agradient estimator which observes an increasing number of samples from the Markov chain at each step of the SA's recursion. To show almost sure convergence to the optimizer, a framework of verifiable conditions is introduced which builds on the general SA conditions proposed for the root finding problem.

    We also consider a difficulty sometimes encountered in applicationswhen selecting the set used in the projection operator of the SA algorithm.Suppose there exists a well-behaved positive recurrent region of the state process parameter space where the convergence conditions are satisfied; this being the ideal set to project on. Unfortunately, the boundaries of this projection set are not known a priori when implementing the SA. Therefore, we consider the convergence properties when the projection set is chosen to include regions outside the well-behaved region. Specifically, we consider an SA applied to an M/M/1 which adjusts the service rate parameter when the projection set includes parameters that cause the queue to be transient.

    Finally, we consider an alternative SA where the recursion is driven by a sample average of observations. We develop conditions implying convergence for this algorithm which are based on a uniform large deviation upper bound and we present specialized conditions implyingthis property for finite state Markov chains.

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    Buffer Engineering for M|G|infinity Input Processes
    (2000) Parulekar, Minothi; Makowski, Armand; ISR
    We suggest the $M|G|infty$ input process as a viable model forrepresenting the heavy correlations observed in network traffic.Originally introduced by Cox, this model represents the busy-serverprocess of an $M|G|infty$ queue with Poisson inputs and generalservice times distributed according to $G$, and provides a large andversatile class of traffic models. We examine various properties ofthe $M|G|infty$ process, focusing particularly on its richcorrelation structure. The process is shown to effectively portrayshort or long-range dependence simply by controlling the tail of thedistribution $G$.

    In an effort to understand the dynamics of a system supporting$M|G|infty$ traffic, we study the large buffer asymptotics of amultiplexer driven by an $M|G|infty$ input process. Using the largedeviations framework developed by Duffield and O'Connell, weinvestigate the tail probabilities for the steady-state buffercontent. The key step in this approach is the identification of theappropriate large deviations scaling. This scaling is shown to beclosely related to the forward recurrence time of the service timedistribution, and a closed form expression is derived for thecorresponding limiting log-moment generating functionassociated with the input process. Three different regimes areidentified.

    The results are then applied to obtain the large bufferasymptotics under a variety of service time distributions. In eachcase, the derived asymptotics are compared with simulation results.

    While the general functional form of buffer asymptotics may be derivedvia large deviations techniques, direct arguments often provide a moreprecise description when the input traffic is heavily correlated.Even so, several significant inferences may be drawn from thefunctional dependencies of the tail buffer probabilities. Theasymptotics already indicate a sub-exponential behavior in the caseof heavily-correlated traffic, in sharp contrast to the geometricdecay usually observed for Markovian input streams. This difference,along with a shift in the explicit dependence of the asymptotics onthe input and output rates $r_{in}$ and $c$, from $ ho=r_{in}/c$ when$G$ is exponential, to $Delta = c - r_{in}$ when $G$ issub--exponential, clearly delineates the heavy and light tailed cases.Finally, comparison with similar asymptotics for a different class ofinput processes indicates that buffer sizing cannot be adequatelydetermined by appealing solely to the short versus long-rangedependence characterization of the input model used.

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    Stability of Wireless Networks for Mode S Radar
    (2000) Chawla, Jay P.; Marcus, Steven I.; Shayman, Mark A.; Shayman, Mark; Marcus, Steven; ISR
    Stability issues in a connectionless, one-hop queueing system featuringservers with overlapping service regions (e.g. a Mode Select (Mode S) Radarcommunications network or part of an Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) network) are considered, and a stabilizing policy is determined in closed-loop form. The cases of queues at the sources (aircraft) and queues at the servers (base stations) are consideredseparately. Stabilizability of the system with exponential service times and Poisson arrival rates is equivalent to the solvability of a linear program and if the system is stabilizable, a stabilizing open loop routingpolicy can be expressed in terms of the coefficients of the solution to thelinear program. We solve the linear program for the case of a single class of packets.

    The research and scientific content in this material has beenpublished under the same title in the Proceedings of the 32nd Conference onInformation Sciences and Systems; Princeton, NJ; March 1998.
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    Issues in Resource Allocation and Design of Hybrid Gateways
    (1999) Vaidyanathan, Ravichander; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    Considerable attention has been focused on active queue management and fairresource allocation techniques in the Internet. However, few real-worldinstances exist of deployment of IP routers/gateways which implement suchtechniques.

    In the first part of this thesis, we analyze theimplementation feasibility and overhead of these schemes to determinewhether this overhead represents an obstacle to deployment. To this end,we employ a novel approach with real traffic traces from the Internet anda passive gateway simulator.

    Having established the feasibility of suchalgorithms, we turn our attention to buffer management techniques in thepresence of fair resource allocation. Our specific focus is on developingan effective buffer management technique for satellite networks. Thelimitations of existing schemes lead us to propose a new buffer managementscheme designed with our problem space in mind.

    Finally, we look at aclass of satellite enhanced gateways, termed as connectionsplitting or spoofing gateways, proposed for implementing highperformance satellite systems. The specific design issues peculiar tothis class of gateways are analyzed. A novel architecture for fair resourceallocation in spoofing gateways is then proposed. The efficacy of ourarchitecture in providing fairness and protecting adaptive flows againstmisbehaved and non-adaptive flows is demonstrated by means of simulation.

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    Window Distribution of Multiple TCPs with Random Loss Queues
    (1999) Misra, Archan; Baras, John S.; Ott, Teunis; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    In this paper, we consider the case of multiple ideal and persistent TCP flows (flows that are assumed to be performing idealized congestion avoidance) interacting with queue management algorithms that perform random drop-based buffer management. Our objective is to determine the stationary congestion window distribution of each of the TCP flows whenthe router port implements algorithms like RED (Random Early Detection)or ERD (Early Random Drop).

    We first present an analyticaltechnique to obtain the 'mean' queue occupancy and the 'mean' of the individual TCP windows. Armed with this estimate of the means, wethen derive the window distribution of each individual TCPconnection. Extensive simulation experiments indicate that, under a wide variety of operating conditions, our analytical method is quite accurate in predicting the 'mean' as well asthe distributions. The derivation of the individual distributions is based upon a numerical analysis presented which considers the case of a single TCP flow subject to variable state-dependent packet loss.

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    Fair Resource Allocation in Hybrid Network Gateways with Per-Flow Queueing
    (1999) Srinivasan, Roshni; Vaidyanathan, Ravichander; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCN
    In this paper, we present an efficient resource allocation scheme forscheduling and buffer management in a bottleneck hybrid Internetgateway. We use Fair Queueing in conjunction with Probabilistic FairDrop, a new buffer management policy, to allocate bandwidth and bufferspace in the gateway to ensure that all TCP flows threading thegateway achieve high end-to-end throughput and fair service. Wepropose the use of buffer dimensioning to alleviate the inherent biasof the TCP algorithm towards connections with large Round Trip Timeand validate our scheme through simulations.