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    Measurement of tensor polarization in elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the momentum-transfer range 3.8≤q≤4.6 fm-1
    (1991-07) The, I.; Arvieux, J.; Beck, D.H.; Beise, E.J.; Boudard, A.; Cairns, E.B.; Cameron, J.M.; Dodson, G.W.; Dow, K.A.; Farkhondeh, M.; Fielding, H.W.; Flanz, J.B.; Garcon, M.; Goloskie, R.; Hoibraten, S.; Jourdan, J.; Kowalski, S.; Lapointe, C.; McDonald, W.J.; Ni, B.; Pham, L.D.; Redwine, R.P.; Rodning, N.L.; Roy, G.; Schulze, M.E.; Souder, P.A.; Soukup, J.; Turchinetz, W.E.; Williamson, C.F.; Wilson, K.E.; Wood, S.A.; Zeigler, W.
    The tensor polarization t20 of the recoil deuteron in elastic e-d scattering has been measured for three values of four-momentum transfer, q=3.78, 4.22, and 4.62 fm-1. The data have been used to locate the first node in the charge monopole form factor of the deuteron at q=4.39±0.16 fm-1. The results for t20 are in reasonable agreement with expectations based on the nucleon-meson description of nuclear dynamics
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    Proton propagation in nuclei studied in the A dependence of the (e,e’p) reaction in the quasifree region
    (1989-08) Geesaman, D.F.; Gilman, R.; Green, M.C.; Holt, R.J.; Schiffer, J.P.; Zeidman, B.; Garino, G.; Saber, M.; Segel, R.E.; Beise, E.J.; Dodson, G.W.; Hoibraten, S.; Pham, L.D.; Redwine, R.P.; Sapp, W.W.; Williamson, C.F.; Wood, S.A.; Chant, N.S.; Roos, P.G.; Silk, J.D.; Deady, M.; Maruyama, X.K.
    The A dependence of the (e,e’p) reaction in the quasifree region has been measured at an average Q2 of 0.33 (GeV/c)2 for targets of 12C, 27Al, 58Ni, and 181Ta. The outgoing proton kinetic energy was 180±30 MeV. By comparing the ratio of (e,e’p) coincidence to (e,e’) singles yields, average proton transmissions are obtained for each target. The resulting ‘‘mean free path’’ or, more precisely, the attenuation length for protons in the nucleus is significantly longer than expectations based on the free nucleon-nucleon cross section.
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    Measurement of 16O(γ,n)15O at medium energies
    (1989-05) Beise, E.J.; Dodson, G.; Garçon, M.; Høibråten, S.; Maher, C.; Pham, L.D.; Redwine, R.P.; Sapp, W.; Wilson, K.E.; Wood, S.A.; Deady, M.
    Exclusive differential cross sections for the 16O(γ,n)15O process have been measured for Eγ=150, 200, and 250 MeV and θL=49°, 59°, and 88°. This measurement is the first of its type to be reported for the energy region above the pion production threshold. An uncollimated bremsstrahlung beam was incident on an H2O target, and neutrons were measured with a recoil proton spectrometer with resolution sufficient to identify the residual 15O ground state. The results are compared to (γ,p) data and to calculations including effects from meson exchange currents.
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    Charged pion form factor between Q2=0.60 and 2.45 GeV2. II. Determination of, and results for, the pion form factor
    (2008-10) Huber, G.M.; Blok, H.P.; Horn, T.; Beise, E.J.; Gaskell, D.; Mack, D.J.; Tadevosyan, V.; Volmer, J.; Abbott, D.; Aniol, K.; Anklin, H.; Armstrong, C.; Arrington, J.; Assamagan, K.; Avery, S.; Baker, O.K.; Barrett, B.; Bochna, C.; Boeglin, W.; Brash, E.J.; Breuer, H.; Chang, C.C.; Chant, N.; Christy, M.E.; Dunne, J.; Eden, T.; Ent, R.; Fenker, H.; Gibson, E.F.; Gilman, R.; Gustafsson, K.; Hinton, W.; Holt, J.; Jackson, H.; Jin, S.; Jones, M.K.; Keppel, C.E.; Kim, P.H.; Kim, W.; King, P.M.; Klein, A.; Koltenuk, D.; Kovaltchouk, V.; Liang, M.; Liu, J.; Lolos, G.J.; Lung, A.; Margaziotis, D.J.; Markowitz, P.; Matsumura, A.; McKee, D.; Meekins, D.; Mitchell, J.; Miyoshi, T.; Mkrtchyan, H.; Mueller, B.; Niculescu, G.; Niculescu, I.; Okayasu, Y.; Pentchev, L.; Perdrisat, C.; Pitz, D.; Potterveld, D.; Punjabi, V.; Qin, L.M.; Reimer, P.E.; Reinhold, J.; Roche, J.; Roos, P.G.; Sarty, A.; Shin, I.K.; Smith, G.R.; Stepanyan, S.; Tang, L.G.; Tvaskis, V.; van der Meer, R.L.J.; Vansyoc, K.; VanWestrum, D.; Vidakovic, S.; Vulcan, W.; Warren, G.; Wood, S.A.; Xu, C.; Yan, C.; Zhao, W.-X.; Zheng, X.; Zihlmann, B.; The Jefferson Lab Fπ Collaboration
    The charged pion form factor, Fπ(Q2), is an important quantity that can be used to advance our knowledge of hadronic structure. However, the extraction of Fπ from data requires a model of the 1H(e,e'π+)n reaction and thus is inherently model dependent. Therefore, a detailed description of the extraction of the charged pion form factor from electroproduction data obtained recently at Jefferson Lab is presented, with particular focus given to the dominant uncertainties in this procedure. Results for Fπ are presented for Q2=0.60-2.45 GeV2. Above Q2=1.5 GeV2, the Fπ values are systematically below the monopole parametrization that describes the low Q2 data used to determine the pion charge radius. The pion form factor can be calculated in a wide variety of theoretical approaches, and the experimental results are compared to a number of calculations. This comparison is helpful in understanding the role of soft versus hard contributions to hadronic structure in the intermediate Q2 regime.
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    Coherent π0 photoproduction on the deuteron up to 4 GeV
    (1999-09) Meekins, D.G.; Abbott, D.J.; Ahmidouch, A.; Armstrong, C.S.; Arrington, J.; Assamagan, K.A.; Baker, O.K.; Barrow, S.P.; Beatty, D.P.; Beck, D.H.; Beedoe, S.Y.; Beise, E.J.; Belz, J.E.; Bochna, C.; Bosted, P.E.; Brash, E.J.; Breuer, H.; Cadman, R.V.; Cardman, L.; Carlini, R.D.; Cha, J.; Chant, N.S.; Collins, G.; Cothran, C.; Cummings, W.J.; Danagoulian, S.; Duncan, F.A.; Dunne, J.A.; Dutta, D.; Eden, T.; Ent, R.; Filippone, B.W.; Forest, T.A.; Fortune, H.T.; Frolov, V.V.; Gao, H.; Geesaman, D.F.; Gilman, R.; Gueye, P.L.J.; Gustafsson, K.K.; Hansen, J.-O.; Harvey, M.; Hinton, W.; Holt, R.J.; Jackson, H.E.; Keppel, C.E.; Khandaker, M.A.; Kinney, E.R.; Klein, A.; Koltenuk, D.M.; Kumbartzki, G.; Lung, A.F.; Mack, D.J.; Madey, R.; Markowitz, P.; McFarlane, K.W.; McKeown, R.D.; Meziani, Z.-E.; Miller, M.A.; Mitchell, J.H.; Mkrtchyan, H.G.; Mohring, R.M.; Napolitano, J.; Nathan, A.M.; Niculescu, G.; Niculescu, I.; O'Neill, T.G.; Owen, B.R.; Pate, S.F.; Potterveld, D.H.; Price, J.W.; Rakness, G.L.; Ransome, D.; Reinhold, J.; Rutt, P.M; Salgado, C.W.; Savage, G.; Segel, R.E.; Simicevic, N.; Stoler, P.; Suleiman, R.; Tang, L.; Terburg, B.P.; van Westrum, D.; Vulcan, W.F.; Williamson, S.E.; Witkowski, M.T.; Wood, S.A.; Yan, C.; Zeidman, B.
    The differential cross section for 2H(γ,d)π0 has been measured at deuteron center-of-mass angles of 90° and 136°. This work reports the first data for this reaction above a photon energy of 1 GeV, and permits a test of the apparent constituent counting rule and reduced nuclear amplitude behavior as observed in elastic ed scattering. Measurements were performed up to a photon energy of 4.0 GeV, and are in good agreement with previous lower energy measurements. Overall, the data are inconsistent with both constituent-counting rule and reduced nuclear amplitude predictions.
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    Tensor polarization in elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the momentum transfer range 3.8≤Q≤4.6 fm-1
    (1994-05) Garçon, M.; Arvieux, J.; Beck, D.H.; Beise, E.J.; Boudard, A.; Cairns, E.B.; Cameron, J.M.; Dodson, G.W.; Dow, K.A.; Farkhondeh, M.; Fielding, H.W.; Flanz, J.B.; Goloskie, R.; Hoibraten, S.; Jourdan, J.; Kowlaski, S.; Lapointe, C.; McDonald, W.J.; Ni, B.; Pham, L.D.; Redwine, R.P.; Rodning, N.L.; Roy, G.; Schulze, M.E.; Souder, P.A.; Soukup, J.; The, I.; Turchinetz, W.E.; Williamson, C.F.; Wilson, K.E.; Wood, S.A.; Zeigler, W.
    The tensor polarization of the recoil deuteron in elastic electron-deuteron scattering has been measured at the Bates Linear Accelerator Center at three values of four-momentum transfer Q=3.78, 4.22, and 4.62 fm-1, corresponding to incident electron energies of 653, 755, and 853 MeV. The scattered electrons and the recoil deuterons were detected in coincidence. The recoil deuterons were transported to a liquid hydrogen target to undergo a second scattering. The angular distribution of the d→-p scattering was measured using a polarimeter. The polarimeter was calibrated in an auxiliary experiment using a polarized deuteron beam at the Laboratoire National Saturne. A Monte Carlo procedure was used to generate interpolated calibration data because the energy spread in the deuteron energies in the Bates experiment spanned the range of deuteron energies in the calibration experiment. The extracted values of t20 are compared to predictions of different theoretical models of the electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron: nonrelativistic and relativistic nucleon-meson dynamics, Skyrme model, quark models, and perturbative quantum chromodynamics. Along with the world data the structure functions A(Q) and B(Q) are used to separate the charge monopole and charge quadrupole form factors of the deuteron. A node in the charge monopole form factor is observed at Q=4.39±0.16 fm-1.
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    Exclusive 16O(γ,π-p) reaction in the Δ resonance region
    (1992-08) Pham, L.D.; Høibråten, S.; Redwine, R.P.; Tieger, D.R.; van der Steenhoven, G.; Wilson, K.E.; Yuly, M.E.; Federspiel, F.J.; Eisenstein, R.A.; Nathan, A.M.; Wood, S.A.; Beise, E.J.
    We report the first exclusive (γ,π-p) measurements on a complex nucleus. The 16O(γ,π-p) reaction was measured at pion laboratory angles of 64° and 120°. Coincident protons were detected over the quasifree angular correlation range using a vertical array of seven plastic scintillator detectors spanning ±33° about the scattering plane. The cross sections are compared to factorized distorted-wave impulse approximation calculations; these provide a good description of the backward angle data, but are in serious disagreement with the forward angle data.
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    Proton propagation in nuclei studied in the (e,e’p) reaction
    (1992-02) Geesaman, D.F.; Gilman, R.; Green, M.C.; Holt, R.J.; Schiffer, J.P.; Zeidman, B.; Garino, G.; Saber, M.; Segel, R.E.; Beise, E.J.; Dodson, G.W.; Hoibraten, S.; Pham, L.D.; Redwine, R.P.; Sapp, W.W.; Williamson, C.F.; Wood, S.A.; Chant, N.S.; Roos, P.G.; Silk, J.D.; Deady, M.; Maruyama, X.K.
    Proton propagation in nuclei was studied using the (e,e’p) reaction in the quasifree region. The coincidence (e,e’p) cross sections were measured at an electron angle of 50.4° and proton angles of 50.1°, 58.2°, 67.9°, and 72.9° for 12C, 27Al, 58Ni, and 181Ta targets at a beam energy of 779.5 MeV. The average outgoing proton energy was 180 MeV. The ratio of the (e,e’p) yield to the simultaneously measured (e,e’) yield was compared to that calculated in the plane-wave impulse approximation and an experimental transmission defined. These experimental transmissions are considerably larger (a factor of ∼2 for 181Ta) than those one would calculate from the free N-N cross sections folded into the nuclear density distribution. A new calculation that includes medium effects (N-N correlations, density dependence of the N-N cross sections and Pauli suppression) accounts for this increase.
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    Determination of the Charged Pion Form Factor at Q2=1.60 and 2.45 (GeV/c)2
    (2006-11) Horn, T.; Aniol, K.; Arrington, J.; Barrett, B.; Beise, E.J.; Blok, H.P.; Boeglin, W.; Brash, E.J.; Breuer, H.; Chang, C.C.; Christy, M.E.; Ent, R.; Gaskell, D.; Gibson, E.; Holt, R.J.; Huber, G.M.; Jin, S.; Jones, M.K.; Keppel, C.E.; Kim, W.; King, P.M.; Kovaltchouk, V.; Liu, J.; Lolos, G.J.; Mack, D.J.; Margaziotis, D.J.; Markowitz, P.; Matsumura, A.; Meekins, D.; Miyoshi, T.; Mkrtchyan, H.; Niculescu, I.; Okayasu, Y.; Pentchev, L.; Perdrisat, C.; Potterveld, D.; Punjabi, V.; Reimer, P.; Reinhold, J.; Roche, J.; Roos, P.G.; Sarty, A.; Smith, G.R.; Tadevosyan, V.; Tang, L.G.; Tvaskis, V.; Vidakovic, S.; Volmer, J.; Vulcan, W.; Warren, G.; Wood, S.A.; Xu, C.; Zheng, X.; The Jefferson Lab Fπ-2 Collaboration
    The 1H(e,e′π+)n cross section was measured at four-momentum transfers of Q2=1.60 and 2.45 GeV2 at an invariant mass of the photon nucleon system of W =2.22 GeV. The charged pion form factor (Fπ) was extracted from the data by comparing the separated longitudinal pion electropro- duction cross section to a Regge model prediction in which Fπ is a free parameter. The results indicate that the pion form factor deviates from the charge-radius constrained monopole form at these values of Q2 by one sigma, but is still far from its perturbative Quantum Chromo-Dynamics prediction.
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    Strange Quark Contributions to Parity-Violating Asymmetries in the Forward G0 Electron-Proton Scattering Experiment
    (2010-01) Armstrong, D.S.; Arvieux, J.; Asaturyan, R.; Averett, T.; Bailey, S.L.; Batigne, G.; Beck, D.H.; Beise, E.J.; Benesch, J.; Bimbot, L.; Birchall, J.; Hannelius, L.; Hasty, R.; Hawthorne-Allen, A.; Horn, T.; Johnston, K.; Jones, M.; Kammel, P.; Kazimi, R.; King, P.M.; Kolarkar, A.; Korkmaz, E.; Korsch, W.; Kox, S.; Kuhn, J.; Lachniet, J.; Lee, L.; Lenoble, J.; Liatard, E.; Liu, J.; Loupias, B.; Lung, A.; MacLachlan, G.A.; Marchand, D.; Martin, J.W.; McFarlane, K.W.; McKee, D.W.; McKeown, R.D.; Merchez, F.; Mkrtchyan, H.; Moffit, B.; Morlet, M.; Nakagawa, I.; Nakahara, K.; Nakos, M.; Neveling, R.; Niccolai, S.; Ong, S.; Page, S.; Papavassiliou, V.; Pate, S.F.; Phillips, S.K.; Pitt, M.L.; Poelker, M.; Porcelli, T.A.; Quemener, G.; Quinn, B.; Ramsay, W.D.; Rauf, A.W.; Real, J.S.; Roche, J.; Roos, P.; Rutledge, G.A.; Secrest, J.; Simicevic, N.; Smith, G.R.; Spayde, D.T.; Stepanyan, S.; Stutzman, M.; Sulkosky, V.; Tadevosyan, V.; Tieulent, R.; van de Wiele, J.; van Oers, W.; Voutier, E.; Vulcan, W.; Warren, G.; Wells, S.P.; Williamson, S.E.; Wood, S.A.; Yan, C.; Yun, J.; Zeps, V.; Biselli, A.; Bosted, P.; Boukobza, E.; Breuer, H.; Carlini, R.; Carr, R.; Chant, N.; Chao, Y.C.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Clark, R.; Covrig, S.; Cowley, A.; Dale, D.; Davis, C.; Falk, W.; Finn, J.M.; Forest, T.; Franklin, G.; Furget, C.; Gaskell, D.; Grames, J.; Griffioen, K.A.; Grimm, K.; Guillon, B.; Guler, H.
    We have measured parity-violating asymmetries in elastic electron-proton scattering over the range of momentum transfers 0.12 ≤ Q2 ≤ 1.0 GeV2. These asymmetries, arising from interference of the electromagnetic and neutral weak interactions, are sensitive to strange quark contributions to the currents of the proton. The measurements were made at JLab using a toroidal spectrom- eter to detect the recoiling protons from a liquid hydrogen target. The results indicate non-zero, Q2 dependent, strange quark contributions and provide new information beyond that obtained in previous experiments.