MITH Grant Reports & White Papers
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Item Report on Summit Meeting for Planning a Coalition of Digital Humanities Centers(2007) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Fraistat, NeilItem Tools for Data-Driven Scholarship: Past, Present, Future(2009-03-25) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Center for History and New Media, George Mason University; Cohen, Dan; Fraistat, Neil; Kirschenbaum, Matthew; Scheinfeldt, TomItem Approaches to Managing and Collecting Born-Digital Literary Materials for Scholarly Use(2009-05) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Kirschenbaum, Matthew; Farr, Erika; Kraus, Kari M.; Nelson, Naomi L; Stollar Peters, Catherine; Redwine, Gabriela; Reside, DougItem The Open Annotation Collaboration Phase II: Demonstration & Refinement (Interim March 2010 Workshop Report(2010-03) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Maryland Institute for Technology in the HumanitiesItem Music Theatre Online [Final Report](2010-08-24) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Reside, DouglasItem Preserving Virtual Worlds Final Report(2010-08-31) University of Illinois; McDonough, Jerome; Olendorf, Robert; Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Kirschenbaum, Matthew; Kraus, Kari M.; Reside, Doug; Donahue, Rachel; Rochester Institute of Technology; Phelps, Andrew; Egert, Christopher; Stanford University; Lowood, Henry; Rojo, SusanItem NEH Progress Report for Ajax XML Encoder (AXE)(2010-09-15) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Reside, DougItem Digital Forensics and Born-Digital Content in Cultural Heritage Collections(Council on Library and Information Resources, 2010-12) Kirschenbaum, Matthew; Ovenden, Richard; Redwine, Gabriela; Donahue, Rachel; Duranti, Luciana; Glisson, W. Bradley; Lee, Cal; Maxwell, Rob; Reside, Doug; Thomas, SusanItem Off the Tracks: Laying New Lines for Digital Humanities Scholars [White Paper](2011) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Reside, Doug; Clement, TanyaItem The Open Annotation Collaboration Phase I: Data Model Interoperability Specification; AXE/Zotero Integration; Scholarly Annotation Analysis (Final Performance Report)(2011-04) University of Illinois; Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Fraistat, Neil; Cole, Timothy W.; Hunter, Jane; Van de Sompel, HerbertItem The Text-Image Linking Environment (TILE) [Final Performance Report](2011-10-31) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Lester, DavidItem MITH API Workshop [White Paper](2011-11-30) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Lester, DavidItem Open Annotation - Annotation Ontology Data Model Reconciliation (A Supplement to the Open Annotation Collaboration, Phase II) [Final Report](2012) University of Illinois; Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Cole, Timothy W.; Jett, JacobItem Topic Modeling for Humanities Research(2013-05-01) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Guiliano, JenniferItem Open Annotation Collaboration Phase II Demonstration Experiments: Case Study Report(2013-06-07) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Maryland Institute for Technology in the HumanitiesItem ANGLES: A Web-Based XML Editor [Interim Report: October 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013](2013-07-25) Muñoz, TrevorItem Digital Humanities Data Curation [Interim Report: October 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013](2013-07-26) Muñoz, Trevor; Flanders, Julia; Senseny, MeganItem Making the Digital Humanities More Open [Final Performance Report](2013-08-15) University of South Carolina Research Foundation; Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Williams, George H.; Guiliano, JenniferItem Shared Horizons: Data, BioMedicine, and the Digital Humanities (Final Performance Report)(2013-08-30) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Fraistat, NeilItem From Bitstreams to Heritage: Putting Digital Forensics into Practice in Collecting Institutions(2013-09-30) Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities; Kirschenbaum, Matthew; Lee, Christopher A.; Woods, Kam; Chassanoff, Alexandra