College Dating Violence: Evaluating an Online Intervention

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The purpose of this study will be to replicate and extend a randomized controlled trial that tested the effectiveness of an online bystander intervention educational program (STOP Dating Violence; O'Brien, Sauber, Kearney, Venaglia, & Lemay, 2019). Specifically, the intervention was modified and converted into an engaging animated video and then tested for its effectiveness. College students will be randomly assigned to one of three conditions: (1) the STOP intervention, (2) a website containing information about dating violence, and (3) a control condition. Data collection is currently underway. Preliminary data analyses (N=39) suggest that there is a difference in post test scores on the knowledge of bystander interventions measure across conditions (F(2, 36) = 3.876, p <; .03, η 2 = .18). This study will advance knowledge regarding how counseling psychologists might cost-effectively and successfully educate undergraduates about dating violence.

