An Exploration into the Validity and Treatment of the Bassoon in Duet Repertoire from 1960 - 2016

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Dominant composers have taken advantage of the bassoon’s expansive range, including it in a duet setting within a handful of compositions. Yet despite these wonderful works, demonstrating the bassoon’s potential in this repertoire, modern composers and performers alike shy away from including the bassoon in duets. It is my belief that knowledge of this repertoire, along with fearless composers and performers, will incite new passions for the duet repertoire that includes the bassoon and help bring this wonderful music to the concert stage.

This dissertation project explores the validity of the bassoon in duet repertoire and pushes the boundaries of standard conceptions through three thematic recital programs with works written between 1960 and 2016. The composers included are uninhibited by extended techniques, musical style and traditions, or unconventional instrumentation. The first contains duets for bassoon and percussion and electronics, the second for bassoon and winds, and the third for bassoon and strings.

The works performed and discussed in this dissertation are the following:

• Howard J. Buss, Luminous Horizons for bassoon and harp (2016)

• John Falcone, Jabberwocky Jam for solo bassoon and narrator (2011)

• Alfonso Fuentes, Mejunje del Fagobóngo for solo bassoon & solo bongos (2006)

• Kyle Hovatter, Mist for bassoon and track (2011)

• Alan Hovhaness, Suite for English horn and bassoon (1968)

• Michael Isaacson, Duet for bassoon and one maraca (2008)

• Michael Isaacson, The Low Down, ten bar blues for bassoon and electric bass (2011)

• Ann Kearns, Six Poems of Mary Oliver (1997)

• Michael Kibbe, Eclogue, op. 61 for English horn & bassoon (1981)

• Francisco Mignone, Music for Two Bassoons, Sonata No. 1 (1961)

• Craig Phillips, Pastoral & Dance for bassoon & organ (2006)

• Thomas Priest, Reminiscent Rains for bassoon & marimba (2006)

• Robert Rønnes, Dragon’s Teeth (2003)

• Robert Rønnes, Kumoi Kudan – Masahito Tanaka in Memoriam (2003)

• Tadd Russo At the Zoo – Three Dances for Trumpet and Bassoon (2007)

• Gerhard Samuel, Dirge for John Cage for bassoon & Percussion (1992)

• John Steinmetz, Fish Phase for two contrabassoons & goldfish (1975)

• Günther Witschurke, Zwei Lieder für Sopran und Fagott (1994)

• Gernot Wolfgang, 3 Short Stories for viola & bassoon (2001)



NOTICE: Recordings accompanying this record are available only to University of Maryland College Park faculty, staff, and students and cannot be reproduced, copied, distributed or performed publicly by any means without prior permission of the copyright holder.