DuMont, 35 Years Later: HBCUs, LIS Education, and Institutional Discrimination

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Ndumu, A., & Chancellor, R. (2021). DuMont, 35 Years Later: HBCUs, LIS education, and institutional discrimination. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 62(2), 162-181.


This article revisits Rosemary DuMont’s 1986 articles on Black librarianship and racial attitudes in LIS. The first part addresses missing or limited coverage on the library schools at five historically Black colleges and universities: Alabama A&M University, Clark Atlanta University, University of the District of Columbia, Hampton University, and North Carolina Central University. The second part provides examples of biases in accreditation as it relates to HBCU-based LIS programs. The article closes with a discussion on the erasure of HBCUs in LIS education, despite their important contributions to racial and ethnic representation and inclusion in the library professions.

