Keeping Circulation Services Relevant: Implementing a New Campus Book Retrieval Service
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As e-books and e-journals become more prevalent many libraries are seeing use of their physical collections decline. At the same time patrons are requesting more comprehensive library services, including access to library resources 24 hours a day and quicker delivery of materials. In response to these requests the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries implemented a new book retrieval service in March 2002. Since its implementation, over 26,000 requests have been processed. Through this service, patrons identify books of interest in the OPAC and place requests for books that are on the shelf in open stacks or (less frequently) in a storage facility. Requests are printed at the campus library that owns the title, library staff retrieve requested materials, and deliver them to a hold shelf at a campus library that the patron chooses. The patron is then notified to pick up the item. We expect to see a steady increase in use as patrons become familiar with the service.