Authentication of Fingerprint Scanners

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To counter certain security threats in biometric authentication systems, particularly in portable devices (e.g., phones and laptops), we have developed a technology for automated authentication of fingerprint scanners of exactly the same type, manufacturer, and model. The technology uses unique, persistent, and unalterable characteristics of the fingerprint scanners to detect attacks on the scanners, such as detecting an image containing the fingerprint pattern of the legitimate user and acquired with the authentic fingerprint scanner replaced by another image that still contains the fingerprint pattern of the legitimate user but has been acquired with another, unauthentic fingerprint scanner. The technology uses the conventional authentication steps of enrolment and verification, each of which can be implemented in a portable device, a desktop, or a remote server. The technology is extremely accurate, computationally efficient, robust in a wide range of conditions, does not require any hardware modifications, and can be added (as a software add-on) to systems already manufactured and placed into service. We have also implemented the technology in a demonstration prototype for both area and swipe scanners.

