The Art Songs of Celius Dougherty (1902-1986)

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The chief aim of this series of recital programs was to introduce art songs (published and unpublished) by the composer Celius Dougherty (1902-1986), and to provide brief analysis of individual songs in order to develop a more comprehensive insight to his compositional style. Each recital in this dissertation featured a group of Dougherty's unpublished songs (Songs from the American Countryside, Seven Songs, Eglantine and Ivy) in order to further the notion that more of his song output merits publication and recognition. The first program, Celius Dougherty, the Composer consisted entirely of art songs and folk song arrangements by Dougherty. The second program, Celius Dougherty, the American thematically grouped Dougherty's songs alongside works by his famous contemporaries (Copland, Floyd, Argento, Bernstein and Ives). This arrangement of repertoire was intended to further the argument that Dougherty's songs can stand up to more widely recognized works within the rich canon of American Art Song. The final program Dougherty and Copland, presented two song cycles, Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson (Copland) and Eglantine and Ivy, Dougherty's unpublished cycle of sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. The purpose of this final program was to test the artistic merit of Eglantine and Ivy by making a direct comparison between it and Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson, which is recognized as a cornerstone among the canon of American Art Song.
Directed By: Prof. Carmen Balthrop, Voice Dept.



NOTICE: Recordings accompanying this record are available only to University of Maryland College Park faculty, staff, and students and cannot be reproduced, copied, distributed or performed publicly by any means without prior permission of the copyright holder.