The Relationship between the Level of Implementation of Instructional Consultation Teams and Student Goal Attainment

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A number of prereferral and problem-solving teams have emerged since PL 94-142 to provide consultation and intervention planning for teachers with difficult to teach students. Instructional Consultation Teams (IC Teams) is one model that attempts to improve student academic and behavioral performance through the use of a structured problem-solving process. This study examined the archived data of 417 IC Team consultant-teacher dyads to determine the relationship between implementation of the collaborative process and student goal attainment.

High levels of goal attainment were assessed for cases that provided full SDF documentation. Implementation in the dimensions of Clear Communication, Intervention Implementation and Intervention Evaluation related to a small degree with student goal attainment. However, 42% of cases did not provide sufficient information to determine goal attainment. Those cases that did fully document SDF data had higher implementation scores than did those that provided partial or insufficient documentation of critical SDF components.

