Seasonal Migrations of Atlantic Sturgeon and Striped Bass Through the Maryland Wind Energy Area
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Baseline information is needed on migrations through US Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf waters in advance of offshore wind development. Acoustically-tagged Atlantic sturgeon and striped bass were detected from 2016-2019 in an array of 20 acoustic telemetry receivers centered on the Maryland Wind Energy Area and extending 10-50 km offshore. Both species were transient (mean residency < 3 days), but migration patterns differed seasonally and were related to depth and temperature. Generalized additive models showed that Atlantic sturgeon occur at inshore sites during spring while striped bass shifted toward the outer shelf as inshore waters cooled in winter. The movement of hundreds of tagged striped bass and sturgeon, originating from shelf waters from Maine to South Carolina suggests that the Wind Energy Area is part of a multi-species Atlantic coastal flyway, particularly during spring, fall, and winter periods. Thus, summer presents a potential window for wind tower construction.