Gender-Equity Components in Preservice Teacher- Education Programs
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The purpose of this study was to identify teacher-education institutions that had gender-equity components in their teacher-education programs and through case studies to describe three programs . The information gathered through this study can benefit those who wish to improve the teaching about gender equity in preservice teacher-preparation programs. The main question was how are teacher-education institutions across the country addressing gender equity m their preservice programs in order for their graduates to be able to provide bias-free education for males and females. That question was further divided into 12 subquestions which explored these topics: Which institutions have gender- equity components? In what forms are the components? Which are the top- three institutions based on the questionnaire criteria? How are they alike and different from each other and from the five exemplary models found in the Iiterature search? What competencies do the top- three institutions identify for their graduates? What curriculum and instructional techniques are used in the programs? How could the programs examined be improved? A two-part data gathering strategy was used: first, a questionnaire was designed, sent to 547 institutions accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, and analyzed; next, on- site visits were made to the three institutions scoring highest on the survey, and case studies were written on the gender- equity component in their programs. This work includes a review of the literature on gender equity in teacher preparation, identifies five exemplary models for teaching gender equity, analyzes the data collected from 200 teacher- education institutions, presents findings from the survey and from the three case studies, and makes recommendations to equity advocates and researchers about future actions that could improve the teaching of sex equity in preservice teacher-education programs.