On the Implementation of an Accurate and Efficient Solver for Convection-Diffusion Equations

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In this dissertation, we examine several different aspects of computing the numerical solution of the convection-diffusion equation. The solution of this equation often exhibits sharp gradients due to Dirichlet outflow boundaries or discontinuities in boundary conditions. Because of the singular-perturbed nature of the equation, numerical solutions often have severe oscillations when grid sizes are not small enough to resolve sharp gradients. To overcome such difficulties, the streamline diffusion discretization method can be used to obtain an accurate approximate solution in regions where the solution is smooth. To increase accuracy of the solution in the regions containing layers, adaptive mesh refinement and mesh movement based on a posteriori error estimations can be employed. An error-adapted mesh refinement strategy based on a posteriori error estimations is also proposed to resolve layers. For solving the sparse linear systems that arise from discretization, goemetric multigrid (MG) and algebraic multigrid (AMG) are compared. In addiiton, both methods are also used as preconditioners for Krylov subspace methods. We derive some convergence results for MG with line Gauss-Seidel smoothers and bilinear interpolation. Finally, while considering adaptive mesh refinement as an integral part of the solution process, it is natural to set a stopping tolerance for the iterative linear solvers on each mesh stage so that the difference between the approximate solution obtained from iterative methods and the finite element solution is bounded by an a posteriori error bound. Here, we present two stopping criteria. The first is based on a residual-type a posteriori error estimator developed by Verfurth. The second is based on an a posteriori error estimator, using local solutions, developed by Kay and Silvester. Our numerical results show the refined mesh obtained from the iterative solution which satisfies the second criteria is similar to the refined mesh obtained from the finite element solution.

