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Superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) are the photon detecting devices of the future. These devices offer exceptional detecting capabilities over a wide range of wavelengths, which will enable next generation systems for optical communications, light detection and ranging, quantum key decryption, and astronomy among others. There are substantial materials, fabrication, and device development challenges that need to be addressed before these devices are ready for large scale deployment in arrays. This dissertation demonstrates novel approach to SNSPD development by monolithically integrating superconducting materials with wide bandgap semiconductor systems to scale these devices. Specifically, this work explores the integration of niobium nitride (NbN) with multi-channel aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN)/gallium nitride (GaN) superlattice devices to leverage the benefits of materials similarity and lattice matching to provide high quality detector performance in the proposed system. The multichannel superlattice device selected for this work, the superlattice castellated field effect transistor (SLCFET) utilizes a novel δ-doping approach to generate conducting channels. Epitaxial structures were studied between 300K and 4K. This structure exhibits a substantial reduction in epitaxial resistance, determined to be a result of mobility improvement to 4151.5 cm2/Vs through Hall effect analysis. Phonon scattering modelling indicates that the device is limited by polar optical phonon scattering at high temperatures and interface roughness between the channels at cryogenic conditions. Field effect transistors fabricated from this epitaxial structure were tested and shown to exhibit exceptionally high performance at low temperatures, proving feasibility of device integration. A production-scalable NbN deposition process was developed for SNSPD fabrication. Thorough analyses determined the relationship between deposition parameters and the resultant crystallinity, defectivity, and surface morphology. Analysis of ultra-thin films determined that the NbN films grow through a step-flow growth mechanism. This data was used to develop a temperature-dependent empirical model of the kinetics of the surface morphology and growth mechanism evolution based on the Avrami equation. Fabrication processes were developed using these films to pattern SNSPDs with narrow linewidths down to 50 nanometers composing the meander structure for long wavelength performance. Thorough analysis of the impact of electron beam lithography write conditions were conducted to propose ideal fabrication conditions. Methods were proposed and implemented to address defectivity by reducing the impact of elasto-capillary forces on line collapse including chemical surface modification using hexamethyldisilazane and resist thinning using polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and ZEP and implementing charge dissipation layers. Additional processes were proposed and implemented to enable integration into the SLCFET fabrication flow. The SLCFET devices and NbN structures were tested and determined to be functional, thus demonstrating the feasibility of integration. An initial integrated device was designed and modelled by combining a SLCFET with NbN SNSPDs, using the RF output as a readout approach. The devices were successfully fabricated using the processes developed within this dissertation. Testing of the devices showed a 30dB signal difference between the normal and detecting states, thus demonstrating the first device of its kind, representing a substantial contribution to the field. This will open the door for full-scale array development using novel on and off chip signal processing approaches proposed in this work.

