Cataloging Early English Books Online in WorldCat Discovery

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In late 2015, the University of Maryland Libraries initiated a cataloging project designed to ensure the discoverability of equivalent e-versions of its 5,062 cataloged microfilm resources in the series, Early English books, 1475-1640, and hoped to follow with its 41,306 resources in the Early English books, 1641-1700 series. The e-versions are held in ProQuest’s Early English Books Online (EEBO) collection. The project began as an attempt to adapt cataloging workflows to an environment in which e-resources copy cataloging takes place within discovery system tools rather than MARC record set or individual record downloads into online catalogs. The presentation considers EEBO’s relationship to scholarship and to cooperative cataloging; offers recommendations for maximizing WorldCat bibliographic metadata to improve resource discovery; and opens a dialogue to extend cooperative cataloging of EEBO resources beyond traditional lines.


“Cataloging Early English Books Online in WorldCat Discovery” was presented at the ALCTS Cataloging and Metadata Management Section’s (CaMMS) Cataloging and Classification Research Interest Group program at the ALA Annual Conference, New Orleans, June 24, 2018
