The Effects of Explicit Instruction with Dynamic Geometry Software for Secondary Students with ADHD/Learning Disabilities

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The current study examined the effect of an instructional package on the ability of secondary students with mathematics difficulties to solve geometric similarity transformations. The instructional package includes a blend of research-based instructional practices including explicit instruction, the CRA sequence, and Dynamic Geometry Software. A multiple probe design across four participants was used to evaluate the intervention. The participants were four students with a history of mathematics difficulty in a suburban mid-Atlantic high school. Results of the study demonstrated that all four students improved their accuracy on geometric similarity transformations and maintained those skills four weeks after the completion of the intervention. Furthermore, providing multiple visual representations, including technology such as dynamic geometry software, as well as concrete manipulatives, allowed participants to make connections to geometric content and enhanced their metacognition, self-efficacy, and disposition toward geometry. This study supports the use of integrated instruction utilizing explicit instruction and visual representations for high school students with MD on grade-level geometry content.

