Analysis of Propane Gas Burner Experiments and FDS Simulations in a Two-Story Residential Structure with HVAC

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To further our knowledge of fire dynamics in a residential structure with a heating, venitilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, a series of live fire gas burner experiments were conducted and modeling simulations were completed to compare the results. 29 full-scale experiments were conducted in a single story ranch structure on a basement with fire from a single propane fed gas burner. The

structure was instrumented to measure temperatures, oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations, water vapor concentrations, and gas velocities. In addition to the full-scale experiments, six experiments were selected and modeled for comparison. A numerical simulation program, known as a Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) (version 6.7.10), was used to complete the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations. The FDS HVAC submodel was incorporated into the modeled experiments to compare how heat and fire gases transversed the modeled HVAC system as compared to the experimental results. Results from experimental and simulated data showed

that heat and fire gases were transferred through the HVAC system during the experiments. Comparison of simulation data to the experimental data showed that FDS over predicted heat transfer through the HVAC system. However, there was sufficient agreement between data points to support FDS modeling as a more severe set of outcomes in the event of a fire.

