Potential Disasters
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The common conceptual thread woven through my work is a fascination with the
point at which two things meet, thereby creating a third entirely new event. This
ongoing theme of two forces and their point of contact speaks of weakness and
controlled failure. Whether it is with feather filled, upholstery fabric forms pinned to
the wall by bowed steel armatures, or tense steel rods sprung between wall and floor,
my interest lies in exploring how the slow, kinetic action of one, affects the other.
I construct three-dimensional drawings with steel rods that rely upon relationships
with their surroundings. The starting and ending points of the rods are ambiguous,
rather, they are a series of marks that link one point to another. Developed through
self-created codes and natural genetic patterning from my personal history, each rod
represents a relationship. These installations and three-dimensional drawings are part
of the series entitled Potential Disasters. The work has potential for slip, change or
collapse. I guide, direct, and balance elements, but once the installation is
established, the resulting event is out of my control.