A Performance Study of Contemporary Chamber Music for Trumpet and Strings

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The twentieth and twenty-first centuries have had a rekindling of the trumpet/strings chamber relationship that was once common in the baroque era. Not only is new music being composed, performers sometimes present works in a chamber environment that were originally intended for trumpet and string orchestra or works that did not originally include trumpet. This provides new life to the music, gives audiences the chance to hear something different in a trumpet recital, and allows the trumpet player firsthand experience with music he or she may have never had otherwise. Between new music and the reshaping of older works, now is an excellent time for trumpet players to expand their horizons.

First Recital: January 30, 2012

Gildenhorn Recital Hall

Gillingham: Tourbillon

Cooman: Sun Songs

Bartók: Selections from 44 Duos for Two Violins

Ewazen: Trio

Second Recital: February 20, 2012

Ulrich Recital Hall

Presser: Three Duets

Cooman: Chorale and Courante

Koetsier: Duo giocoso

Cooman: Lyric Trio

Third Recital: December 9, 2013

Gildenhorn Recital Hall

Hovhaness: Haroutian

Ewazen: Quintet

Taggart: Song at Sunset

Bartholomew: Summer Suite

This performance study has had tremendous positive effects. Most importantly, it has given me knowledge and recital suggestions that I will be able to offer my students. The ability to broaden their experiences as I have done is something I look forward to and believe to be extremely important. Students must learn to always be exploring different ways to reach their audiences, and they must be comfortable in all types of settings. Trumpet players too often do not expand their performances out of the realm of brass, robbing themselves of great experiences.



NOTICE: Recordings accompanying this record are available only to University of Maryland College Park faculty, staff, and students and cannot be reproduced, copied, distributed or performed publicly by any means without prior permission of the copyright holder.