Connecting neighborhoods: the re-development of Southside Market Place, Baltimore
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This thesis proposes the intervening of different layers of connections which link together the neighborhoods on the South Baltimore peninsula. The industries on the peninsula, which gave reason for being to the neighborhoods, disrupted the community fabric and destroyed the connections between the neighborhoods and the waterfront. The use of greenways, tram lines, pedestrian pathways, and zones of activity will reduce the amount of vehicular traffic within the neighborhoods and will provide stronger, more continuous connection that unites the peninsula together with the waterfront and amenities throughout Baltimore. This thesis investigates in detail the layers of connection which influence the re-knitting of the urban fabric of Locust Point and Riverside. These layers come together at the seam between the two neighborhoods. This seam composes of Southside Market Place, Lawrence St. and a waterfront brown field. This site is transformed into a mixed-use retail development surrounding a series of open spaces.