Worry Intensity about Situations Experienced by Student Teachers

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Student teachers are often overlooked in discussions about teacher burnout, attrition, and turnover despite evidence that burnout may begin to develop during student teaching (Horgan, Howard, & Gardiner-Hyland, 2018). High rates of teacher turnover and attrition are costly and detract from the quality of education (Alliance, 2014). This study examines four questions related to student teachers’ experience with worry and stress: how much do student teachers worry about common teaching situations, to what extent is worry intensity situational, how do student teachers describe their experiences with worry, and is worry intensity related to perceived stress reactivity? Results demonstrated that person differences accounted for relatively more variation in worry intensity than did situations. Further, results demonstrated that worry intensity was significantly related to perceived stress reactivity to social evaluation. Implications for understanding how individuals reason about worry intensity and implications for teacher preparation programs are discussed.

