Vertical Column Densities of LNOx*

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060806_07_LNOx.txt (8.71 MB)
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070805_11_LNOx.txt (8.71 MB)
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LNOx_120611.txt (8.71 MB)
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This dataset was created by Eric Bucsela and contains vertical column densities of LNOx before background contribution was removed (LNOx*). There are 6 values for these column amounts, one for each method used to retrieve vertical column densities. The method used in Seiler et al., (2025) is that of VLNOxhi_cld. There are files for three case studies: June 11th, 2012, August 5th, 2007, August 6th, 2006.


Slant column densities (SCD) of NO2 are retrieved by the OMI satellite. Following the method described in Bucsela et al., (2019), these SCD are converted to Vertical Column Densities (VCD) of LNOx*. There are 6 values for these column amounts. Those used in Seiler et al., (2025) are that of VLNOxhi_cld. This was completed for three case studies: June 11th, 2012, August 5th, 2007, and August 6th, 2006.
