Topological T-duality:KK-monopoles, Gerbes and Automorphisms

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We show that Topological T-duality proposed by Mathai and Rosenberg may be used to define a T-dual for a semi-free S^1-space. In particular, we argue that it gives the physical T-dual for a system of n Kaluza-Klein (KK) monopoles.

We show that the `dyonic coordinates' well known in the physics literature may be incorporated within this formalism of Topological T-duality.

We study some formal properties of topological T-duality: We note that Topological T-duality naturally defines a T-dual of any semi-free S^1-space X. If B \simeq X/S^1, X is naturally associated to a Hitchin 2-gerbe on B^{+}. We also note that T-duals of such spaces may be naturally associated to Hitchin 3-gerbes on B^{+} \times S^1. We demonstrate that Topological T-duality gives a natural mapping between these two gerbes.

We use the Equivariant Brauer Group to model a space with a B-field or a H-flux. We note that each step of the natural filtration on this group corresponds to one of the gauge fields of the H-flux. We note that given a T-dual pair of principal S^1-bundles E,E^{#} over B, T-duality gives a natural map T:H^2(E,\KZ) \to H^2(E^{#},\KZ). We define a classifying space for pairs over B consisting of a principal S^-1bundle p:X \to B and a class b is an element of H^2(X,\KZ). We characterize this space up to homotopy. We make a conjecture on the T-dual of an automorphism with nonzero $H-$flux.

