Tendon-Driven Manipulators: Analysis, Synthesis, and Control

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As the development of light-weight, small volume and versatile manipulators has grown in the field of robotics, the need for more efficient and relevant power transmission systems in the manipulators has become increasingly apparent. It is clear that the advent of efficient, low friction, and backlash-free actuation systems promises to provide significant gains in manipulator performance. Tendon transmission has been widely used to actuate small volume and light-weight articulated manipulators, such as dextrous mechanical hands, for it permits actuators to be installed remotely from the end-effector, thus reducing the bulk and inertia of the manipulator system. Current research on such actuation systems is accomplished on the basis of specialized designs. The lack of systematic approaches has limited our scope in realizing our scope in realizing performance of such transmission systems. Therefore, when associated with systematic methodologies, the study of tendon-driven manipulators promises to be of major importance in the field of robotics.

This dissertation is concerned with four issues to enhance our use and understanding of tendon-driven manipulators. First, a systematic approach for the kinematic analysis of tendon-driven manipulators is established. Graph is used to represent the kinematic structure of tendon-driven manipulators. It is shown that the kinematic structure of tendon-driven manipulators is in every way similar to that of epicyclic gear trains. The fundamental circuit equation developed for the kinematic analysis of epicyclic gear trains can thus be applied to this type of mechanism. The displacement equation governing joint angle space and tendon space can be easily obtained.

Secondly, the concept of structural isomorphism and the structural characteristics of tendon-driven manipulators are investigated. Based on the explored properties, a methodology for the enumeration of tendon-driven manipulators is developed. By applying the methodology, a class of kinematic structures having pseudo-triangular structure matrix is enumerated.

Thirdly, a method for assessing the kinematic/static performance of tendon- driven manipulators is developed. Transmission ellipsoids of the manipulators are investigated. A criterion for differentiating force transmission characteristics and a procedure for identifying least maximum- tendon-force are established. Based on the rationale developed, it is shown that optimal kinematic structure can be achieved fir certain types of tendon routings.

Finally, the dynamic characteristics of tendon-driven manipulators are examined in detail. When integrating with a control algorithm in the manipulator, the dynamic performance of tendon-driven manipulators is realized and identified with more fidelity.

