Field data from experiment testing organic amendments in restored wetlands

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  1. Water levels data loggers repository.xlsx – raw data from Hobo U20L pressure sensor data loggers. Calculations converting raw readings (in PSI or kPa) to relative water elevations are included - based on measured well depth.
  2. Field data_repository.xlsx – Contains all raw data other than atmospheric gas and data logger data. Calculated parameters (e.g. bulk density and Simpson Index) are included with in-cell formulas.
  3. Field Data_Gas_Analysis_Repository.xlsx – Measured gas concentrations.

All instruments and software used to create the data are recorded in the manuscript.


Data processing steps are shown on the spreadsheets except gas analysis. To estimate gas production rate, we plotted each data set and applied a best-fit linear curve in Excel. Bulk processing was not effective because the background (ambient) air samples at time T=0 were sometimes anomalously high because local air concentrations had been influenced by methane emission from nearby plots. In the cases where this was obvious, the T=0 values were omitted from the curve. Any methane curves with a negative slope, or where the r^2 value was less than 0.1 was considered zero methane emission. The table includes carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, but only methane data were process for this report.


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