Diverse Video Generation

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Generating future frames given a few context (or past) frames is a challengingtask. It requires modeling the temporal coherence of videos and multi-modality in terms of diversity in the potential future states. Current variational approaches for video generation tend to marginalize over multi-modal future outcomes. Instead, in this thesis, we propose to explicitly model the multi-modality in the future outcomes and leverage it to sample diverse futures. Our approach, Diverse Video Generator, uses a Gaussian Process (GP) to learn priors on future states given the past and maintains a probability distribution over possible futures given a particular sample. In addition, we leverage the changes in this distribution overtime to control the sampling of diverse future states by estimating the end of on-going sequences. That is, we use the variance of GP over the output function space to trigger a change in an action sequence. We achieve state-of-the-art results on diverse future frame generation in terms of reconstruction quality and diversity of the generated sequences

