Many-Body Dephasing in a Cryogenic Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator

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While realizing a fully functional quantum computer presents a long term technical goal, in the present, there are small to mid-sized quantum simulators (up to $\sim 100$ qubits), that are capable of approaching specialized problems. The quantum simulator discussed here uses trapped ions to act as qubits and is housed in a cryogenically cooled vacuum chamber in order to reduce the background pressure, thereby increasing ion chain length and life-time. The details of performance and characterization of this cryogenic apparatus are discussed, and this system is used to study many-body dephasing in a finite-sized quantum spin system.

How a closed quantum many-body system relaxes and dephases as a function of time is important to understand when dealing with many-body spin systems. In this work, the first experimental observation of persistent temporal fluctuations after a quantum quench is presented with a tunable long-range interacting transverse-field Ising Hamiltonian. The fluctuations in the average magnetization of a finite-size system of spin-$1/2$ particles are measured presenting a direct measurement of relaxation dynamics in a non-integrable system. This experiment is in the regime where the properties of the system are closely related to the integrable Hamiltonian with global coupling. The system size is varied in order to investigate the dependence on finite-size scaling, and the system size scaling exponent extracted from the measured fluctuations is consistent with theoretical prediction.

