"Triggered": How the exposure to or experiences with Police are affecting Black Women's psychological functioning

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Interactions between the Black community and the police have gained national attention recently. There is emerging literature on how being a victim and/or being exposed to these deaths and other incidents of police brutality is affecting the Black community. This study used qualitative interviews to explore the relationship between the exposure to and interactions with police and Black women’s psychological functioning and to further the understanding of coping strategies being used by Black women (n=5) to deal with this stressor. Results indicated that Black women feel fear, hyper-vigilance, and the randomness of negative interactions with the police. They reported using prayer, activism, and avoidance as ways to cope and discussed needing therapists to normalize therapy, as well as acknowledge and understand their experiences. Findings have the potential to address a significant gap in literature and can inform the development of trauma-informed programs for Black women.

