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    (2018) Zhong, Honglin; Sun, Laixiang; Geography; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Chinese farmers have adopted multiple adaptation measures to mitigate the negative impact of, and to capture the opportunities brought by, the observed climate change in the last several decades. Such adaptations will continue in the coming decades given the foreseeing climate change. Scientifically assessing such dynamism of suitable agricultural adaptation requires unprecedented efforts of the research community to simulate and predict the interactions among crop growth dynamics, the environment and crop management, and cropping systems at and across various scales. This calls for efforts aiming to quantify the interactions of agro-ecological processes across different scales. This dissertation intends to make scientific contributions in this direction. The leading goal of this dissertation is to develop a cross-scale modeling framework that is capable of incorporating the field agricultural advances into the design and evaluation of regional cropping system adaptation strategies. It then applies this framework to identify feasible cropping system adaptation strategies under observed warmer climate and quantify their potential benefits to the grain production and water sustainability in the major cropping regions in north China. Three objectives of this study are: (1) Develop a cross-scale model-coupling framework between the site level DSSAT model and the regional level AEZ model to improve the AEZ performance in capturing the northern expansion of japonica rice under a warmer climate in the Northeast China Plain. (2) Construct a new wheat-maize cropping systems adaptation strategy to meet the double challenge of maintaining the regional grain production level and recovering local groundwater table in the semi-arid North China Plain, where the persistent overexploitation of groundwater has caused severe environmental damages. (3) Establish a dynamic adaptation strategy to identify the desired water sustainable cropping systems across different localities and to meet the challenge of recovery local groundwater table and minimize the output losses of wheat and then total grain production in the Hebei Plain, where the irrigation water shortage has threatened wheat production and thus potentially compromising China’s food security. This dissertation will improve our understanding of the interactions and interlinkage across multi-scale agro-ecosystems in mitigating the environmental risks associated with the irrigation-intensive farming and in adapting to climate change. The cropping systems adaptation strategies proposed by this dissertation provide scientific basis for future agricultural adaptation policy design compatible with local agro-climatic, land and soil conditions across China.
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    A Forest of Complexity: An Ethnographic Assessment of REDD+ Implementation in Indonesia
    (2016) Enrici, Ashley; Hubacek, Klaus; Geography; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) is a global initiative aimed at curbing carbon emissions from forest cover change. Indonesia, one of the most biodiverse places on the planet with the third largest extent of tropical forest, has been extensively involved in REDD+. Despite commitments from the government of Indonesia and the international community, the deforestation rate has not stabilized or decreased in the years since REDD+'s introduction in 2007. As of 2012, it was arguably the highest in the world. While there is an extensive body of literature on REDD+, the need for grounded observations from the field could clarify existing challenges and inform future pursuits. This dissertation presents the results of over two years of ethnographic research in Indonesia on REDD+. Qualitative data collection techniques such as participant observation, site visits and interviews provide a rich tapestry of data that was analyzed in combination with scholarly literature and policy. The research finds that despite a number of changes to laws and regulations resulting from REDD+ implementation in Indonesia, weak institutional capacity and corruption have negated gains. The results of a case study of three REDD+ project sites identify important criteria at the root of success or failure: finance, community, boundary enforcement, monitoring, and outcomes of attempted carbon sequestration and biodiversity preservation. Challenges identified for each criteria include a lack of sufficient funding opportunities; inability to enforce boundaries due to corruption; and lack of a solid plan for involving communities. Carbon sequestration and biodiversity preservation results were mixed due to lack of monitoring and problems with encroachment. Finally the results of the qualitative data collection with stakeholders indicates a crisis of confidence among REDD+ stakeholders; cultural barriers to communication; a disconnect between international rhetoric and local reality; corruption and governance issues resulting in a lack of pathways for project implementation. I argue that changes must be made to Indonesian policy, monitoring technologies must be utilized, and stakeholders need to address some of the problems discussed here in order to save REDD+ from crisis.
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    The impact of agricultural irrigation on land surface characteristics and near surface climate in China
    (2012) Zhu, Xiufang; Liang, Shunlin; Geography; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    It is well known that land cover and land use change can significantly influence the climate system by modulating surface-atmosphere exchanges. Land management, such as irrigation, also has a profound influence on the climate system. Irrigation can alter the water and energy flux from ground surface to the atmosphere and further influence near surface climate. Considering its dramatic expansion during the last century, the widespread use of irrigation has had an ongoing impact on our climate system. However, until now, this relationship between increased irrigation and its effect on climate system has not been well examined. The main objective of this dissertation is to quantify the irrigation impacts on land surface characteristics and near surface climate over China by using both observational (remote sensing and meteorological observation) and modeling studies with four specific questions: Where are the irrigated areas in China? What might have happened in the past? What will happen as a result of irrigation expansion in the future? And what is the relationship between the land cover land use change (LCLUC) impact and the irrigation impact on near surface climate in China? To answer these questions, I 1) developed three irrigation potential indices and produced a high resolution irrigation map of China; 2)analyzed and compared meteorological and remote sensing observations in irrigated and non-irrigated agriculture areas of China; 3) simulated both irrigation and LCLUC impact on land surface energy balance components (i.e., land surface temperature, latent flux, and sensible flux) and near surface climate (i.e., air temperature, water vapor, relative humidity) of China in the past (1978-2004) and also in two future time periods (2050 and 2100) by using the Community Land Model and compared the impact of irrigation with that of LUCC. Meteorological observations in Jilin Province show that the temperature differences between highly and lightly irrigated areas are statistically significant. The differences are highly correlated with the effective irrigation area (EIA) and sown area of crop (CSA). Results from satellite observations show that highly irrigated areas corresponded to lower albedo and daytime land surface temperature (LST), and higher normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and evapotranspiration (ET). The difference between highly and lightly irrigated areas is bigger in drier areas and in drier years. The modeling studies show that the irrigation impact on temperature is much less in the future than in the 20th century and that irrigation impacts more on the maximum air temperature than on the minimum air temperature. Both contemporary and future irrigation simulations show, nationally, irrigation decreases daily maximum temperature (Tmax) but increase daily minimum temperature (Tmin). Daily mean temperature (Tmean) decreases in contemporary irrigation simulations but increases in most of the cases in future irrigation simulations. In the 20th century, nationally, the spray irrigation leads to a decrease in Tmax of 0.079K and an increase in Tmin of 0.022K. Nationally, the spray irrigation leads to a decrease in Tmax between 0.022K and 0.045K and an increase in Tmin between 0.019K and 0.057K under future scenarios. This study demonstrates that the irrigation patterns (flood irrigation and spray irrigation) have statistically significant impacts on local climate. Moreover, this study suggests that, in the national respective, the impacts of changes in land management on climate are not comparable to the impacts of changes in land cover land use. This dissertation on irrigation and its impact is the first study which focuses solely on China using observational and modeling methods. The results from this dissertation contribute to a better understanding of the irrigation impact on near-surface climate which can improve our knowledge of how human activities influence climate, guide future policies aimed at mitigating or adapting to climate change, and help design a precise model to project the impact of irrigation on the climate system and irrigation requirements in the future. It can also be useful in assessing future food and water security issues.
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    (2011) Nagol, Jyoteshwar Reddy; Prince, Stephen D; Vermote, Eric F; Geography; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Several influential Earth system science studies in the last three decades were based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) series of instruments. Although AVHRR NDVI data are known to have significant uncertainties resulting from incomplete atmospheric correction, orbital drift, sensor degradation, etc., none of these studies account for them. This is primarily because of unavailability of comprehensive and location-specific quantitative uncertainty estimates. The first part of this dissertation investigated the extent of uncertainty due to inadequate atmospheric correction in the widely used AVHRR NDVI datasets. This was accomplished by comparison with atmospherically corrected AVHRR data at AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) sunphotometer sites in 1999. Of the datasets included in this study, Long Term Data Record (LTDR) was found to have least errors (precision=0.02 to 0.037 for clear and average atmospheric conditions) followed by Pathfinder AVHRR Land (PAL) (precision=0.0606 to 0.0418), and Top of Atmosphere (TOA) (precision=0.0613 to 0.0684). ` Although the use of field data is the most direct type of validation and is used extensively by the remote sensing community, it results in a single uncertainty estimate and does not account for spatial heterogeneity and the impact of spatial and temporal aggregation. These shortcomings were addressed by using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) data to estimate uncertainty in AVHRR NDVI data. However, before AVHRR data could be compared with MODIS data, the nonstationarity introduced by inter-annual variations in AVHRR NDVI data due to orbital drift had to be removed. This was accomplished by using a Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) correction technique originally developed for MODIS data. The results from the evaluation of AVHRR data using MODIS showed that in many regions minimal spatial aggregation will improve the precision of AVHRR NDVI data significantly. However temporal aggregation improved the precision of the data to a limited extent only. The research presented in this dissertation indicated that the NDVI change of ~0.03 to ~0.08 NDVI units in 10 to 20 years, frequently reported in recent literature, can be significant in some cases. However, unless spatially explicit uncertainty metrics are quantified for the specific spatiotemporal aggregation schemes used by these studies, the significance of observed differences between sites and temporal trends in NDVI will remain unknown.
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    (2009) Gregg, Jay Sterling; Dubayah, Ralph; Geography; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Combustion of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, and has led to an increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO2. CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and the increase in concentration leads to an increase in global temperatures and global climatic change. Fossil-fuel consumption, along with cement production, is responsible for 80% of anthropogenic carbon emissions and consumption of fossil fuels continues to increase. Despite its importance to the global climate and the global carbon cycle, data for fossil fuel CO2 emissions are traditionally maintained only on national levels and annual time steps. A method is developed to improve the spatiotemporal resolution to the leading energy consuming countries of the world. The method uses energy consumption datasets as well as other ancillary datasets to apportion national annual emissions totals into sub-national and monthly emissions datasets by fuel type. Emissions patterns are highly variable both temporally and spatially by fuel type, and detailed information on the distribution of emissions improves our understanding of the global carbon cycle and leads to better understanding of the spatial and seasonal distribution of the drivers of global change.
    In the endeavor to develop alternatives to fossil fuels, advanced biomass energy has garnered much attention because of its renewable nature and its potential to approach carbon-neutrality. As co-products, agricultural and forestry residues as well as municipal solid waste (MSW) are potential low-cost and sustainable biomass feedstocks for energy production. The role of residue biomass within the future global energy portfolio is projected and quantified under the context of environmental and economic sustainability. The potential for residue biomass is projected for the next century under a reference (business-as-usual) scenario and a scenario that includes a hypothetical climate policy that limits carbon emissions. While residue biomass alone cannot replace fossil fuels, a substantial amount of energy potentially could come from this resource, particularly in a global economic market under a climate policy that caps CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.
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    Idenfitying and Understanding North American Carbon Cycle Perturbations from Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbances
    (2008-05-05) Neigh, Christopher Sean; Townshend, John R.G.; Geography; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Carbon dioxide accumulating in our atmosphere is one of the most important environmental threats of our time. Humans and changing climate, separately or in concert, have affected global vegetation, biogeochemical cycles, biophysical processes, and primary production. Recent studies have found temporary carbon stores in North American vegetation due to land-cover land-use change, but have yet to characterize regional mechanisms across the continent. This research implemented multi-resolution remote sensing data, coupled with ecosystem simulations, to determine the importance of fine-scale disturbance in our understanding of dynamics that drove and/or perturbed carbon sequestration in North America from 1982 through 2005. The research involved three components: 1) identified large regions with natural and anthropogenic vegetation disturbances; 2) determined causes of disturbances with high-spatial resolution data and mapped associative fine-scale land cover dynamics; and 3) used prior empirical observations in simulations to quantify mechanisms that altered carbon pathways. Investigation of normalized difference vegetation index data from the NOAA series of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers found regions in North America that experienced marked increases in photosynthetic capacity at various times from 1982 to 2005. Inspection of anomalies with multi-resolution data from Landsat, IKONOS, aerial photography, and ancillary data revealed a wide range of causes: climatic influences; severe drought and subsequent recovery; irrigated agriculture expansion; insect outbreaks followed by logging and subsequent regeneration; and forest fires with subsequent regeneration. Fine-scale land cover change dynamics were included in Carnegie-Ames-Stanford approach simulations to enhance replication of carbon cycle processes found in empirical observations. Integration of multi-resolution remote sensing data, with carbon ecosystem process modeling, improved regional understanding and accounting of dynamic fine-scale spatial-temporal North American ecosystem carbon balance by a total of ~10 − 250 teragrams of carbon. Coarse resolution simulations could fail to identify important local scale drivers which impact regional carbon balance.