Minority Health and Health Equity Archive
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Item Promoting Bike Helmet Safety for Urban Children Through a Culturally Tailored Educational Video Intervention(Health Promotion Practice, 2019-01-22) Ryan, Leticia; Solomon, Barry; Ziegfeld, Susan; Gielen, Andrea; Malloy, Lauren; Foster, Daniel; Smith, Katherine; McDonald, EileenBicycle-related falls are a significant cause of mortality and morbidity. Use of bicycle helmets substantially reduces risk of severe traumatic brain injury but compliance with this safety practice is particularly low in urban children. We recruited eleven 8- to 15-year-old youth to participate in focus groups to inform the creation of a video promoting helmet use. Key emerging themes included that youth were responsible for keeping themselves safe and that most youth had cell phones with cases to protect them. A video was created that linked the concept of use of cases to protect phones to use of helmets to protect heads. Soliciting information from urban youth was helpful for developing this educational video.Item The CHAMPIONS NETWork: Training Chicago High School Students as Health Advocates to Improve Health Equity(Health Promotion Practice, 2019-01) Heinert, Sara; Del Rios, Marina; Arya, Arjun; Amirsoltani, Ramin; Quasim, Nasseef; Gehm, Lisa; Suarez, Natalia; Vanden Hoek, TerryIn Chicago, major disparities exist across ethnic groups, income levels, and education levels for common chronic conditions and access to care. Concurrently, many of Chicago's youth are unemployed, and the number of minorities pursuing health professions is low. In an effort to eliminate this health equity gap, the University of Illinois at Chicago convened a community–university–hospital partnership to implement the CHAMPIONS NETWork (Community Health And eMPowerment through Integration Of Neighborhood-specific Strategies using a Novel Education & Technology-leveraged Workforce). This innovative workforce training program is a "High School to Career Training Academy" to empower underserved youth to improve population health in their communities, expose them to careers in the health sciences, and provide resources for them to become community and school advocates for healthy lifestyles. This program differs from other traditional pipeline programs because it gives its students a paid experience, extends beyond the summer, and broadens the focus to population health with patient contact. The CHAMPIONS NETWork creates a new type of health workforce that is both sustainable and replicable throughout the United States.Item National Data for Monitoring and Evaluating Racial and Ethnic Health Inequities: Where Do We Go From Here?(2006) Griffith, D. M.; Moy, E.; Reischl, T. M.; Dayton, E.Abstract available at the publisher's web site.Item Knowledge About Breast Cancer and Participation in a Faith-Based Breast Cancer Program and Other Predictors of Mammography Screening Among African American Women and Latinas(2006) Darnell, J. S.Abstract available at publisher's web site.Item Relationship between menthol cigarettes and smoking cessation among African American light smokers(2007) Okuyemi, Kolawole S.; Faseru, Babalola; Sanderson Cox, Lisa; Bronars, Carrie A.; Ahluwalia, Jasjit S.AIMS: To determine whether African American light smokers who smoked menthol cigarettes had lower cessation when treated with nicotine replacement therapy and counseling. DESIGN: Data were derived from a clinical trial that assessed the efficacy of 2 mg nicotine gum (versus placebo) and counseling (motivational interviewing counseling versus Health Education) for smoking cessation among African American light smokers (smoked < or = 10 cigarettes per day). PARTICIPANTS: The sample consisted of 755 African American light smokers. MEASUREMENTS: The primary outcome variable was verified 7-day point-prevalence smoking cessation at 26 weeks follow-up. Verification was by salivary cotinine. FINDINGS: Compared to non-menthol smokers, menthol smokers were younger and less confident to quit smoking (P = 0.023). At 26 weeks post-randomization, 7-day verified abstinence rate was significantly lower for menthol smokers (11.2% versus 18.8% for non-menthol, P = 0.015). CONCLUSIONS: Among African American light smokers, use of menthol cigarettes is associated with lower smoking cessation rates. Because the majority of African American smokers use menthol cigarettes, a better understanding of the mechanism for this lower quit rate is needed.Item Black Barbershop Outreach to Screen and Educate Black Men About Health(2010) Mays, JeffGoing to the barbershop could mean more than getting a fresh Caesar, fade or lineup. Starting this Saturday in California, the Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program will be offering health screenings and health education to black men at 80 barbershops in 23 cities. The initiative is part of a larger program that will go nationwide and touch 50 cities in all. The goal is to educate and screen black men about diabetes, high blood pressure and the importance of early prostate cancer detection.Item Historical and Current Policy Efforts to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities in the US. Future Opportunities for Public Health Education Research(2006) Thomas, Stephen B.; Benjamin, Georges C.; Almario, Donna; Lathan, Monica J.In the summer of 2005, the Society for Public Health Education convened a meeting, Health Disparities and Social Inequities, with the task of setting the minority health disparities research agenda for public health educators. The article provides a history of minority health efforts beginning with the Negro Health Improvement Week in 1915 and an overview of National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) current 5-year strategic research plan to eliminate health disparities. The plan’s goals represent a significant investment in minority health research and the emergence of NIH as the leading federal agency funding health disparity research. Understanding the history of minority health efforts and current health disparity research offers a perspective that will help guide public health educators in reaching the Healthy People 2010 goal of eliminating racial and ethnic health disparities.Item NATIONAL EYE INSTITUTE- NIH Comprehensive Strategic Plan and Budget To Reduce and Ultimately Eliminate Heath Disparities(2002) National, Eye InstituteThe National Eye Institute’s latest strategic plan, Vision Research-A National Plan: 1999-2003, was developed under the auspices of the National Advisory Eye Council. Over 100 experts from all fields of vision research were assembled to make recommendations on research priorities over the period covered by the plan. Among the priorities identified by these experts were several related to health disparities. These priorities included research on glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, myopia, and health services delivery and use. Recommendations were also made regarding training and attracting minority scientists into vision research. During the review of the strategic plan, the draft was sent to over 50 professional, scientific, or advocacy organizations that support vision research. They were asked to consider whether any important areas of research or specific issues of importance to vision research had been overlooked. The final document reflects the comments and input received during that process.Item The Need of Health Education Among Negroes(1924) Jackson, Algernon B.I have a habit of saying that I should much prefer seeing my boy or girl the possessor of the C.B.H. degree – clean bill of health – than an A.B. degree without the C.B. H. One is essential in order to get most out of and put most into life. The other is not. You do not have to possess a college degree to be a regular human being, but you must have health. From what I so often see I am sometimes inclined to think a degree frequently stands between certain persons and that attribute of humanness which should always be the highest concept of true education. In the light of present day thought any scholastic process which neglects to inspire the student with an appreciation and love for personal health and a regard for the health of his fellowman is nothing short of an absolute failure.