A. James Clark School of Engineering
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://hdl.handle.net/1903/1654
The collections in this community comprise faculty research works, as well as graduate theses and dissertations.
6 results
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Item CFD INVESTIGATION OF A PULSE JET MIXED VESSEL WITH RANS, LES, AND LBM SIMULATION MODELS(2023) Kim, Jung; Calabrese, Richard V.; Chemical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Pulse Jet Mixed (PJM) vessels are used to process nuclear waste due to their maintenance free operation. In this study we model the turbulent velocity field in water during normal PJM operation to gain insight into vessel operations and to evolve a modeling strategy for process design and operator training. Three transient simulation models, developed using Large Eddy Simulation (LES), unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS), and Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) techniques, are compared to velocity measurements acquired for 3 test scenarios at 3 locations in a pilot scale vessel at the US DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). The LES and RANS simulations are performed in ANSYS Fluent, and the LBM simulations in M-STAR.The LES model well predicts the experimental data provided that the operational pressure profile within the individual pulse tubes is considered. While the RANS model failed to predict the data and exhibited significant differences from LES with respect to turbulence quantities, it is a useful comparison tool that can quickly predict averaged flow parameters. The LBM model’s rigid grid system is deemed unsuitable, as currently configured, for the NETL PJM vessel’s wide range of length scales and curved boundaries, resulting in the longest simulation time and least accurate velocity predictions. Predicted velocity and turbulence metrics are explored to better understand the strengths and failures of the three models. Because the LES model produced the most accurate predictions, it is exploited to generate animations and still images on various 2D planes that depict extremely complex flow patterns throughout the vessel with numerous local jets and mixing layer vortices The study concludes with recommendations for future research to improve the model development and validation strategy.Item COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS OF A PIPELINE ROTOR-STATOR MIXER(2017) Minnick, Benjamin Austin; Calabrese, Richard V; Chemical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Rotor-stator mixers provide high deformation rates to a limited volume, resulting in intensive mixing, milling, and/or dispersion/emulsification. CFD simulations of mixers provide flow field information that benefit designers and end users. This thesis focuses on transient three-dimensional simulations of the Greerco pipeline mixer, using ANSYS FLUENT. The modeled unit consists of two conical rotor-stator stages aligned for axial discharge flow. Flow and turbulence quantities are studied on a per stator slot and per rotor stage basis. Comparisons are made between the LES and RANS realizable k-ε model predictions at various mesh resolutions. Both simulations predict similar mean velocity, flow rate, and torque profiles. However, prediction of deformation rates and turbulence quantities, such as turbulent kinetic energy and its production and dissipation rates, show strong dependencies on mesh resolution and simulation method. The effect of operating conditions on power draw, throughput, and other quantities of practical utility are also discussed.Item A GPU-ACCELERATED, HYBRID FVM-RANS METHODOLOGY FOR MODELING ROTORCRAFT BROWNOUT(2013) Thomas, Sebastian; Baeder, James D; Aerospace Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)A numerically effecient, hybrid Eulerian- Lagrangian methodology has been developed to help better understand the complicated two- phase flowfield encountered in rotorcraft brownout environments. The problem of brownout occurs when rotorcraft operate close to surfaces covered with loose particles such as sand, dust or snow. These particles can get entrained, in large quantities, into the rotor wake leading to a potentially hazardous degradation of the pilots visibility. It is believed that a computationally efficient model of this phenomena, validated against available experimental measurements, can be a used as a valuable tool to reveal the underlying physics of rotorcraft brownout. The present work involved the design, development and validation of a hybrid solver for the purpose of modeling brownout-like environments. The proposed methodology combines the numerical efficiency of a free-vortex method with the relatively high-fidelity of a 3D, time-accurate, Reynolds- averaged, Navier-Stokes (RANS) solver. For dual-phase simulations, this hybrid method can be unidirectionally coupled with a sediment tracking algorithm to study cloud development. In the past, large clusters of CPUs have been the standard approach for large simulations involving the numerical solution of PDEs. In recent years, however, an emerging trend is the use of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), once used only for graphics rendering, to perform scientific computing. These platforms deliver superior computing power and memory bandwidth compared to traditional CPUs and their prowess continues to grow rapidly with each passing generation. CFD simulations have been ported successfully onto GPU platforms in the past. However, the nature of GPU architecture has restricted the set of algorithms that exhibit significant speedups on these platforms - GPUs are optimized for operations where a massively large number of threads, relative to the problem size, are working in parallel, executing identical instructions on disparate datasets. For this reason, most implementations in the scientific literature involve the use of explicit algorithms for time-stepping, reconstruction, etc. To overcome the difficulty associated with implicit methods, the current work proposes a multi-granular approach to reduce performance penalties typically encountered with such schemes. To explore the use of GPUs for RANS simulations, a 3D, time- accurate, implicit, structured, compressible, viscous, turbulent, finite-volume RANS solver was designed and developed in CUDA-C. During the development phase, various strategies for performance optimization were used to make the implementation better suited to the GPU architecture. Validation and verification of the GPU-based solver was performed for both canonical and realistic bench-mark problems on a variety of GPU platforms. In these test- cases, a performance assessment of the GPU-RANS solver indicated that it was between one and two orders of magnitude faster than equivalent single CPU core computations ( as high as 50X for fine-grain computations on the latest platforms). For simulations involving implicit methods, a multi-granular technique was used that sought to exploit the intermediate coarse- grain parallelism inherent in families of line- parallel methods like Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) schemes coupled with con- servative variable parallelism. This approach had the dual effect of reducing memory bandwidth usage as well as increasing GPU occupancy leading to significant performance gains. The multi-granular approach for implicit methods used in this work has demonstrated speedups that are close to 50% of those expected with purely explicit methods. The validated GPU-RANS solver was then coupled with GPU-based free-vortex and sediment tracking methods to model single and dual-phase, model- scale brownout environments. A qualitative and quantitative validation of the methodology was performed by comparing predictions with available measurements, including flowfield measurements and observations of particle transport mechanisms that have been made with laboratory-scale rotor/jet configurations in ground effect. In particular, dual-phase simulations were able to resolve key transport phenomena in the dispersed phase such as creep, vortex trapping and sediment wave formation. Furthermore, these simulations were demonstrated to be computationally more efficient than equivalent computations on a cluster of traditional CPUs - a model-scale brownout simulation using the hybrid approach on a single GTX Titan now takes 1.25 hours per revolution compared to 6 hours per revolution on 32 Intel Xeon cores.Item Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of an In-line Slot and Tooth Rotor-Stator Mixer(2013) Ko, Derrick I.; Calabrese, Richard V; Mechanical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Unlike conventional stirred tanks, rotor-stator mixers provide high deformation rates to a relatively limited volume, resulting in a region in which intensive mixing, milling, and/or dispersion operations can occur. FLUENT was used to conduct three-dimensional CFD simulations of the IKA prototype mixer, an in-line slot and tooth rotor-stator device, for a low-speed low-flow condition and a high-speed high-flow condition. The main objective of this project was to develop a CFD model of the IKA prototype mixer with the necessary refinement in the shear gap to accurately resolve these high shear values. A grid independence study was conducted to quantify the influence of shear gap grid resolution on the computed flow solution and determine the grid level most suitable for further detailed investigation. Convergence in highly-directed regions was shown to be faster than in more-open regions. Velocity and total deformation fields in the stator slots and the shear gap were examined for both operating scenarios. Differences in the fluid behaviour between the two scenarios are discussed.Item Numerical Characterization and Modeling of Adiabatic Slot Film Cooling(2011) Voegele, Andrew; Marshall, André W; Aerospace Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Film cooling is a technique used to protect critical surfaces in combustors, thrust chambers, turbines and nozzles from hot, chemically reacting gases. Accurately predicting the film's performance is especially challenging in the vicinity of the wall and the film injection plane due to the complex interactions of two highly turbulent, shearing, boundary layer flows. Properly characterizing the streams at the inlet of a numerical simulation and the choice of turbulence model are crucial to accurately predicting the decay of the film. To address these issues, this study employs a RANS solver that is used to model a film cooled wall. Menter's baseline model, and shear-stress transport model and the Spalart-Allmaras model are employed to determine the effect on film cooling predictions. Several methods for prescribing the inlet planes are explored. These numerical studies are compared with experimental data obtained in a UMD film cooling wind tunnel.Item Studies in Tip Vortex Formation, Evolution and Control(2005-04-01) Duraisamy, Karthikeyan; Baeder, James D; Aerospace Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)A high resolution computational methodology is developed for the solution of the Compressible Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations. This methodology is used to study the formation and evolution of tip vortices from fixed wings and rotary blades. The numerical error is reduced by using high order accurate schemes on appropriately refined meshes. For vortex evolution problems, the equations are solved on multiple {\em overset} grids that ensure adequate resolution in an efficient manner. For the RANS closure, a one equation wall-based turbulence model is used with a correction to the production term in order to account for the stabilizing effects of rotation in the core of the tip vortex. A theoretical analysis of the accuracy of high resolution schemes on stretched meshes is performed as a precursor to the numerical simulations. The developed methodology is validated with an extensive set of experimental measurements ranging from fixed wing vortex formation studies to far-field vortex evolution on a two bladed hovering rotor. Comparisons include surface pressure distributions, vortex trajectory and wake velocity profiles. During the course of these validations, numerical issues such as mesh spacing, order of accuracy and fidelity of the turbulence model are addressed. These findings can be used as guidelines for future simulations of the tip vortex flow field. A detailed investigation is conducted on the generation of tip vortices from fixed wings. Streamwise vorticity is seen to originate from the cross-flow boundary layer on the wing tip. The separation and subsequent roll-up of this boundary layer forms the trailing vortex system. The initial development of the vortex structure is observed to be sensitive to tip shape, airfoil section and Reynolds number. While experimental comparison of the computed vortex structure beyond a few chord lengths downstream of the trailing edge is lacking in the literature, for a single bladed hovering rotor, good validations of the vortex velocity profiles are achieved upto a distance of 50 chord lengths of evolution behind the trailing edge. For the two bladed rotor case, the tip vortex could be tracked upto 4 revolutions with minimal diffusion. The accuracy of the computed blade pressures and vortex trajectories confirm that the inflow distribution and blade-vortex interaction are represented correctly. Finally, utilizing a surface boundary condition to represent a spanwise jet, the effect of tip blowing on the vortex structure is investigated. The interaction of the jet with the cross-flow boundary layer is shown to reduce the vortex strength with a marginal loss in performance. Overall, this level of consistent performance has not been demonstrated previously over such a wide range of test cases. The accuracy achieved in the validation studies establishes the viability of the methodology as a reliable tool that can be used to predict the performance of lift generating devices and to better understand the underlying flow physics.