Animal & Avian Sciences

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    Variations in Vocalizations of Fin Whales, Balaenoptera physalus, in the St. Lawrence River
    (1980) Edds, Peggy Louise; Buchler, Edward; Animal & Avian Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
    Recordings were made of vocalizations from fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus from a fixed hydrophone in the St. Lawrence River between 28 June and 27 September 1979. Land-based observers monitored activity from a hillside hut while recordings were being made from a shoreline site. Photographs of dorsal fin variations were used to identify distinctive individuals. The 1522 sounds recorded were classified into 11 categories based on frequency and temporal characteristics. The predominant call was a descending sweep of frequencies. Parameters measured for this downsweep exhibited a dichotomy of characteristics which indicates calls with initial frequencies below 40 Hz have less variability than calls with initial frequencies above 40 Hz. In general, solitary animals produced primarily the lower frequency downsweeps. Higher frequency downsweeps were recorded from pairs or trios of fin whales. Solitary individuals did not exhibit unique variations in downsweep parameters. No clusters of values which might indicate uniquely individual ranges were consistently present in multiple animal recordings. The data suggest that the variability of fin whale vocalizations is primarily contextual rather than individual.
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    Infant and Juvenile-Directed Care Behaviors in Adult Toque Macaques, Macaca Sinica
    (1985) Baker-Dittus, Anne; Animal & Avian Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
    The identity of care-givers, and the distribution of care to young are examined in a free-ranging polygynous primate, Macaca sinica. Care behavior is used as one measure of investment in young. There is no evidence that dominance rank influences offspring sex, but high-ranking mothers provide more care to newborn infants than do low-ranking mothers. Mothers provide more care to infant and first year sons than to daughters. This supports Dittus's suggestion (1979, 1980) that mothers should schedule care to sons and daughters differently, providing high levels of care to sons before they emigrate from the natal group. Care to daughters is low per unit time, but continues over a long period because daughters remain in the natal group. Adult females, other than the mother, tolerate, groom and support young. These behaviors are low cost, relative to the high cost behaviors of nursing and carrying, which only mothers provide. Young tend to associate with adult female relatives. Unlike male-biased maternal care, adult female care is biased towards female young; and female young return care more than do male young . Adult female rank is positively correlated with the amount of support adult females provide to female young, and the amount of grooming they receive from female young. Adult female rank has no effect on any measure of association between adult females and male young. Taken together these findings suggest that reciprocal altruism has been important in shaping adult female interactions with young. Adult and subadult M. sinica males direct the low cost, affiliative behaviors of hugging, carrying and grooming towards male infants; and direct aggressive behaviors towards female infants. I suggest that the distribution of behaviors reflects their value to male and female young. Affiliative behaviors to male infants, and aggressive behaviors to female infants serve to channel infants into association with adults from whom they can learn appropriate sex-typical behaviors, and as such benefit both male and female infants. High cost care behaviors of support in agonistic interactions, and protection are provided only by the adult male, and are provided to male and female young equally.
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    The interaction between a parasitic barnacle, Loxothylacus panopaei (Cirripedia, Rhizocephala), and three of its crab host species (Brachyura, Xanthidae) along the east coast of North America.
    (1993) Alvarez, Fernando; Reaka-Kudla, Marjorie; Animal & Avian Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
    Rhizocephalan barnacles parasitize primarily decapod crustaceans (Bocquet-Vedrine 1968, Overstreet 1983). The principal effect of the parasites is often the permanent sterilization of the hosts (Bocquet-Vedrine 1972, O'Brien & Van Wyk 1984). Regardless of the processes involved, the end result of the infection is the creation of non-reproductive individuals that will use resources that otherwise would be available to the healthy traction of the host population. The potential impact on the host population then resides in the accumulation of sterile resource-using individuals in each generation. Prevalences of barnacles on anomuran and brachyuran crabs have been reported in a number of studies (e.g., Walker 1985, Hawkes et al. 1986, Johnson et al. 1986, Wardle & Tirpak 1991 ). Rhizocephalan infections can reach very high levels locally, suggesting that entire host populations may have a greatly reduced reproductive capacity. However, in most host species, the pattern of distribution of parasites is not uniform throughout the host's range. I examined the crab-rhizocephalan interaction using the system composed by the barnacle Loxothylacus panopaei and three of its crab host species: Panopeus lacustris, Eurypanopeus depressus, and Rhithropanopeus harrisii, occurring along the east coast of the North America. Through experimental infections conducted in the laboratory, it was determined that B. harrisii of a wide range of sizes could be infected by L. panopaei. The complete life-cycle of the parasite was manipulated in the laboratory. Neither host molting frequency nor host molt increments differed significantly between parasitized and control crabs. Host survival was significantly reduced during the parasite's developmental period; the heaviest mortality of the host occurred in the megalopal stage.
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    (1994) Davis, Edward S.; Brennan, Miles S.; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
    The cyclophilins are a family of proteins first identified as receptors for cyclosporin A (CsA), a cyclic peptide of fungal origin. CsA inhibits T-lymphocyte activation, and is thus a potent immunosuppressant. Although cyclophilins are ubiquitous, and highly conserved, among eukaryotes, their normal physiological functions are unknown. As the receptors for CsA, cyclophilins might be involved in regulating signal transduction pathways. Cyclophilns also have peptidyl-prolyl, cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) activity in vitro, suggesting a role in protein folding in vivo. While CsA inhibits cyclophilin's PPIase activity, this inhibition is insufficient to account for the pharmacological activity of CsA. Therefore, previous results cannot be readily synthesized into a model for cyclophilin function. The goal of this project was to define and characterize physiological roles of cyclophilins using the yeast S. cerevisiae. Three S. cerevisiae cyclophilin genes were cloned and inactivated by insertional mutagenesis. I demonstrated that one, CPR3, is necessary for the efficient metabolism of non-fermentable carbon sources. The CPR] gene product, Cpr3, is localized to the mitochondrial matrix, and a truncated version of Cpr3 expressed in bacteria binds CsA. CPR3 inactivation does not significantly compromise the induction of transcription of two nuclear cytochrome genes. Thus, Cpr3 is not necessary for the signal transduction pathway governing cytochrome gene expression. To identify biochemical targets of Cpr3, I demonstrated that inactivation of a mitochondrial lactate dehydrogenase is insufficient to account for the growth defect of cpr3 mutants. An exhaustive search for high-copy suppressors of the growth defect of cpr3 mutants led to the identification of a novel gene, JEN1, that suppresses the growth defect at elevated temperature. JEN1 encodes a protein that is probably a lactate transporter, and thus not a direct biochemical target of Cpr3. A dominant mutation in a nuclear gene, JEN2, suppresses the growth defect of cpr3 mutants on lactate at 30°C and 37°C. JEN2 might encode a direct biochemical target of Cpr3. In summary, the cyclophilin, Cpr3, plays a general role in the efficient function of yeast mitochondria, and presents an excellent model system for studying cyclophilin function.
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    The Life Cycles, Ecology, and Evolution of the Witch-hazel Leaf Gall Aphid, Hormaphis hamamelidis (Fitch) (Homoptera: Aphidida)
    (1987) von Dohlen, Carol Dean; Gill, Doulgas E.; Zoology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
    Two divergent life cycles based on geographic location have been documented for the witch-hazel leaf gall aphid, Hormaphis hamamelidis (Fitch, 1851). At low elevations in northern Virginia, the aphid was found to have seven distinct generations alternating between the primary host, Witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana L.), and a secondary host, river birch (Betula nigra L.). These findings confirm the original published life cycle description from the same locality. A second, abbreviated life cycle consisting of only three generations restricted to witch-hazel was discovered at high (1000 m) elevations in north central and northwestern Virginia. Aphids with each life cycle were sympatric at an intermediate elevation site. Based on available life cycle and geographic data, a preliminary Phylogeny of the tribe Hormaphidini is proposed that suggests an unusual polarity in the evolution of aphid life cycles. Several features of intraspecific interactions and host-plant relations were examined in both lowland and highland populations of Hormaphis. In contrast to previous publications documenting severe competition, density effects, and habitat heterogeneity for another galling, host-alternating aphid, Pemphigus betae on Populus angustifolia, the effects of density and host-plant qualities on Hormaphis hamamelidis were fewer and more benign. Aphids did not compete for gall sites, and gall Position and final leaf area did not influence reproduction. High gall densities negatively affected gall growth and aphid fecundity. Factors accounting for the differences in Population dynamics between Hormaphis and Pemphigus are hypothesized and discussed.
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    Vertical Resource Partitioning and Sexuality of Three Sympatric Species of Red Sea Sandfishes (Xyrichtys melanopus, Labridae; Trichonotus nikii, Trichonotidae; Gorgasia sp., Congridae)
    (1988) Krall, Marianne Martha; Clark, Eugenie; Zoology; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)
    Three species of marine sandfishes were studied from 1984 to 1986. Their inter- and intraspecific behavior was monitored during the daylight hours to examine interactions that could result in the vertical stratification of the species over the sandy bottom within the fringing and patch reefs in the north Red Sea. Horizontal plankton tows were taken at three heights and three times a day. These samples were compared to stomach contents of the fishes to determine the trophic relationships in the community and their affects on spatial relations between the species . Prey specificities of the fishes were determined by using an electivity measure. Using paraffin histology, Xyrichtys melanopus was determined to be a monandric protogynous hermaphrodite and Trichonotus nikii, a gonochorist. Previous work on the mating systems and territoriality of all three sandfish species helped in part to explain the vertical spatial arrangement of the sandfish species within the community. Effects of pollution on the b iota of the Northern Gulf of Aqaba are noted.
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    Dietary Control of Cystinuria in Maned Wolves (Chrysocyon Brachyurus)
    (1998) Boniface, Jennifer; Soares, Joseph H., Jr.; Avian and Animal Sciences; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)
    The maned wolf (Chysocyon brachyurus) is an endangered South American species of canid, whose numbers in both the wild and captivity are threatened in part by a condition called cystinuria. In humans and rats, cystinuria is caused by mutations of the rBAT gene, expressed in intestinal mucosal cells and renal tubules. In dogs, only renal tubules are affected. Cystinuric individuals exhibit impaired capacity for reabsorption of the sulfur amino acid cystine. Consequently, excess cystine accumulates in the urine. In acidic conditions, cystine may precipitate into uroliths, potentially obstructing the urethra and ultimately causing bladder rupture or kidney damage. Treatments include medical management and dietary modification. Test diets differing only in levels of cystine were fed to 15 maned wolves in a cross-over design. Apparent digestibility calculations suggest the diets were well received, well utilized and improved fecal quality. The low cystine diet significantly reduced urinary excretion of cystine (P<0.05). Mean urinary concentrations of cystine were 341±45.87 mg/L or 2.78±0.326% total urinary nitrogen for the low cystine diet; and 475.8± 47.80 mg/L or 4.01± 0.342% for the high cystine diet. Water balance studies was determined three maned wolves, using orally administered deuterium oxide. Urine samples were collected daily for seven days, purified by sublimation, and analyzed by infrared spectrometry. It was determined that total body water, water turnover rate and body composition were 17.2 L, 2.3 L/d, and 20.5% fat; 79.5% lean, respectively. These results are comparable to published values for dogs.
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    Identification of QTL controlling meat quality traits in an F2 cross between two chicken lines selected for either low or high growth rate
    (Springer Nature, 2007-06-08) Nadaf, Javad; Gilbert, Hélène; Pitel, Frédérique; Berri, Cécile M; Feve, Katia; Beaumont, Catherine; Duclos, Michel J; Vignal, Alain; Porter, Tom E; Simon, Jean; Aggrey, Samuel E; Cogburn, Larry A; Le Bihan-Duval, Elisabeth
    Meat technological traits (i.e. meat pH, water retention and color) are important considerations for improving further processing of chicken meat. These quality traits were originally characterized in experimental lines selected for high (HG) and low (LG) growth. Presently, quantitative trait loci (QTL) for these traits were analyzed in an F2 population issued from the HG × LG cross. A total of 698 animals in 50 full-sib families were genotyped for 108 microsatellite markers covering 21 linkage groups. The HG and LG birds exhibit large differences in body weight and abdominal fat content. Several meat quality traits [pH at 15 min post-slaughter (pH15) and ultimate pH (pHu), breast color-redness (BCo-R) and breast color-yellowness (BCo-Y)] were lower in HG chickens. In contrast, meat color-lightness (BCo-L) was higher in HG chickens, whereas meat drip loss (DL) was similar in both lines. HG birds were more active on the shackle line. Association analyses were performed using maximum-likelihood interval mapping in QTLMAP. Five genome-wide significant QTLs were revealed: two for pH15 on GGA1 and GGA2, one for DL on GGA1, one for BCo-R and one for BCo-Y both on GGA11. In addition, four suggestive QTLs were identified by QTLMAP for BCo-Y, pHu, pH15 and DL on GGA1, GGA4, GGA12 and GGA14, respectively. The QTL effects, averaged on heterozygous families, ranged from 12 to 31% of the phenotypic variance. Further analyses with QTLExpress confirmed the two genome-wide QTLs for meat color on GGA11, failed to identify the genome-wide QTL for pH15 on GGA2, and revealed only suggestive QTLs for pH15 and DL on GGA1. However, QTLExpress qualified the QTL for pHu on GGA4 as genome-wide. The present study identified genome-wide significant QTLs for all meat technological traits presently assessed in these chickens, except for meat lightness. This study highlights the effects of divergent selection for growth rate on some behavioral traits, muscle biochemistry and ultimately meat quality traits. Several QTL regions were identified that are worthy of further characterization. Some QTLs may in fact co-localize, suggesting pleiotropic effects for some chromosomal regions.
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    Term-tissue specific models for prediction of gene ontology biological processes using transcriptional profiles of aging in drosophila melanogaster
    (Springer Nature, 2008-02-28) Zhang, Wensheng; Zou, Sige; Song, Jiuzhou
    Predictive classification on the base of gene expression profiles appeared recently as an attractive strategy for identifying the biological functions of genes. Gene Ontology (GO) provides a valuable source of knowledge for model training and validation. The increasing collection of microarray data represents a valuable source for generating functional hypotheses of uncharacterized genes. This study focused on using support vector machines (SVM) to predict GO biological processes from individual or multiple-tissue transcriptional profiles of aging in Drosophila melanogaster. Ten-fold cross validation was implemented to evaluate the prediction. One-tail Fisher's exact test was conducted on each cross validation and multiple testing was addressed using BH FDR procedure. The results showed that, of the 148 pursued GO biological processes, fifteen terms each had at least one model with FDR-adjusted p-value (Adj.p) <0.05 and six had the values between 0.05 and 0.25. Furthermore, all these models had the prediction sensitivity (SN) over 30% and specificity (SP) over 80%. We proposed the concept of term-tissue specific models indicating the fact that the major part of the optimized prediction models was trained from individual tissue data. Furthermore, we observed that the memberships of the genes involved in all the three pursued children biological processes on mitochondrial electron transport could be predicted from the transcriptional profiles of aging (Adj.p < 0.01). This finding may be important in biology because the genes of mitochondria play a critical role in the longevity of C. elegans and D. melanogaster.
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    Principal component tests: applied to temporal gene expression data
    (Springer Nature, 2009-01-30) Zhang, Wensheng; Fang, Hong-Bin; Song, Jiuzhou
    Clustering analysis is a common statistical tool for knowledge discovery. It is mainly conducted when a project still is in the exploratory phase without any priori hypotheses. However, the statistical significance testing between the clusters can be meaningful in helping the researchers to assess if the classification results from implementing a clustering algorithm need to be improved, even after the cluster number has been determined by a well-established criterion. This is important when we want to identify highly-specific patterns through classification. We proposed to use a principal component (PC) test, which is an implementation of an exact F statistic for the measures at multiple endpoints based on elliptical distribution theory, to assess the statistical significance between clusters. A challenge in the implementation is the choice of the number (q) of principal components to be considered, which can severely influence the statistical power of the method. We optimized the determination via validation according to a permutation test based on the clustering to be evaluated. The method was applied to a public dataset in classifying genes according to their temporal gene expression profiles. The results demonstrated that the PC testing were useful for determining the optimal number of clusters.