Animal & Avian Sciences

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    Characterization of Copy Number Variation’s Potential Role in Marek’s Disease
    (MDPI, 2017-05-09) Xu, Lingyang; He, Yanghua; Ding, Yi; Sun, Guirong; Carrillo, Jose Adrian; Li, Yaokun; Ghaly, Mona M.; Ma, Li; Zhang, Huanmin; Liu, George E.; Song, Jiuzhou
    Marek’s Disease (MD) is a highly contagious pathogenic and oncogenic disease primarily affecting chickens. Chicken Lines 63 and 72, as well as their recombinant congenic strains (RCS) with varied susceptibility to MD, are ideal models to study the complex mechanisms of genetic resistance to MD. In this study, we investigated copy number variation (CNV) in these inbred chicken lines using the Affymetrix Axiom HD 600 K SNP genotyping array. We detected 393 CNV segments across all ten chicken lines, of which 12 CNVs were specifically identified in Line 72. We then assessed genetic structure based on CNV and observed markedly different patterns. Finally, we validated two deletion events in Line 72 and correlated them with genes expression using qPCR and RNA-seq, respectively. Our combined results indicated that these two CNV deletions were likely to contribute to MD susceptibility.
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    Ruminant-specific multiple duplication events of PRDM9 before speciation
    (Springer Nature, 2017-03-14) Padhi, Abinash; Shen, Botong; Jiang, Jicai; Zhou, Yang; Liu, George E.; Ma, Li
    Understanding the genetic and evolutionary mechanisms of speciation genes in sexually reproducing organisms would provide important insights into mammalian reproduction and fitness. PRDM9, a widely known speciation gene, has recently gained attention for its important role in meiotic recombination and hybrid incompatibility. Despite the fact that PRDM9 is a key regulator of recombination and plays a dominant role in hybrid incompatibility, little is known about the underlying genetic and evolutionary mechanisms that generated multiple copies of PRDM9 in many metazoan lineages. The present study reports (1) evidence of ruminant-specific multiple gene duplication events, which likely have had occurred after the ancestral ruminant population diverged from its most recent common ancestor and before the ruminant speciation events, (2) presence of three copies of PRDM9, one copy (lineages I) in chromosome 1 (chr1) and two copies (lineages II & III) in chromosome X (chrX), thus indicating the possibility of ancient inter- and intra-chromosomal unequal crossing over and gene conversion events, (3) while lineages I and II are characterized by the presence of variable tandemly repeated C2H2 zinc finger (ZF) arrays, lineage III lost these arrays, and (4) C2H2 ZFs of lineages I and II, particularly the amino acid residues located at positions −1, 3, and 6 have evolved under strong positive selection. Our results demonstrated two gene duplication events of PRDM9 in ruminants: an inter-chromosomal duplication that occurred between chr1 and chrX, and an intra-chromosomal X-linked duplication, which resulted in two additional copies of PRDM9 in ruminants. The observation of such duplication between chrX and chr1 is rare and may possibly have happened due to unequal crossing-over millions of years ago when sex chromosomes were independently derived from a pair of ancestral autosomes. Two copies (lineages I & II) are characterized by the presence of variable sized tandem-repeated C2H2 ZFs and evolved under strong positive selection and concerted evolution, supporting the notion of well-established Red Queen hypothesis. Collectively, gene duplication, concerted evolution, and positive selection are the likely driving forces for the expansion of ruminant PRDM9 sub-family.
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    Characterization of recombination features and the genetic basis in multiple cattle breeds
    (Springer Nature, 2018-04-27) Shen, Botong; Jiang, Jicai; Seroussi, Eyal; Liu, George E.; Ma, Li
    Crossover generated by meiotic recombination is a fundamental event that facilitates meiosis and sexual reproduction. Comparative studies have shown wide variation in recombination rate among species, but the characterization of recombination features between cattle breeds has not yet been performed. Cattle populations in North America count millions, and the dairy industry has genotyped millions of individuals with pedigree information that provide a unique opportunity to study breed-level variations in recombination. Based on large pedigrees of Jersey, Ayrshire and Brown Swiss cattle with genotype data, we identified over 3.4 million maternal and paternal crossover events from 161,309 three-generation families. We constructed six breed- and sex-specific genome-wide recombination maps using 58,982 autosomal SNPs for two sexes in the three dairy cattle breeds. A comparative analysis of the six recombination maps revealed similar global recombination patterns between cattle breeds but with significant differences between sexes. We confirmed that male recombination map is 10% longer than the female map in all three cattle breeds, consistent with previously reported results in Holstein cattle. When comparing recombination hotspot regions between cattle breeds, we found that 30% and 10% of the hotspots were shared between breeds in males and females, respectively, with each breed exhibiting some breed-specific hotspots. Finally, our multiple-breed GWAS found that SNPs in eight loci affected recombination rate and that the PRDM9 gene associated with hotspot usage in multiple cattle breeds, indicating a shared genetic basis for recombination across dairy cattle breeds. Collectively, our results generated breed- and sex-specific recombination maps for multiple cattle breeds, provided a comprehensive characterization and comparison of recombination patterns between breeds, and expanded our understanding of the breed-level variations in recombination features within an important livestock species.
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    Genomic predictions combining SNP markers and copy number variations in Nellore cattle
    (Springer Nature, 2018-06-05) Hay, El Hamidi A.; Utsunomiya, Yuri T.; Xu, Lingyang; Zhou, Yang; Neves, Haroldo H. R.; Carvalheiro, Roberto; Bickhart, Derek M.; Ma, Li; Garcia, Jose Fernando; Liu, George E.
    Due to the advancement in high throughput technology, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is routinely being incorporated along with phenotypic information into genetic evaluation. However, this approach often cannot achieve high accuracy for some complex traits. It is possible that SNP markers are not sufficient to predict these traits due to the missing heritability caused by other genetic variations such as microsatellite and copy number variation (CNV), which have been shown to affect disease and complex traits in humans and other species. In this study, CNVs were included in a SNP based genomic selection framework. A Nellore cattle dataset consisting of 2230 animals genotyped on BovineHD SNP array was used, and 9 weight and carcass traits were analyzed. A total of six models were implemented and compared based on their prediction accuracy. For comparison, three models including only SNPs were implemented: 1) BayesA model, 2) Bayesian mixture model (BayesB), and 3) a GBLUP model without polygenic effects. The other three models incorporating both SNP and CNV included 4) a Bayesian model similar to BayesA (BayesA+CNV), 5) a Bayesian mixture model (BayesB+CNV), and 6) GBLUP with CNVs modeled as a covariable (GBLUP+CNV). Prediction accuracies were assessed based on Pearson’s correlation between de-regressed EBVs (dEBVs) and direct genomic values (DGVs) in the validation dataset. For BayesA, BayesB and GBLUP, accuracy ranged from 0.12 to 0.62 across the nine traits. A minimal increase in prediction accuracy for some traits was noticed when including CNVs in the model (BayesA+CNV, BayesB+CNV, GBLUP+CNV). This study presents the first genomic prediction study integrating CNVs and SNPs in livestock. Combining CNV and SNP marker information proved to be beneficial for genomic prediction of some traits in Nellore cattle.
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    Genetic assessment of inbred chicken lines indicates genomic signatures of resistance to Marek’s disease
    (Springer Nature, 2018-09-13) Xu, Lingyang; He, Yanghua; Ding, Yi; Liu, George E.; Zhang, Huanmin; Cheng, Hans H.; Taylor, Robert L. Jr.; Song, Jiuzhou
    Marek’s disease (MD) is a highly contagious pathogenic and oncogenic disease primarily affecting chickens. However, the mechanisms of genetic resistance for MD are complex and not fully understood. MD-resistant line 63 and MD-susceptible line 72 are two highly inbred progenitor lines of White Leghorn. Recombinant Congenic Strains (RCS) were developed from these two lines, which show varied susceptibility to MD. We investigated genetic structure and genomic signatures across the genome, including the line 63 and line 72, six RCSs, and two reciprocally crossed flocks between the lines 63 and 72 (F1 63 × 72 and F1 72 × 63) using Affymetrix® Axiom® HD 600 K genotyping array. We observed 18 chickens from RCS lines were specifically clustered into resistance sub-groups distributed around line 63. Additionally, homozygosity analysis was employed to explore potential genetic components related to MD resistance, while runs of homozygosity (ROH) are regions of the genome where the identical haplotypes are inherited from each parent. We found several genes including SIK, SOX1, LIG4, SIK1 and TNFSF13B were contained in ROH region identified in resistant group (line 63 and RCS), and these genes have been reported that are contribute to immunology and survival. Based on FST based population differential analysis, we also identified important genes related to cell death and anti-apoptosis, including AKT1, API5, CDH13, CFDP and USP15, which could be involved in divergent selection during inbreeding process. Our findings offer valuable insights for understanding the genetic mechanism of resistance to MD and the identified genes could be considered as candidate biomarkers in further evaluation.
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    Genome changes due to artificial selection in U.S. Holstein cattle
    (Springer Nature, 2019-02-11) Ma, Li; Sonstegard, Tad S.; Cole, John B.; VanTassell, Curtis P.; Wiggans, George R.; Crooker, Brian A.; Tan, Cheng; Prakapenka, Dzianis; Liu, George E.; Da, Yang
    The availability of a unique unselected Holstein line since 1964 provided a direct comparison between selected and unselected Holstein genomes whereas large Holstein samples provided unprecedented statistical power for identifying high-confidence SNP effects. Utilizing these unique resources, we aimed to identify genome changes affected by selection since 1964.
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    Array CGH-based detection of CNV regions and their potential association with reproduction and other economic traits in Holsteins
    (Springer Nature, 2019-03-07) Liu, Mei; Fang, Lingzhao; Liu, Shuli; Pan, Michael G.; Seroussi, Eyal; Cole, John B.; Ma, Li; Chen, Hong; Liu, George E.
    Copy number variations (CNVs) are structural variants consisting of large-scale insertions and deletions of genomic fragments. Exploring CNVs and estimating their effects on phenotypes are useful for genome selection but remain challenging in the livestock.
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    Functional annotation of the cattle genome through systematic discovery and characterization of chromatin states and butyrate-induced variations
    (Springer Nature, 2019-08-16) Fang, Lingzhao; Liu, Shuli; Liu, Mei; Kang, Xiaolong; Lin, Shudai; Li, Bingjie; Connor, Erin E.; Baldwin, Ransom L. VI; Tenesa, Albert; Ma, Li; Liu, George E.; Li, Cong-jun
    The functional annotation of genomes, including chromatin accessibility and modifications, is important for understanding and effectively utilizing the increased amount of genome sequences reported. However, while such annotation has been well explored in a diverse set of tissues and cell types in human and model organisms, relatively little data are available for livestock genomes, hindering our understanding of complex trait variation, domestication, and adaptive evolution. Here, we present the first complete global landscape of regulatory elements in cattle and explore the dynamics of chromatin states in rumen epithelial cells induced by the rumen developmental regulator—butyrate.
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    Bos taurus–indicus hybridization correlates with intralocus sexual-conflict effects of PRDM9 on male and female fertility in Holstein cattle
    (Springer Nature, 2019-08-28) Seroussi, Eyal; Shirak, Andrey; Gershoni, Moran; Ezra, Ephraim; Santos, Daniel Jordan de Abreu; Ma, Li; Liu, George E.
    Crossover localization during meiotic recombination is mediated by the fast-evolving zinc-finger (ZnF) domain of gene PRDM9. To study its impact on dairy cattle performance, we compared its genetic variation between the relatively small Israeli (IL) Holsteins and the North American (US) Holsteins that count millions.
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    Analyses of inter-individual variations of sperm DNA methylation and their potential implications in cattle
    (Springer Nature, 2019-11-21) Liu, Shuli; Fang, Lingzhao; Zhou, Yang; Santos, Daniel J.A.; Xiang, Ruidong; Daetwyler, Hans D.; Chamberlain, Amanda J.; Cole, John B.; Li, Cong-jun; Yu, Ying; Ma, Li; Zhang, Shengli; Liu, George E.
    DNA methylation has been shown to be involved in many biological processes, including X chromosome inactivation in females, paternal genomic imprinting, and others.