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Item Computing Balanced Realizations for Nonlinear Systems(2000) Newman, Andrew J.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; ISR; CDCSSThis paper addresses the problem of computability pertaining to the Scherpen(1994) theory and procedure for balancing of nonlinear systems. In contrastto Moore's (1981) balancing method for linear systems, the Scherpen procedurefor nonlinear balancing is not immediately amenable to computationalimplementation. For example, the controllability energy function correspondsto the value function for a nonlinear optimal control problem. Also, theMorse-Palais lemma guarantees the existence of a local coordinatetransformation under which the controllability energy function takes acanonical quadratic form, but provides no constructive procedure for obtainingit. Thus, tools have not yet appeared for computing balanced realizations fornonlinear systems, and the procedure has not yet been applied as a tool formodel reduction.First, we consider the problem of computing the controllability energyfunction without numerically solving the family of optimal control problems,or the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, implied in its definition.Stochastically excited systems play a major role in our methodology. Wepresent a stochastic method for computing an estimate of the controllabilityfunction, and show that in certain situations the method provides an exactsolution. The procedure is tested on applications via Monte-Carlo experiments.
Then, we address the problem of numerically determining a Morse transformationfor a function with non-degenerate critical point at 0. We develop analgorithm for computing the desired nonlinear transformation and estimatingthe neighborhood on which the transformed controllability function isquadratic.
In the literature, examples of applied nonlinear balancing have been limited topseudo-balancing of 2-dimensional gradient systems and noting that in the caseof linear systems the energy functions approach reduces to the usual setting ofgramians. We apply our approach to numerically derive, for the first time,balanced representations of nonlinear state-space models. In particular, wepresent applications to a forced damped pendulum system and a forced dampeddouble pendulum system.
The research and scientific content in this material has been published in theProceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Perpignan, France, June 19-23, 2000. Item The Dynamics of a Forced Sphere-Plate Mechanical System(2000) Hristu, Dimitrios; ISR; CDCSSWe study the dynamics and explore thecontrollability of a family of sphere-plate mechanical systems. Theseare nonholonomic systems with a five-dimensional configuration spaceand three independent velocities. They consist of a sphere rollingin contact with two horizontal plates. Kinematic models ofsphere-plate systems have played an important role in the controlsystems literature addressing the kinematics of rolling bodies, aswell as in discussions of nonholonomic systems. However, kinematicanalysis falls short of allowing one to understand the dynamicbehavior of such systems. In this work we formulate and study adynamic model for a class of sphere-plate systems in order to answerthe question: "Is it possible to impart a net angular momentum to asphere which rolls without slipping between two plates, given thatthe position of the top plate is subject to exogenousforces?"The research and scientific content in this material will appearin IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Item Modeling and Simulation of a Tungsten Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor(2000) Chang, Hsiao-Yung; Adomaitis, Raymond A.; ISRChemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes are widely used in semiconductor device fabrication to deposit thin films of electronic materials. Physically based CVD modeling and simulation methods have been adopted for reactor design and process optimization applications to satisfy the increasingly strigent processing requirements.In this research, an ULVAC ERA-1000 selective tungsten chemical vapor deposition system located at the University of Maryland was studied where a temperature difference as large as 120 oC between the system wafer temperature reading and the thermocoupled instrumented wafer measurement was found during the manual processing mode.
The goal of this research was to develop a simplified, but accurate, three-dimensional transport model that is capable of describing the observed reactor behavior.
A hybrid approach combining experimental and simulation studies was used for model development. Several sets of experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of process parameters on wafer temperature.
A three-dimensional gas flow and temperature model was developed and used to compute the energy transferred across the gas/wafer interface. System dependent heat transfer parameters were formulated as a nonlinear parameter estimation problem and identified using experimental measurements.
Good agreement was found between the steady-state wafer temperature predictions and experimental data at various gas compositions, and the wafer temperature dynamics were successfully predicted using a temperature model considering the energy exchanges between the thermocouple, wafer, and showerhead.
Item Modeling and Reduction with Applications to Semiconductor Processing(1999) Newman, Andrew J.; Krishnaprasad, P.S.; ISR; CDCSSThis thesis consists of several somewhat distinct but connected parts, withan underlying motivation in problems pertaining to control and optimizationof semiconductor processing. The first part (Chapters 3 and 4) addressesproblems in model reduction for nonlinear state-space control systems. In1993, Scherpen generalized the balanced truncation method to the nonlinearsetting. However, the Scherpen procedure is not easily computable and hasnot yet been applied in practice.We offer a method for computing a workingapproximation to the controllability energy function, one of the mainobjects involved in the method. Moreover, we show that for a class ofsecond-order mechanical systems with dissipation, under certain conditionsrelated to the dissipation, an exact formula for the controllabilityfunction can be derived. We then present an algorithm for a numericalimplementation of the Morse-Palais lemma, which produces a local coordinatetransformation under which a real-valued function with a non-degeneratecritical point is quadratic on a neighborhood of the critical point.
Application of the algorithm to the controllabilty function plays a key rolein computing the balanced representation. We then apply our methods andalgorithms to derive balanced realizations for nonlinear state-space modelsof two example mechanical systems: a simple pendulum and a double pendulum.
The second part (Chapter 5) deals with modeling of rapid thermal chemicalvapor deposition (RTCVD) for growth of silicon thin films, viafirst-principles and empirical analysis. We develop detailedprocess-equipment models and study the factors that influence depositionuniformity, such as temperature, pressure, and precursor gas flow rates,through analysis of experimental and simulation results. We demonstratethat temperature uniformity does not guarantee deposition thicknessuniformity in a particular commercial RTCVD reactor of interest.
In thethird part (Chapter 6) we continue the modeling effort, specializing to acontrol system for RTCVD heat transfer. We then develop and apply ad-hocversions of prominent model reduction approaches to derive reduced modelsand perform a comparative study.
Item Analysis of a complex activator-inhibitor equation(1999) Justh, Eric W.; Krishnaprasad, Perinkulam S.; ISR; CDCSSBasic properties of solutions and a Lyapunov functionalare presented for a complex activator-inhibitor equation witha cubic nonlinearity.Potential applications include control of coupled-oscillator arrays(for quasi-optical power combining and phased-array antennas),and control of MEMS actuator arrays (for micro-positioning small items).(This work to appear in Proc. 1999 American Control Conference.)
Item Modeling and Adaptive Control of Magnetostrictive Actuators(1999) Venkataraman, Ramakrishnan; Krishnaprasad, Professor P.S.; ISR; CDCSSIn this dissertation, we propose a model and formulate a control methodology for a thin magnetostrictive rod actuator. The goal is to obtain a bulk, low dimensional model that can be used for real-time control purposes.Previous and concurrent research in the modeling of magnetostrictive actuators and the related area of electrostrictive actuators have produced models that are of low order and reproduce their quasi-static response reasonably well. But the main interest in using these and other smart actuators is at a high frequency -- for producing large displacements with mechanical rectification, producing sonar signals etc. The well known limitation of smart actuators that are based on electro-magneto-thermo-elastic behaviors of smart materials is the complex, input-rate dependent, hysteretic behavior of the latter.
The model proposed in this dissertation is a bulk model and describes the behaviour of a magnetostrictive actuator by a system with 4 states. We develop this model using phenomenological arguments following the work done by Jiles and Atherton for describing bulk ferromagnetic hysteresis. The model accounts for magnetic hysteresis; eddy current effects; magneto-elastic effects; inertial effects; and mechanical damping. We show rigorously that the system with the intial state at the origin has a periodic orbit as its $Omega$ limit set. For the bulk ferromagnetic hysteresis model - a simplification of the magnetostrictive model, we show that all trajectories starting within a certain set approach this limit set.
It is envisioned that the model will help application engineers to do simulation studies of structures with magnetostrictive actuators. Towards this end, an algorithm is proposed to identify the various parameters in the model.
In control applications, one may require the actuator to follow a certain trajectory. The complex rate dependent behaviour of the actuator makes the design of a suitable control law a challenging one. As our system of equations do not model transient effects, they do not model the minor-loop closure property common to ferromagnetic materials. Therefore, the design of control laws making explicit use of the model (without modifications) is not possible.
A major reason to use model free approaches to control design is that magnetostrictive actuators seem to have slight variations in their behavior with time. Therefore, we tried to use a direct adaptive control methodology that uses features of our model. The system is now looked at as a relative degree two linear system with set-valued input nonlinearity. Extensions of Eugene Ryan's work on universal tracking for a relative degree one linear system and Morse's work on stablization for relative degree two linear systems were sought.
Experimental verification of our method confirmed our intuition about the model structure. Though the tracking results were not very satisfactory due to the presence of sensor noise, the experimental results, nevertheless validate our modeling effort.
Item The Set-Valued Run-to-Run Controller in Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes(1999) Zhang, Chang; Baras, John S.; ISRIn semiconductor manufacturing, run-to-run (RtR) control is paid moreand more attention. In this paper a set-valuedRtR control scheme is introduced. Different from conventional RtR controlmethods, the set-valued method first calculates the feasibleparameter set at the beginning of each run, then estimates the modelparameters within this set. Compared to other RtR control schemes, itdoes not assume any statistical property of the noises. In simulation itwas shown that it is robust tomodel and sensor errors, and it has the potential to be applied tohighly nonlinear processes. Furthermore the set-valued method can beapplied to other fields such as signal processing and chemical processes.Item Stationary Bifurcation Control for Systems with Uncontrollable Linearization(1999) Taihyun Kim; Abed, Eyad H.; ISRStationary bifurcation control is studied under the assumption thatthe critical zero eigenvalue is uncontrollable for thelinearized system. The development facilitates explicit constructionof feedback control laws that render the bifurcation supercritical.Thus, the bifurcated equilibria in the controlled system are guaranteedstable.Bothpitchfork bifurcation and transcritical bifurcation are addressed.The results obtained forpitchfork bifurcations apply to general nonlinear models smoothin the state and the control. For transcritical bifurcations,the results require the system to be affine in the control.
Item Sampled-Data Modeling and Analysis of the Power Stage of PWM DC-DC Converters(1999) Fang, Chung-Chieh; Abed, Eyad H.; Abed, Eyad H.; ISRThe power stage of the PWM DC-DC converter is modeledand analyzed using the sampled-data approach.The work addressescontinuous and discontinuous conduction mode under voltage mode control,and continuous conduction mode under current mode control.For each configuration, nonlinear and linearized sampled-data models andcontrol-to-output transfer function are derived.Using this approach, both current mode control and discontinuous conduction modecan be handled systematically in a unified framework,making the modeling for these cases simpler than with the use of averaging.The results of this paper are similar to the results of Tymerski,but they are presented in a simpler manner tailored to facilitate immediate application to specific circuits.
It is shown howsampling the output at certain instants improves the obtained phase response.Frequency responses obtained from the sampled-data model aremore accurate than those obtained from various averaged models. In addition, a new ("lifted")continuous-time switching frequency-dependent model of the power stage isderived from the sampled-data model. Detailed examples illustrate themodeling tools presented here, and also provide a means of comparingresults obtained from the sampled-data approach with those obtainedfrom averaging.
Item Sampled-Data Modeling and Analysis of Closed-Loop PWM DC-DC Converters(1999) Fang, Chung-Chieh; Abed, Eyad H.; Abed, Eyad H.; ISRSampled-data analysis of converters has been a topic of investigationfor the past two decades. However, this powerful tool is not widelyused in control loop design or in closed-loop performance validation.Instead, averaged models are typically used for control loopdesign, while detailed simulations are used for validatingclosed-loop performance. This paper makes several contributions tothe sampled-data modeling and analysis of closed-loop PWM DC-DC converters,with the aim of increasing appreciation and use of the method.General models are presented in a unified and simple manner, while removingsimplifying approximations present in previous work. These models applyboth for current mode control and voltage mode control.The general models are nonlinear. They are used toobtain {it analytical} linearized models, which are in turn employedto obtain local stability results.
Detailed examplesillustrate the modeling and analysis in the paper,and point to situations in which the sampled-data approachgives results superior to alternate methods.For instance, it is shownthat the sampled-data approach will reliablypredict the (local) stability of aconverter for which averaging or simulation predicts instability.