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Item Hierarchical Loss Network Model for Performance Evaluation(2000) Liu, Mingyan D.; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCNIn this paper we present a hierarchical loss network model for estimatingthe end-to-end blocking probabilities for large networks.As networks grow in size, nodes tendto form clusters geographically and hierarchical routing schemes are morecommonly used. Loss network and reduced load models are often used toapproximate end-to-endcall blocking probabilities, and hence, throughput. However so far all workbeing done in this area is for flat networks with flat routing schemes.
We aim at developing a more efficient approximation method for networksthat have a natural hierarchy and/or when some form of hierarchical routingpolicy is used. We present two hierarchical models in detail for fixedhierarchical routing and dynamic hierarchical routing policies,respectively, via the notion of network abstraction, route segmentation, traffic segregationand aggregation. Computation is done separately within each cluster (local)and among clusters (global), and the fixed point is obtained by iterationbetween local and global computations. We also present numerical resultsfor the first case.
Item Handover and Channel Allocation Mechanisms in Mobile Satellite Networks(1999) Koutsopoulos, Iordanis; Tassiulas, Leandros; ISR; CSHCNIn this work we study first handover prediction in non-geostationary mobile satellite networks. The ultimate choice of the transition path depends on UT position and signal strength. We investigate the procedure of beam monitoring and propose UT maximum residence as the criterion for path selection.The UT must operate both in full- and half-duplex mode, the latter being desirable when power limitations are imposed. We propose a scheme that achieves this goal and guarantees efficient diversity provision. Constant delay contours on the earth's surface are defined. The problem of reliable time delay acquisition is addressed, in case synchronization is lost. The SBS solves that either by using the known estimate of UT position or by requesting a measurement report by the UT.
The problem of channel allocation appears in cellular networks of every kind. Calls arising in the cell overlap area have access to channels of more than one base station and may choose which base station they will use to establish connection. In that case the problems of base station and channel assignment arise jointly.
We address the problem in a linear cellular network and aim at the minimumnumber of utilized channels. We present two algorithms: The first one expands Load Balancing in clique populations and is Sequential Clique Load Balancing (SCLB). The second one is named Clique Load Balancing with Inverse Water-Filling (CLB-IWF). In a dynamic environment, we unify SCLB and CLB-IWF into CLB-DA, which comprises Dynamic Allocation. CLB-DA is compared with Least Loaded Routing (LLR) policy and with Random Routing policy. We finally deduce that at light loads CLB-DA outperforms LLR, attaining smaller blocking probability, whereas at heavier loads all three policies converge.
Item Cell Size in Hybrid Wireless Systems(1999) ElBatt, Tamer A.; Ephremides, Anthony; Ephremides, Anthony; ISR; CSHCNIn this paper we study, analytically and via simulation, the impact ofreducing the cell size of a wireless system on the system capacity andhand-off failure rate. First, we focus on a pure cellular system. Wedevelop exact and approximate models for cellular systems in order toemphasize the blocking probability/forced termination probabilitytrade-off. This trade-off motivates the problem of optimizing the systemperformance with respect to the cell size. For hybrid systems, weinvestigate how jointly optimizing the number of cells per spot-beam, andthe bandwidth partitioning could improve the QoS parameters of interest.For both systems, the numerical solution is only feasible for smallnumber of cells. For large systems, a simulation study is presented.Item Frequency Reuse Impact on the Optimum Channel Allocation for a Hybrid Mobile System(1999) ElBatt, Tamer A.; Ephremides, Anthony; Ephremides, Anthony; ISR; CSHCNIn this paper we study the effect of the frequency reuse constraints inboth layers on the optimum channel allocation for a multi-cell/multi-spot-beam hybrid system. We adopt a specific multi-faceted cost function thatincorporates call-dropping due to unsuccessful hand-off attempts, andblocking of new calls. The minimization of the cost function is attemptedby choosing the optimal split of the total number of channels betweenthe cellular and the satellite layers. This complex optimization problemis solved by means of standard clock simulation techniques along with theadaptive partitioned random search global optimization technique and theordinal optimization approach.Item Fixed Point Approximation for Multirate Multihop Loss Networks with Adaptive Routing(1999) Liu, Mingyan D.; Baras, John S.; Baras, John S.; ISR; CSHCNIn this paper, we consider a class of loss networks where multipletraffic classes are present, each has different bandwidth requirement,and each traffic stream is routed according to an adaptive routingscheme.The performance metric of interest is the end-to-end call blockingprobability. Blocking probabilities in a loss network have been studiedquite extensively but very few considered multiple traffic classes andrates together with adaptive/state dependent routing.
We propose a fixed-point method, a.k.a. reduced load approximation,to estimate the end-to-end blocking probability in a multihop, multirateloss network with adaptive routing. Simulation results are provided tocompare with that of approximations. The approximation scheme is shownto be asymptotically correct in a natural limiting regime, and it givesconservative estimates of blocking probabilities under heavy trafficload.