Electrical & Computer Engineering
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Item Speech Segregation and Representation in the Ferret Auditory and Frontal Cortices(2022) Joshi, Neha Hemant; Shamma, Shihab; Electrical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)The problem of separating overlapping streams of sound, and selectively attending to a sound of interest is ubiquitous in humans and animals alike as a means for survival and communication. This problem, known as the cocktail party problem, is the focus of this thesis, where we explore the neural correlates of two-speaker segregation in the auditory and frontal cortex, using the ferret as an animal model. While speech segregation has been studied extensively in humans using various non-invasive imaging as well as some restricted invasive techniques, these do not provide a way to obtain neural data at the single-unit level. In animal models, streaming studies have been limited to simple stimuli like tone streams, or sound in noise. In this thesis, we extend this work to understand how complex auditory stimuli such as human speech is encoded at the single-unit and population level in both the auditory cortex, as well as the frontal cortex of the ferret. In the first part of the thesis, we explore current literature in auditory streaming and design a behavioral task using the ferret as an animal model to perform stream segregation. We train ferrets to selectively listen to one speaker over another, and perform a task to indicate detection of the attended speaker. We show the validity of this behavioral task, and the reliability with which the animal performs this task of two speaker stream segregation. In the second part, we collect neurophysiological data which is post-processed to obtain data from single units in both the auditory cortex (the primary auditory cortex, and the secondary region which includes the dorsal posterior ectosylvian gyrus) as well as the dorsolateral aspect of the frontal cortex of the ferret. We analyse the data and present findings of how the auditory and frontal cortices encode the information required to reliably segregate the speaker of relevance from the mixture of two speakers, and the insights provided into stream segregation mechanisms and the cocktail party solved by animals using neural decoding approaches. We finally demonstrate that stream segregation has already begun at the level of the primary auditory cortex. In agreement with previous attention-modulated neural studies in the auditory cortex, we show that this stream segregation is more pronounced in the secondary cortex, where we see clear enhancement of the attended speaker, and suppression of the unattended speaker. We explore the contribution of various areas within the primary and secondary regions, and how it relates to speaker selectivity of individual neuronal units. We also study the neural encoding of top-down attention modulation in the ferret frontal cortex. Finally, we discuss the conclusions from these results in the broader context of their relevance to the field, and what future directions it may hold for the field.Item Time-locked Cortical Processing of Speech in Complex Environments(2021) Kulasingham, Joshua Pranjeevan; Simon, Jonathan Z; Electrical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Our ability to communicate using speech depends on complex, rapid processing mechanisms in the human brain. These cortical processes make it possible for us to easily understand one another even in noisy environments. Measurements of neural activity have found that cortical responses time-lock to the acoustic and linguistic features of speech. Investigating the neural mechanisms that underlie this ability could lead to a better understanding of human cognition, language comprehension, and hearing and speech impairments. We use Magnetoencephalography (MEG), which non-invasively measures the magnetic fields that arise from neural activity, to further explore these time-locked cortical processes. One method for detecting this activity is the Temporal Response Function (TRF), which models the impulse response of the neural system to continuous stimuli. Prior work has found that TRFs reflect several stages of speech processing in the cortex. Accordingly, we use TRFs to investigate cortical processing of both low-level acoustic and high-level linguistic features of continuous speech. First, we find that cortical responses time-lock at high gamma frequencies (~100 Hz) to the acoustic envelope modulations of the low pitch segments of speech. Older and younger listeners show similar high gamma responses, even though slow envelope TRFs show age-related differences. Next, we utilize frequency domain analysis, TRFs and linear decoders to investigate cortical processing of high-level structures such as sentences and equations. We find that the cortical networks involved in arithmetic processing dissociate from those underlying language processing, although bothinvolve several overlapping areas. These processes are more separable when subjects selectively attend to one speaker over another distracting speaker. Finally, we compare both conventional and novel TRF algorithms in terms of their ability to estimate TRF components, which may provide robust measures for analyzing group and task differences in auditory and speech processing. Overall, this work provides insights into several stages of time-locked cortical processing of speech and highlights the use of TRFs for investigating neural responses to continuous speech in complex environments.Item Analysis of Gamma-Band Auditory Responses in Schizophrenia(2015) Walsh, Benjamin Bryan; Simon, Jonathan Z; Electrical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)Schizophrenia is a debilitating mental illness that affects 1% of the general population. One characteristic symptom is auditory hallucinations, which is experienced by almost all patients sometime in their lifetime. To investigate differences in auditory response in general, 50 schizophrenic patients and 50 age and sex-matched healthy controls were presented with auditory click trains at 40 Hz. Responses are recorded using electroencephalography (EEG). Magnitude and phase of responses at 40 Hz are computed using Gabor filters. Supporting previous literature, a significant difference in inter-trial phase coherence (ITC) and overall power is found between patients and controls, in particular near stimulus onset. Additionally, this study also investigated inter-subject phase coherence (ISC). This study finds that ISC is in fact higher for patients, in particular near stimulus onset. One possible explanation is that while healthy controls develop a preferred phase for perception, schizophrenic patients exhibit phase that is primarily stimulus-driven.