Electrical & Computer Engineering

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    Microwave Nonlinearities in Photodiodes
    (1994) Williams, Keith Jake; Dagenais, Mario; Electrical & Computer Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
    The nonlinearities in p-i-n photodiodes have been measured and numerically modeled. Harmonic distortion, response reduction, and sinusoidal output distortion measurements were made with two singlefrequency offset-phased-locked Nd: YAG lasers, which provided a source dynamic range greater than 130 dB, a 1 MHz to 50 GHz frequency range, and optical powers up to 10 mW. A semi-classical approach was used to solve the carrier transport in a one-dimensional p-i-n photodiode structure. This required the simultaneous solution of three coupled nonlinear differential equations: Poisson's equation and the hole and electron continuity equations. Space-charge electric fields, loading in the external circuit, and absorption in undepleted regions next to the intrinsic region all contributed to the nonlinear behavior described by these equations. Numerical simulations were performed to investigate and isolate the various nonlinear mechanisms. It was found that for intrinsic region electric fields below 50 kV/cm, the nonlinearities were influenced primarily by the space-charge electric-field-induced change in hole and electron velocities. Between 50 and 100kV/cm, the nonlinearities were found to be influenced primarily by changes in electron velocity for frequencies above 5 GHz and by p-region absorption below 1 GHz. Above 100 kV/cm, only p-region absorption could explain the observed nonlinear behavior, where only 8 to 14 nm of undepleted absorbing material next to the intrinsic region was necessary to model the observed second harmonic distortions of -60 dBc at 1 mA. Simulations were performed at high power densities to explain the observed response reductions and time distortions. A radially inward component of electron velocity was discovered, and under certain conditions, was estimated to have the same magnitude as the axial velocity. The model was extended to predict that maximum photodiode currents of 50 mA should be possible before a sharp increase in nonlinear output occurs. For capacitively-limited devices, the space-charge-induced nonlinearities were found to be independent of the intrinsic region length, while external circuit loading was determined to cause higher nonlinearities in shorter devices. Simulations indicate that second harmonic improvements of 40 to 60 dB may be possible if the photodiode can be fabricated without undepleted absorbing regions next to the intrinsic region.
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    Data Acquisition Interface of a VLSI Cochlea Model
    (1993) Edwards, Thomas G.; Shamma, Shihab; Electrical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)
    Computer models of cochlear processing take exceedingly long times to run, even for short data sets. A data acquisition system was developed for a new switched-capacitor VLSI cochlea model chip, in order to rapidly perform cochleaI processing on digitzed speech samples. The system is capable of processing very long speech samples. Processing is in near-real-time, though it, takes about 2 minutes per second of speech to write the large amount of data to a hard drive. Software has also been developed to convert the output data into a form readable by the ESPS digital signal processing package from Entropic Speech, Inc.
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    The crosstalk between EGF, IGF, and Insulin cell signaling pathways - computational and experimental analysis
    (Springer Nature, 2009-09-04) Zielinski, Rafal; Przytycki, Pawel F; Zheng, Jie; Zhang, David; Przytycka, Teresa M; Capala, Jacek
    Cellular response to external stimuli requires propagation of corresponding signals through molecular signaling pathways. However, signaling pathways are not isolated information highways, but rather interact in a number of ways forming sophisticated signaling networks. Since defects in signaling pathways are associated with many serious diseases, understanding of the crosstalk between them is fundamental for designing molecularly targeted therapy. Unfortunately, we still lack technology that would allow high throughput detailed measurement of activity of individual signaling molecules and their interactions. This necessitates developing methods to prioritize selection of the molecules such that measuring their activity would be most informative for understanding the crosstalk. Furthermore, absence of the reaction coefficients necessary for detailed modeling of signal propagation raises the question whether simple parameter-free models could provide useful information about such pathways. We study the combined signaling network of three major pro-survival signaling pathways: E pidermal G rowth F actor R eceptor (EGFR), I nsulin-like G rowth F actor-1 R eceptor (IGF-1R), and I nsulin R eceptor (IR). Our study involves static analysis and dynamic modeling of this network, as well as an experimental verification of the model by measuring the response of selected signaling molecules to differential stimulation of EGF, IGF and insulin receptors. We introduced two novel measures of the importance of a node in the context of such crosstalk. Based on these measures several molecules, namely Erk1/2, Akt1, Jnk, p70S6K, were selected for monitoring in the network simulation and for experimental studies. Our simulation method relies on the Boolean network model combined with stochastic propagation of the signal. Most (although not all) trends suggested by the simulations have been confirmed by experiments. The simple model implemented in this paper provides a valuable first step in modeling signaling networks. However, to obtain a fully predictive model, a more detailed knowledge regarding parameters of individual interactions might be necessary.
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    Networks for Fast and Efficient Unicast and Multicast Communications
    (1992) Lee, Ching-Yi; Oruç, A. Yavuz; Electrical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
    This dissertation presents new results on networks for high-speed unicast and multicast communications which play key roles in communication networks and parallel computer systems. Specifically, (1) we present past parallel algorithms for routing any one-to-one assignment over Beneš network, we propose new multicasting networks that can efficiently realize any one-to-many assignments, and we give an explicit construction of linear-size expanders with very large expansion coefficients. Our parallel routing algorithms for Beneš networks are realized on two different topologies. Using these algorisms, we show that any unicast assignment that involves )(k) pairs of inputs and outputs can be routed through and n-input Beneš network in O(log2 k+lg n) time without pipelining and O(lg k) time with pipelining if the topology is complete, and in O(lg4k+lg2k lg n) time without pipelining and O(lg3 k+lg k lg n) time with pipelining if the topology is extended perfect shuffle. These improve the best-known routing time complexities of parallel algorithms of Lev et al. and Nassimi and Sahni by a factor of O(lg n). Our multicasting networks uses a very simple self-routing scheme which requires no separate computer model for routing. Including the routing cost, it can be constructed with O(n lg2 n) bit-level constant fanin logic gates, O(lg2 n) bit-level depth, and can realize any multicast assignment in O(lg3 n) bit-level time. These complexities match or are better than those of multicasting networks with the same cost that were reported in the literature. In addition to its attractive routing scheme, our multicasting network is input-initiated and can pipeline multicast assignments through itself. With pipelining, the average routing time for O(lg2 n) multicast assignments can be reduced to O(lg n) which is the best among those of the multicasting networks previously reported in the literature. Our linear-size expanders are explicitly constructed by following a traditional design and analysis technique. We construct a family of linear-size with density 33 and expansion coefficient 0.868. This expansion coefficient is the larges among the linear-size expanders that were similarly constructed. Using these expanders, we also report a family of explicitly constructed superconcentrators with density 208.
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    New Methods for the Detection and Interception of Unknown, Frequency-Hopped Waveforms
    (1990) Snelling, William Edward; Geraniotis, Evaggelos; Electrical & Computer Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)
    Three new methods for the detection and interception of frequency-hopped waveforms are presented. The first method extends the optimal, fixed-block detection method based on the likelihood ratio to a sequential one based on the Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT). The second method is structured around a compressive receiver and is highly efficient yet easily implemented. The third method is based on the new concept of Amplitude Distribution Function (ADF) and results in a detector that is an extension of the radiometer. The first method presents a detector structured to make a decision sequentially, that is, as each data element is collected. Initially, a purely sequential test is derived and shown to require fewer data for a decision. A truncated sequential method is also derived and shown to reduce the data needed for a decision while operating under poor signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). A detailed performance analysis is presented along with numerical and Monte Carlo analyses of the detectors. The second method assumes stationary, colored Gaussian interference and presents a detailed model of the compressive receiver. A locally optimal detector is developed via the likelihood ratio theory and yields a reference to which previous ad hoc schemes are compared. A simplified, suboptimal scheme is developed that trades off duty cycle for performance, and a technique for estimating hop frequency is developed. The performance of the optimal and suboptimal detectors is quantified. For the suboptimal scheme, the trade-off with duty cycle is studied. The reliability of the hop frequency estimator is bounded and traded off against duty cycle. In the third method, a precise definition of the ADF is given, from which follows a convolutional relationship between the ADFs of signal and additive noise. A technique is given for deconvolving the ADF, with which signal and noise components can be separated. A detection statistic characterized, yielding a framework on which to synthesize a detector. The detector's performance is analyzed and compared with the radiometer.
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    Bleaching Kinetics of Visual Pigments
    (1977) Resnik, Judith Arlene; Zajac, Felix E. III; Electrical & Computer Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)
    A rapid scanning microspectrophotometer (RMSP) has been developed and utilized to study the photoproducts resulting from the bleaching of rhodopsin in the isolated retina of the frog. The RMSP is capable of measuring absorption spectra at multiple wavelengths within the milliseconds and longer time domain. The unusual characteristic of the instrument is the use of a special cathode ray tube as a measuring light source. Spectral scanning is accomplished electronically, with a sampling interval of 600 microseconds for each waveband. A lock-in amplifier system enables the RMSP to be utilized as either a single or dual beam instrument. The results discussed in this dissertation have shown that hydrogen ion availability is a primary cofactor in determining the relative concentration of the metarhodopsin III photoproduct, with less appearing, in lieu of greater free retinal formation, at low pH levels. Metabolic factors have also been shown to influence the pathways of photoproduct decay. The most significant effect has been observed in nonacidic intracellular environments, with deficiencies in metabolic energy production also favoring the direct formation of free retinal from metarhodopsin II. The half-times of formation and decay of metarhodopsin III have also been observed to vary, depending on the extracellular environment of photoreceptor cells. In general, both halftimes tend to be greater when proportionately more metarhodopsin III 1s formed. The ratio of the two half-times, however, remains relatively constant, except in anoxic conditions, in which the decay half-time is significantly prolonged with respect to the formation half-time. Several problems associated with the control of experimental conditions have been discussed as they relate to photoproduct sequence and kinetics. The elimination of as many metabolic, ionic, and other insufficiently controlled conditions as possible has been pointed out as a necessary requirement for obtaining meaningful quantitative results. In addition, the baseline magnitude of the optical density of the retina, which is, in part, a quantification of light scattering, has been shown to be significantly larger in conditions of low intracellular pH or insufficient substrate supply. The utilization of this parameter as an indirect indicator of the probably sequence of photoproducts has been discussed. In conclusion, this research has provided a greater insight into the mechanisms affecting the later, slow photoproduct processes in isolated retinas. In particular, the interaction of hydrogen ions and metabolic factors influences the pathways of photoproduct decay in isolated retinas, subsequent to metarhodopsin II. The results and methods described here should be useful in establishing a context in which to study the faster mechanisms involved in photochemical and electrical transduction in photoreceptor cells. In addition, these results may become important in understanding the normal and pathological functionings of the eye.
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    Multi-User Security: A Signal Processing and Networking Perspective
    (2002) Trappe, Wade; Liu, K.J. Ray; Electrical & Computer Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)
    The advancements in communication and multimedia technologies have paved the way for a new suite of multi-user applications that will allow users to interact. Although the new communication infrastructure makes it easier to reach the end user, it also makes it easier for adversaries to mount attacks against security measures intended to protect data. Thus, there must be mechanisms in place that guarantee the confidentiality and rights of both the customer and the service provider during the delivery of content across future communication networks. This thesis examines security issues related to communications involving more than two participants or adversaries. We approach the problem of multi-user security by developing security measures at different stages of the content distribution process, ranging from the establishment of initial keying information before transmission, to key management while delivering through networks, and finally to content protection and collusion prevention/tracing after delivery. We address the issue of establishing a group key prior to content delivery by introducing the butterfly scheme and a conference keying scheme that addresses user heterogeneity. These schemes employ the two-party Diffie-Hellman scheme in conjunction with an underlying algorithmic tree called the conference tree. In order to address client heterogeneity, we design the conference tree using source coding techniques to account for the different user cost and budget profiles. We also introduce the PESKY performance measure, which quantifies the likelihood that a conference key can be established in a heterogeneous environment. We then consider the problem of managing keys during content delivery by proposing a multicast key management system that uses a composite message format with member join and departure operations. Compared with the traditional format of the rekeying messages used in tree-based multicast key management, our composite message format reduces the amount of header information, while maintaining the same payload size. Finally, we address the issue of protecting the digital rights of multimedia content after it has left the protected or encrypted domain. Since traditional multimedia fingerprints are susceptible to collusion attacks made by a coalition of adversaries, we develop fingerprints for multimedia that are based upon code modulation and able to identify groups of colluders.
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    Sunspots, and the Solar Influence Upon High Frequency Radio Communications
    (1960) Jacobs, George; Reed, Henry R.; Electrical Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)
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    The Application of the Gyrator Concept to Transistors
    (1956) Breeskin, Sol Daniel; Corcoran, George F.; Electrical & Computer Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)
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    (1965) Gatts, Thomas Fiscus Jr.; Reed, Henry R.; Electrical & Computer Engineering; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)
    The prediction technique developed by the National Bureau of Standards has been used extensively by high-frequency communicators. An adaption of this technique is used to demonstrate the type of results obtained when applied to the Buffalo, N.Y. to Boston, Mass. (B/B) link for January and July 1965. A new prediction technique is presented which will allow the HF communicator to predict system performance between the maximum useable frequency (MUF) and the lowest useable frequency (LUF) and which is flexible enough to allow system parameter changes to be made and the effect on the overall system determined. The new technique is demonstrated by applying it to the B/B link for January and July 1965 and displaying the results in the form of relative gain contours, which show the effect on communication capability of reducing the LUF by increasing system gain and the increase in process gain that may be achieved for the purpose of raising the data rate or decreasing transmission error rate. Some of the many applications of the results of this new technique are presented. The results are used: (1) to facilitate the selection of necessary operating frequencies to provide communication throughout a 24-hour period, (2) to estimate the severity and length of occurrence of multipath, (3) to investigate possible frequency adaption, and (4) to investigate possible power adaption.