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Item A study of the benefits of retrofitting cardiovascular exercise equipment of a gym with human energy harvesting technology(2009-05) Blechman, Adam; Braker, George; Chodnicki, Brad; DuBow, Esther; Pernia, Kelly; Sy, Timothy; Thompson, Matthew; Tucker, Jordan; Kofinas, PeterThis study seeks to identify the benefits of implementing human energy harvesting technology in gym exercise equipment. The central premise is that work put into fitness equipment by gym members can be used to generate electricity for the gym. This supplemental energy source can reduce the gym's overall need for electricity, therefore enhancing the gym as a green gym similar to the way of other alternative energy sources. The study includes an analysis of consumer preferences using detailed survey questionnaires, as well as an investigation of energy efficiency of gym establishments. Moreover, the feasibility of implementing this technology was evaluated from the standpoint of a business plan. By exploring the issue of a green gym from each of these three perspectives, this research shows that retrofitting a gym with energy harvesting technology can successfully enhance the image of the gym while making its operations more profitable.Item Harvesting life's energy: increase in the aerotolerence of the electrogenic anaerobe geobacter sulfurreducens due to over-expression of superoxide dismutase and catalase(2009-05) Axe, Jennifer; Billmyre, R. Blake; Duty, Kevin Heffner; Hitz, Greg; Trager, Lauren; Weatherford, AllisonGeobacter-based microbial fuel cells are becoming increasingly viable as a source of alternative energy. Current research and commercial application have been slowed by the inability of Geobacter species to tolerate the presence of oxygen. Oxidative stress protection enzymes normally play a key role in protecting cells from oxygen damage. This project hypothesizes that the over-expression of two important oxidative stress protection enzymes, catalase and superoxide dismutase, can increase aerotolerance. These genes were amplified from the genome of Geobacter sulfurreducens and cloned into plasmid pRG5 behind the ptaclac promoter. This plasmid was transformed into both E. coli and G. sulfurreducens to examine oxygen tolerance, gene expression, and enzyme activity. Preliminary data show increases in enzyme activity in E. coli and an increase in aerotolerance in G. sulfurreducens for both genes. This seems to be the first example of an increase in an obligate anaerobe's aerotolerance due to the intentional introduction of oxidative stress genes.Item Analysis of the effect of yoga on selective attention and mental concentration in young adults(2009-05) Carlin, Dina; Castle, Shaina; Chisholm, Maia; Facemire, Jon; Fleming, Allison; Goldman, Molly; Lee, Briana; Schultz, Jenna; Wells, Margaret; Schmidt, ChristaDespite an increase in interest pertaining to the benefits of yoga practice, research focusing on the relationship between yoga practice and attention is limited. This study employed a quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test design to measure whether physical activity had an immediate effect on selective attention and mental concentration in young adults, aged 18 to 25. More specifically, this study compared yoga and aerobic exercise classes to assess whether yoga practice improved attention beyond aerobic activity. The yoga and aerobic groups completed two surveys and the d2 Test of Attention at two observation points: immediately prior to and immediately following participation in their respective classes. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) found a statistically significant improvement between pre- and post-test scores on attention for both groups, with a greater improvement for the aerobic group. The findings show that physical activity had an immediate effect on the attention of the sample.Item Crossing the cultural divide: assessing the needs of a local immigrant community(2009-05) Chisholm, Victoria; Chow, Nancy; Fei, Stephanie; Finder, Jennifer; Gan, Sarah; Hosseinipour, Nicole; Kumar, Priya; Wilson, Allison; Moghadam, LindaLocated less than three miles from the University of Maryland – College Park, the Langley Park area is a vibrant immigrant enclave. Language and cultural differences, however, may affect residents’ ability to access community services. A comprehensive needs assessment of the community was conducted to determine service utilization, satisfaction with available services and unmet needs. This assessment included a survey of residents and interviews with community leaders and service providers. The results show that the primary obstacle to adequately meeting residents’ needs is the language barrier. Other findings include a need for more accessible legal services, affordable health care based on preventative efforts and increased security and police presence. It is recommended that service providers focus on improving methods of outreach and offering a greater variety of bilingual services to better serve the area’s population.Item Assessing teen risk behavior and later drug use(2009-05) Limsam, Mark; Semmel, Sarah; Wheaton, FredrickThe mechanisms of drug use and addiction influence drug policy-making and research; understanding these mechanisms is paramount to improving efficiency in drug-related research. The gateway drug hypothesis describes a progression of drug use from licit to illicit drugs. Our objective was to examine the likelihood of the gateway drug hypothesis versus a general risk taking personality that could manifest in drug use. Using data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), we examined age of first marijuana use, first cigarette use, first alcohol use, first sexual intercourse, number of times in a physical fight, and how these variables related to the likelihood a person tried cocaine. Our findings lend support to the theory that people, specifically teens, demonstrate a propensity towards risk-taking rather than drug specific behaviors. A longitudinal study would aid in clarification of the results.Item A navigation and object location device for the blind(2009-05) Caperna, Steve; Cheng, Christopher; Cho, Junghee; Fan, Victoria; Luthra, Avishkar; O'Leary, Brendan; Sheng, Jansen; Sun, Andrew; Stearns, Lee; Tessler, Roni; Wong, Paul; Yeh, Jimmy; Chellappa, Rama; Tang, Cha-MinTeam Vision's goal is to create a navigation system for the blind. To achieve this, we took a multi-pronged approach. First, through surveys, we assessed the needs of the blind community and developed a system around those needs. Then, using recent technology, we combined a global positioning system (GPS), inertial navigation unit (INU), computer vision algorithms, and audio and haptic interfaces into one system. The GPS and INU work together to provide walking directions from building to building when outdoors and the computer vision algorithms identify and locate objects such as signs and landmarks, both indoors and outdoors. The speech-based interface ties the GPS, INU, and computer vision algorithms together into an interactive audio-based navigation device. Finally, the haptic interface provides an alternative intuitive directional guidance system. The resulting system guides users to speci ed buildings and to important objects such as cellular telephones, wallets, or even restroom or exit signs.Item Excluding mammalian predators from diamondback terrapin nesting beaches with an electric fence(2009-05) Bennett, Curtis; Chaudhry, Sona; Clemens, Marjorie; Gilmer, Lacy; Lee, Samantha; Parker, Thomas; Peterson, Emily; Rajkowski, Jessica; Shih, Karen; Subramaniam, Sasika; Wells, Rachel; White, Jessica; Adams, LowellOver the past century, diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) populations in the Chesapeake Bay region of the United States have declined from their historic abundance. One factor contributing to the decline is increased predation on terrapin nests by raccoons (Procyon lotor) and foxes (Vulpes vulpes and Urocyon cinereoargenteus). We studied the use of electric fences to deter these predators from nesting beaches along the lower Patuxent River, Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties, Maryland. Over the two-year study, the predation rate within treatment (fenced) plots was 40% (4 of 10 nests) compared to 69% (20 of 29 nests) in control plots. We believe that electric fences have potential as a conservation technique for reducing mammalian predation on diamondback terrapin nests.Item Improving the use of asset-building financial services by Latino immigrants in Langley Park, Maryland(2009-05) Fonseca, Maíra; George, Jason; Girgis, Maryann; Langer, Miriam; Mont, Alexander; Robinson, Shaun; Sriram, Maitreya; Beard, Brian; Grossman, JeremiahThroughout the country, low-income, Latino immigrant populations are more likely than others to have difficulty accessing financial services that meet their needs. Langley Park, Maryland, a community with a very large population of recent immigrants, is an ideal place to study this problem. We conducted an analysis of preexisting quantitative data and held a series of focus groups with Latino immigrants in Langley Park. We asked participants about their experiences with and knowledge of financial services. We found that mainstream financial institutions were not always meeting the needs of our target population. We concluded that being “banked” is not always preferable to being “unbanked” – rather, the products and services provided, not who the provider is, are most important. We developed a set of guidelines to help financial institutions (both mainstream and fringe), NGOs, and other local organizations develop financial products that meet the needs of our target population.Item Mobilizing Maryland: a look into the voting tendencies of students at the University of Maryland(2009-05) Choi, Sarah; Jhaveri, Alka; Keefe, Kristen; Murali, Supraja; Kiesa, AbbyTeam VOTE-CP, Voice of the Electorate – Collegiate Participation, studied voting behaviors of undergraduate students at the University of Maryland. The team conducted focus groups and campus-wide surveys to gather information about barriers to voting as well as students’ history and motivations for voting. The resulting quantitative data helped determine a mobilization tactic that focused on distributing candidate information and absentee ballots during the 2008 Presidential Election to treatment and control groups. Statistically non-significant data gives no concrete indication of the tactic’s effectiveness; however, the data from the experiment will provide information and recommendations to aid in further research regarding youth voting and to increase voter turnout at the University of Maryland and other universities in the future.Item Specializing pedestrian maps to address the needs of people using wheelchairs: a case study in community-sustainable information systems(2009-05) Cigna, Jacob; Davé, Pratik; Hickey, Caitlin; Holzberger, Jessie; Kuhn, Megan; Kwok, Siwei; O’Haver, Bryan; Ryan, Emily; Slivinski, Laura; Purtilo, JamesThis study examined whether a community-sustainable information system could be competitive with a centrally-maintained system. We focused on a pedestrian navigation system designed specifically to address the needs of people using wheelchairs. To ascertain the need for such a system, we interviewed people who use wheelchairs on campus. After establishing the need for a new interactive map, we designed and commissioned the construction of TerpNav, an online navigation system that allows users to find a route that avoids certain obstacles, a feature specifically for people using wheelchairs. After TerpNav’s release, we conducted surveys to determine user satisfaction. We found user maintainability was important to the system’s responsiveness to change, which also affected user satisfaction. We then incorporated new community-sustainable features into a second TerpNav version. TerpNav’s success demonstrates that community-sustainable information systems may be a viable alternative to centrally-maintained systems that are less easily specialized to serve individual community needs.Item Detection methods for common problems in solar home systems(2009-05) Lomaskin, Mark; Mahony, Rebecca; Mooney, Lindsay; Robinson, Ryan; Teitelbaum, Adam; Chang, PeterSolar power is a valuable source of electricity for users in the developing world, yet many solar home systems are working at marginal capacity or not functioning at all. This study has two purposes: (1) to determine how common problems afflicting these systems affect the voltage output, and (2) to use patterns in voltage as a means of detecting these problems, via diagnostic tools. Team SHINE simulated common problems on experimental systems, collecting voltage data from the batteries and panels. Using these data, we created computer algorithms to detect the problem affecting the system. After testing several detection methods, it was found that the most successful performed at 86.5% accuracy. The algorithms can be used in future research to create a device for detecting these problems, allowing them to be addressed earlier.Item Glutamine supplementation and renal health(2009-05) Ahmad, Daniel; Bansal, Megha; Dillon, Elizabeth; Dorsey, Shauna; Jawed, Aysha; Katz, Perry; Newton, Andy; Palagois, Ashley; Sahu, Anita; Sharkey, Curtis; Sharma, Devang; Tostanoski, Sarah; Rogers, MarcTeam Juiced designed a multi-faceted research project surrounding the potential risk of college students using protein supplements developing kidney disease. Survey research showed that participants taking protein supplements were ingesting double the recommended allowance based on literature values for average American dietary protein intake. Participants predisposed to kidney disease were no less likely to take protein supplements. Kidney cell modeling showed the molecular response to glutamine, an important protein building block. A significant increase in the gene expression of low-density lipoprotein receptor and two sclerotic markers was found in response to glutamine exposure. Gene expression was time- and dose-dependent. Enzymatic degradation and high performance liquid chromatography showed that three popular protein supplements contained more glutamine than stated by the manufacturers.Item An investigation of the stability and diffusivity of flexible lipid vesicles for transdermal insulin delivery(2009-05) Baumgarten, David; Chait, Nicole; Chen, David; Do, Linh-Yen; Johnston, James; Lu, Keran; Quinn, Kevin; Tylka, Benjamin; Vichayakul, Vanessa; Zhou, Yishan; Wang, Nam SunFlexible lipid vesicles have the potential of complementing or even replacing traditional needle injection methods for insulin delivery. Vesicles are made flexible by the incorporation of a chemical surfactant which may also hinder their stability. We studied the changes in the size and apparent flexibility of vesicles with varying surfactant concentrations over time and the effects these changes have on vesicle diffusion. We found that increased surfactant concentrations lead to greater size fluctuations. In addition, we witnessed a significant decrease in the flexibility of vesicles over six weeks, while the diffusivity of surfactant infused liposomes increased over a single week. Our data suggests that while surfactants are necessary in vesicles for transdermal drug delivery, their long-term stability is uncertain. Using our diffusion data, we developed a model to estimate the insulin delivering capacity of a hypothetical insulin patch which has the potential to stabilize vesicles for extended periods of time.Item Identification and assessment of potential wind energy project sites in the State of Maryland(2009-06) Conroy, Erin M.; Green, David A.; Hannam, Phillip M.; Kosmer, Matthew R.; Meiseles, Alexander S.; Roach, Emma K.; Singhania, Sumegha K.; Zhang, Amy D.; Kim, JunghoThe international scientific community has reached consensus that greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced to minimize global climate change impacts on the environment, economy, and public health. In 2007, the University of Maryland's Climate Action Plan Workgroup was tasked with charting the University’s path toward carbon neutrality. To aid in this effort, this report identifies the best sites in Western Maryland for wind development. Geographic information systems data on wind speed, land protections, and transmission infrastructure were used to assign scores for physical, social and environmental characteristics of prospective sites. Attribute scores were entered into a systematic weighting system to determine overall site suitability. A financial analysis was conducted for the highest ranked sites using RETScreen software, which generated projections for payback periods and return on investment. The list of suitable sites produced through this research provides the University with a starting point for exploration of off-site wind power production.Item Prevalence of MRSA and Antimicrobial Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus in Maryland Ground Meat Products(2010) Brown, Twain; Kelman, Alina; Richbourg, William; Dupuy, Nicole; Johnson, Kourtney; Kestler, Edward; Shafer, Daniel; Soong, Yee-Ann; Meng, JianghongThe aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of exposure to antimicrobial-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from food-grade raw ground meat products in Maryland. Samples of ground beef (n = 198), pork (n = 300), and turkey (n = 196), were collected by random sampling from March-August, 2008. All isolates were tested for resistance to methicillin and confirmed S. aureus isolates (n = 200) were tested for susceptibility to 21 additional antimicrobials. Overall, turkey- and pork-derived isolates were more likely to be resistant to commonly used antimicrobials. One isolate from pork was confirmed to be the USA100 strain of MRSA and was resistant to 10 antibiotics. In addition, antibiotic-resistant non-S. aureus isolates were characterized and may represent a source for the transfer of resistance genes to S. aureus. Our findings suggest that meat production practices may impact the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of S. aureus in ground meat.Item Emergency Department Efficiency in an Academic Hospital: A Simulation Study(2010) Johnson, Katie; Kalowitz, Daniel; Kellegrew, Jay; Kubic, Benjamin; Lim, Joseph; Silberholz, John; Simpson, Alex; Sze, Emily; Taneja, Ekta; Tao, Edward; Golden, Bruce L.This study examined the effects of the resident education model on the efficiency of a teaching hospital emergency department. Patient data was collected from the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, MD. This data consisted of both patient information physically collected in the emergency department, as well as historical patient information accessed through the hospital’s electronic databases. Simulation modeling was then used to analyze in a statistically significant manner the effects of the resident education model on patient throughput in the emergency department. We determined that the presence of residents in the ED improves patient throughput for both high-priority and low-priority patients. However, this improvement is higher for lowpriority patients than for high-priority patients, which is a novel result. Future studies will entail determining how replacing residents with other types of personnel, such as nurse practitioners or other types of physicians, affects patient throughput.Item Herbal Dietary Supplements: Safety, Efficacy, and Use by Breast Cancer Survivors(2010) Frechette, Peter; Galanie, Stephanie; Hung, Anna; Kim, Sarah; Merrick, Kelsey; Nataraj, Krupa; Nooralian, Jessica; Patel, Mihir; Stevens, Jessica; Wang, Vivian; Zhou, Albert; Kantor, Mark K.Herbal dietary supplements (HDS) are widely used in complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine, but data on attitudes, behavior, safety, and efficacy are lacking. Using mixed methods, we administered an online survey to >1,000 breast cancer survivors to investigate HDS practices and perceptions and performed in vitro studies assessing the efficacy and toxicity of actein, a bioactive component of the HDS black cohosh (Actaea racemosa). Among cancer survivors, curcumin, flaxseed, and green tea were reported as the most frequently used HDS. Many subjects increased HDS intake after diagnosis and sought web-based information on HDS. In human breast cancer (MCF-7) and liver (HepG2/C3A) cell lines, actein had anti-proliferative and anti-estrogenic effects and did not exhibit hepatotoxicity or affect the action of tamoxifen and raloxifene.Item Affective and Experiential Influences on English Skills of Heritage Spanish Speakers(2010) Bergbauer, Steve; Goyal, Akshay; Gynther, Kassandra; Jandorf, Adam; Karim, Ahsan; Kirsch, Rachel; Peterson, Spenser; Wang, Nancy; Silverman, RebeccaAs the Hispanic population in the United States increases, English language education for Hispanic students becomes a vital issue. Numerous factors can affect an individual's acquisition of a second language. This study analyzed the effects of media exposure to, interaction in, and valorization of English on the English skills of heritage Spanish speaking fifth grade students at an elementary school in Maryland. This mixed-methods study incorporated a unique combination of observation, surveys, interviews, and a language assessment test to understand the problem. The analyses revealed that media exposure, productive interaction, and the students' internal valorization of English produced no significant correlation with English proficiency. However, productive interaction and external valorization from parents resulted in a negative correlation with English proficiency.Item Effects of 17-α-ethynylestradiol on Hybrid Striped Bass Sperm(2010) Douglas, Matthew; Dubik, Bradford; Haq, Sarah; Jiang, Yike; Le, TuQuynh; Lemanski, Natalie; Linkins, Samantha; Murphy, Kaitlyn; McFarland, Genna; Peitzmeier, Sarah; Rahman, Aziz; Salins, Mickey; Theisen, Catherine; Woods, L. CurryOne of the most potent EDCs in the environment is 17-ethynylestradiol (EE2), the hormone in most birth control pills. EE2 is released into the ecosystem through human wastewater, affecting the environment and its inhabitants. Fish both live and reproduce in these affected ecosystems, which may make them particularly susceptible to the effects of EE2. This study investigates the impacts on reproductive efficacy of acute, direct exposure of male hybrid striped bass sperm cells to EE2. In the study, reproductive efficacy is measured by two endpoints: genetic integrity of sperm DNA and sperm cell viability. Genetic integrity and cell viability were assessed by the comet assay and SYBR-14/Propidium Iodide stains, respectively. The results concerning genetic integrity were not statistically significant, but the results of the sperm viability assay suggest that acute direct exposure to EE2 does not cause significant death within a population of sperm.Item Benefits and Effects of Interactive Gaming Exercise as Compared to Traditional Exercise Techniques: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Physical Activity Levels and Mode of Activity in College Students(2010) Cunningham, Colin; Cunningham, Sean; Entsuah, Jojo; Gerstner, Britney; Higgins, Christopher; Hirsh, Matthew; McGowan, Andrew; Schmid, Alexander; Taylor, Justin; Wildsmith, Joseph; Rowh, BrianneThe objective of this research project was to determine the relationship between mode of activity and motivation to exercise. Specifically, the research aimed to discover if interactive video games are effective in motivating sedentary college students to exercise. The introduction discusses the problems of physical inactivity and obesity, the increased use of video games, and a proposed solution using interactive technology. For a ten-week period, sedentary University of Maryland – College Park students joined either the traditional exercise or interactive gaming group, with heart rates and activity levels documented throughout. Together, quantitative heart rate and activity data and qualitative participant feedback, illustrated that it was too difficult to collect significant data supporting a conclusion that one activity was a significantly better means to raise heart rates and motivate students to exercise. However, the data did support the importance of continuing research on potential benefits of interactive gaming for a sedentary population.