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Search Results

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  • Item
    Flowering phenology at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory 1973-2012
    (2013-07-31) Inouye, David
    This spreadsheet contains data on the phenology (timing) and abundance of flowering by wildflowers in 30 2x2m plots at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, from an NSF-funded research project conducted by Dr. David W. Inouye and collaborators. Metadata for this project are also available on DRUM. NOTE ADDED APRIL 2017: There is now a (slightly) corrected version of this dataset, which also includes data through 2016, assembled primarily by Dr. Jane Ogilvie and Dr. Amy Iler, through support from the National Science Foundation's program "Long-term Research in Environmental Biology". It is archived on the Open Science Framework, at The site includes a link to a data use policy document, which we ask users to fill out and submit so we can track use of the data and help to prevent duplication of analyses.
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    Annual census of flowering Frasera speciosa plants near the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Colorado
    (2011-12-21) Inouye, David W.
    Each year from 1979 - 2011 the number of flowering Frasera speciosa (Gentianaceae) plants visible with binoculars along approximately 14 km of County Road 317 (Gothic Road) was counted in approximately 130 meadows or parts of meadows. Plants were also counted in four areas not completely visible from the road, the “Research Meadow” at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (a large meadow just south of Copper Creek), the townsite of Gothic, where RMBL is located, a meadow surrounding the Kyle cabin between the Gothic Road and the East River, and meadows along about 2km of the Kettle Pond Road, a dirt road that parallels the Gothic Road but on the East side of the East River (south to N38° 5268’, W106°58.2380’). The N – S road segment starts a few hundred m south of the border of the Gunnison National Forest, at the North Village valley of Mount Crested Butte (N38° 55.1582’, W106° 57.6223’), on the west side of the road, and continues to the north end of Emerald Lake (N39° 0.6949’, W107°2.5683’), shortly before Schofield Pass at the top of the East River valley. Altitude along the transect ranges from 2,920m to 3,190m, and areas included in the census extend approximately 2,850m below the road to as far as 3,322m above it, and range as far as approximately 600m from the road.
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    Summary of long-term flowering data for Mertensia fusiformis at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
    (2008-06-24) Inouye, David William
    These data come from a long-term study (still in progress as of 2008) of the phenology and abundance of flowering at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory by David Inouye. Individual plots (e.g., Rocky Meadow Plot #7) are 2x2m, and are visited every other day to count all flowers of all species. This file summarizes data from 1973-2007 for 21 plots, including: the first date of flowering, date of the peak number of flowers, date of the peak number of inflorescences, the peak number of flowers counted, the peak number of inflorescences counted, and the length of the flowering period.
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    Summary of long-term flowering data for Delphinium barbeyi at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
    (2008-06-24) Inouye, David William
    These data come from a long-term study (still in progress as of 2008) of the phenology and abundance of flowering at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory by David Inouye. Individual plots (e.g., Wet Meadow Plot #1) are 2x2m, and are visited every other day to count all flowers of all species. This file summarizes data from 1973-2007 for 14 plots, including: the first date of flowering, date of the peak number of flowers, date of the peak number of inflorescences, the peak number of flowers counted, the peak number of inflorescences counted, and the length of the flowering period.
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    Summary of long-term flowering data for Delphinium nuttallianum at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
    (2008-06-24) Inouye, David William
    These data come from a long-term study (still in progress as of 2008) of the phenology and abundance of flowering at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory by David Inouye. Individual plots (e.g., Rocky Meadow Plot #7) are 2x2m, and are visited every other day to count all flowers of all species. This file summarizes data from 1973-2007 for 8 plots, including: the first date of flowering, date of the peak number of flowers, date of the peak number of inflorescences, the peak number of flowers counted, the peak number of inflorescences counted, and the length of the flowering period.
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    Flowering phenology data, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, 2006
    (2008-06-23) Inouye, David William
    These spreadsheets summarize data from a long-term study of the timing and variation of flowering collected by David Inouye (Professor, Department of Biology, UMCP) from permanent 2x2m plots at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. This submission contains a separate spreadsheet for each plot for 2006. Metadata for this project are available at the Web site of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory ( and will also be deposited in DRUM.
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    Flowering phenology data, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, 2005
    (2008-06-19) Inouye, David William
    These spreadsheets summarize data from a long-term study of the timing and variation of flowering collected by David Inouye (Professor, Department of Biology, UMCP) from permanent 2x2m plots at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. This submission contains a separate spreadsheet for each plot for 2005. Metadata for this project are available at the Web site of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory ( and will also be deposited in DRUM.